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Aftermarket Kit


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Hey all,

I know that a lot of kit gets discussed in this forum, and that there are a lot of people who own a whole lot of kit. I was just wondering if we've even allowed to bring our own ballistic armour and our own load bearing kit. I was talking to Martin from Dave's Surplus, and he says that he had HSGI make up some Weesatchs and others in CADPAT for CDN soldiers going over to Astan. It's just that I haven't actually seen any soldiers in ANY pictures wearing anything other than the issued TV. Is there a reason why? Promo shots with only issue kit? Different units and different RSM's?

A sgt at my unit has his own Diamond Back plate carrier with multi-hit plates. Are we allowed to bring those overseas? Thanks!

And I know, I'm just a reserve Pte., but I was just wondering and looked around the forums, but still couldn't find a definite answer. So I guess I'm mostly referring to aftermarket armour, like PSP or CPC, and aftermarket load bearing/plate carriers, like Eagle or Diamond Back.

Thanks again.

God Bless

Tim Chi
Chest rigs most then likely, add on stuff to your mags and rifle (as long as it doesn't interfere with the mechanics).  Armour I not so sure about.  Even the Americans are getting flake for some of the aftermarket armour.  This is operational stuff not the domestic exercises.
Thanks CFL. I know that back up iron sights are ok. I hear that the EOTech's aren't too bad, aside from the fact that they are prone to failure. Thanks anyhow!

God Bless

Tim Chi
tim_chi said:
And I know, I'm just a reserve Pte

Mate, never EVER sell yourself or fellow Reserves short. The term "just" does does not cut it with me. You're a part of the team, irregardless of rank, MOC or component.

tim_chi said:
Thanks CFL. I know that back up iron sights are ok. I hear that the EOTech's aren't too bad, aside from the fact that they are prone to failure. Thanks anyhow!

God Bless

Tim Chi

BUIS are a must as any optic will fail,who ever told you that the EOTech is prone to failure is mistaken,they are an excellent piece of kit when used properly.
tim_chi said:
Thanks CFL. I know that back up iron sights are ok. I hear that the EOTech's aren't too bad, aside from the fact that they are prone to failure. Thanks anyhow!

God Bless

Tim Chi

I've never heard anything bad about EOTechs, everyone I've talked to loves them.

Anyways, the back up iron sights are issued, so you shoulden't have to buy one.
Wesley H. Allen said:
Mate, never EVER sell yourself or fellow Reserves short. The term "just" does does not cut it with me. You're a part of the team, irregardless of rank, MOC or component.


Irregardless isn't a word ;D :warstory:
MikeL said:
Anyways, the back up iron sights are issued, so you shoulden't have to buy one.

Unless you want a quality one...  ;)

I said that i was "just" a reservist because people tend to poo poo reservists on here and tend to bash reservists because "they aren't real soldiers" or w/e.

Thanks for all the input. I guess as an extension on this, does anyone know if we're allowed to "upgrade" our helmets? I find that the issued helmet suspension system really sucks and the Oregon Aero BLU system looks mighty tempting. I'm interested in kit because, i don't intend on quitting the army anytime soon, and I'd love to go overseas as soon as I'm done school. Thanks again.

God Bless

Tim Chi
Chi, if you wanna know if you will be allowed to wear the BLU suspension, talk to your Section Commander or something. Each unit is different. 
  Talk to your Tpt NCO, hes a good man. He can tell you about all the after market kit you want. I know I was on course with him this past summer on the Patrol Commanders course in Gagetown and then taught DP2 in Wainwright with him.

  I know in my unit here we were fairly strict on kit, until we went recce. It differs from base to base and unit to unit.

  Just my 2 cents remember what ever kit you decide to use, a tasking or course you go on may not allow it, so make sure you can convert your issued kit back to CF issue.

  Honestly, if a Sgt wants to purchase ballistic plates his choice. Though I cannot see any practical use during training in the CF the need to use ballistic armour. Use the kit you were issued, see what works and what doesnt. Then decide if you need something better, why waste your money on something that is useless to you other than the LCF (Look Cool Factor). 
Prd_Cdn said:
  Honestly, if a Sgt wants to purchase ballistic plates his choice. Though I cannot see any practical use during training in the CF the need to use ballistic armour. Use the kit you were issued, see what works and what doesnt. Then decide if you need something better, why waste your money on something that is useless to you other than the LCF (Look Cool Factor). 

Probably a strong believer in train as you fight. If he/she is planing to on tour at least he/she won't have to adjust too the weight of the plates during work up.
Train as you fight? right! Then would we not be issued Ballistic Plates to train with?

I agree with being prepared for overseas duty. Though the original post was the Sgt bought them to use during training. If the Sgt was going overseas he would be on work up and NOT conducting regular training with his unit. The time for work up allows for the adjustment with ballistic plates.

:salute: :cdn:
Prd_Cdn said:
  Honestly, if a Sgt wants to purchase ballistic plates his choice. Though I cannot see any practical use during training in the CF the need to use ballistic armour. Use the kit you were issued, see what works and what doesnt. Then decide if you need something better, why waste your money on something that is useless to you other than the LCF (Look Cool Factor). 

Prd_Cdn said:
Train as you fight? right! Then would we not be issued Ballistic Plates to train with?

I know this certain Sgt. personally and attest that he's one of the most professional soldiers I have ever met, regular or reserve.  He is a firm believer in train as you fight, which is why he went and sought out the plate carrier and ballistic plates on his own to make up for a broken acquisition system that doesn't filter equipment down to non-deploying pers. 
He is also into competitive police/tactical shooting matches on the side and uses the ballistic plates for increased range safety. 
It is definitely not for a 'look cool factor' as to why he got them.

It's standard in pretty much all Marine units (including mine) for troops to run their SAPIs at all times to become accustomed to the extra weight and bulk of their body armor setups.  The CFs have supposedly purchased training plates (orange in colour) for use with the ballistic armour, so I wouldn't be suprised that one day, as the new armour filters its way down, for the CFs to adopt an SOP where ballistic armour and plates (training) are worn for all field ex's.
Matt they do have them (I've seen them at QM with my own eyes).  How they are distributed is another matter entirely though.
Is it possible to buy these pseudo plates? I was looking into getting a CIRAS with real plates, but the price is just.. well.. for a res private it's insane. I'd like to be able to train with all my gear on. I go for runs with stuff crammed into my tacvest and I was looking for something to simulate plates. Any help would be great. Thanks!

God Bless

Tim Chi

I've heard that there are 'simulated' plates available through some airsoft companies which are essentially hollow plastic moulds of the US SAPI plate, which then can be filled with sand or concrete to simulate the weight.  Unfortunately I don't have any leads for where you can get them, but I suspect if you browse through some airsoft online forums or retailers, you'll find them.
FWIW the CF only got enough PBA system to equipt the regs.

I beleive that the reserves will get cast of PASGT vests and a PSP plate carrier (no MOLLE system) for training.

The CF requires pers doing live ifre kill house shoots to wear plates.

Tim - if I'd read this two weeks ago I would have sent you a set of LIV Stand Alone plates for free - I ended up donating them as front plates for an over vest to two Ottawa cops I know

Now I just need to get Matt to design me the plate carrier (front only) for them (yeah more work for you and the others Matt  ;))


Hobey and I are all about work...keep it coming.  ;D

We're putting the final touches on a modular plate carrier design as we speak for a SWAT LEO down in Colorado.  Once we get it perfected, we'll be doing a CADPAT version in both temperate and arid patterns.