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Afghan Roto in Aug 06

Talk to your CC about it...He/She should be able to give you a better answer then what you'll get here.
Steve, A Sqn already got a clerk so that position is filled.

George, people have been nominated but no definite answer was given before christmas leave as the stand up is not until end of feb.
Steve said:
And the odds for a newly trained Private to go on this tour are .. what?

I'm the new RMS for the RCD ROR. I've been told I do not have a good chance to go as I'm not in a Squadron yet, yet there are sometimes exceptions and thus remains a slight glimmer of hope.

Should I continue to look through my telescope at this glimmer of hope or should I just stop bothering for the time being?


I was the CC for 3 VP on Op APOLLO.  There are many, many, MANY factors your CC has to take into account -

  - is he responsible to man the RMS support for Rear Party, or will the supporting Base/Formation provide that?
  - what positions does he have to man on the TO&E?
  - which of his personnel meet the qualifactions required on the TO&E?
  - will he be told to give up positions on the TO&E so the CO can bring more bayonets?
  - does he have people with the experience required to "double hat" responsibilities?  (See point above)

All in all, only your CC can answer your question, so take Armymedic's advice and ask him/her.
Yea know who got the position in A Sqn, can't help but feel envious but whatever they deserve it far more than I.

Medic, Harding, thanks for the advice.
Steve said:
Yea know who got the position in A Sqn, can't help but feel envious but whatever they deserve it far more than I.

Kneecap him/her playing hockey  ;)

Thanks, Mark. That was much needed.

Let's not even start to compare tours buds....last time I heard no one from your sqn was engaged by RPG fire or hit with IEDs. Was the camp rocketed...nope.

Can the sarcasm, suck it up and move on.

Wow! Where to start with this one..................

Well, first of all, I was in no sence being sarcastic or a smart ass.  I'm not saying that guys on Roto 4 had an easy time because they were only in theatre for 4 1/2 months.  Go back and read my post and I was answering a Q about being allowed to wear multiple medals for the same operation.  (Essentially, it was the same answer YOU gave me when I asked it last September on this site and was quite satisfied with your explanation)  So, needless to say, you get all offeneded because I answered the same question I had several months ago to another individual and take it as an attack on the Roto 4 guys.  I apologize if my tone was interpreted as such, that was not the intent - my ONLY intent was to pass on information to another individual. 

The "even though Roto 4 guys got 2 for only being in Afghanistan 4 1/2 months" was not a slight, but an emphasis on the fact that they switched theatres and operations.  Again - my apologies

Now, I have to respond to your post.  Don't misinterpret this, I'm NOT trying to compare tours and say mine was tougher or more dangerous than yours, but I take a great offence to your comments.  YES, My Squadron DID have an IED strike.  Call Sign 27B was completely destroyed and it's crew sustained injury, the fact that the HumVee was uparmoured saved that crews as**es.  Just because they weren't RCD, they STILL were under the Squadrons control, doing the job for KMNB.  Not to mention the several other IED and mine related incidents that accured throughout Kabul and to the KMNB personnel.  There was an incident that also occured to a Patrol of RCD but I'm not going into that here.  A German soldier was killed on my tour.  No tour is the same, and again, I'm NOT saying my tour was more dangerous than yours, but don't try telling me that Roto 3 was all pie and the sky and then all of a sudden Roto 4 was frought with so much danger.  No, Roto 3 was not some horribly dangerous tour with incidents occuring steadily, yes, it was an uneventful tour for the most part in the sense of minestrikes, IED's and rocket attacks, but s*** still occured.
The tours are not the same at all...at least we can agree on that. Some stayed for 4 months (in actuality 5) the rest, like me are in for a possible very long haul...8 or more. Only approx 190 troops have gone home, there are well over 500 still here.

Seemed as though you were insinuating something else....that the tour was completely done at 4.5 months.

I suggest you figure out a better posting style....to alleviate the possibility of any further mis-understandings.  ;)

Will try that Franko - as I said, I wasn't trying to insinuate anything insulting - merely that even though many were only overseas for 4.5 months, they can still wear both medals if they qualify.  As stated, you clearly answered my similar question many months ago and all I was trying to do was pass that info to another with the same query.

Hope the last weeks go quickly for you.
More like months.....    ::)

Can't wait to finish and get back to a "normal" garrison life.

OMG, its a fricken ribbon - who cares.

    reccecrewman dig the sand out of your vagina - you have consistantly whinned about this issue. Suck it up.
Bobbyoreo said:
Best luck to all on the next mission!!! Wish I could go....

Thank you very much from Valcartier and I'll pass your msg to the guy's leaving at the end of the month !!!!
KevinB said:
OMG, its a fricken ribbon - who cares.

    reccecrewman dig the sand out of your vagina - you have consistantly whinned about this issue. Suck it up.

Amen to that,of course a few others could do with a bit less whining and bitching like they are the only ones who have ever done a tour somewhere hostile....ahem Franko ::)
KevinB, Took your advice, sand has been cleaned out  ;)  I'll go off in the corner and eat some crow pie now.  Point well taken and will comply.  ;D
I'm looking for a place to rent off base, is housing relatively cheap there? 
Would someone be able to rent a PMQ for 6 months?  6 months of life in the shacks being kept up all night is enough to make someone try and swallow a Frisbee.
If you're referring to Pet, rent isn't too bad out on the economy (Depends on whether you have dependants back home who need your salary to live on)  You can check the local newspapaers (Petawawa Post or Pembroke News) to see if anybody has a furnished apartment for rent (Assuming thats what you want - you're only here 6 mos.)  Depending on how nice it is expect between $300-$450 for a single.  As far as the PMQ thing goes, can't answer that, but a PMQ poses the whole furniture and appliance problem, they're not furnished......
Ghost778 said:
I'm looking for a place to rent off base, is housing relatively cheap there? 

The way this thread has been bouncing around, I thought you were asking about in-theatre. Which, of course, begs the questions.....cave or tent?  With or without camels?

...and for those nursing some degree of gong-heartache...maybe you can still get a Golden Jubilee, or a 125 Anniversary ribbon.  ;D

Duey said:
Hmmmm...can't answer that one.  The "retroactive" thing does sound questionable to me

Hey, the First Special Service Force veterans just got their Second World War Combat Infantryman Badges in August 2005.

See "USASOC awards CIBs to WWII vets" at  http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/read.php?story_id_key=7736