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Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter rceme_rat
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Geo maybe AI should get off their high "holier than thou" horse and press the government of Mexico...oopps...sorry, musn't offend the Mexican government must we?
As far as I'm concerned, AI is at the very least playing "useful fools" (Stalin said that) to the Taliban, Al Qaeda and various other terroritst organizations while truly innocent people rot in Third World prisons. Yet AI has the TEMERITY only to sue or go after democractic nations.
Worst part of the story is that, while you are a guest of the Mexican state, they do not provide with room and board... just room.  Food has to be paid for by the Family...
A perverse part of Mexican justice is that if the family demonstrates too much money (family members regularly flying down to Mexico to visit the boys IS a demonstration of wealth)... the family is shaked down for more payola...
Had a chat with the girls on Burrad street, fundraising for AI. Seems they belong to a company that is hired by AI to get donations, this type of fundrising is frowned upon as most groups realize there is a finate amount of donation dollars out there and monies used in Admin costs achieve no benefit and take from all. AI has become a donation whore.
How does AI get funded? By who? Other than the people on the street asking for donations.

I bet it would be interesting to see who really provides AI's funding...
This one slipped through on a slow news day.  Shared in accordance with the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.
Ottawa tries to halt military police commission probe of Afghan prisoners

Ottawa tries to halt military police commission probe of Afghan prisoners

By Murray Brewster, THE CANADIAN PRESS
OTTAWA - Federal lawyers are attempting to shut down an investigation by the military police complaints commission into the handling of Taliban prisoners captured by Canadian troops in Afghanistan.

Government counsel have asked the Federal Court for a judicial review, claiming the independent commission doesn't have the jurisdiction to "either investigate or hold a hearing into the complaint " filed by Amnesty International Canada and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association.

The two organizations filed a complaint last year with the commission about the military police practice of transferring prisoners to Afghan authorities.

The government's application to halt the police commission's investigation was quietly filed Friday in Federal Court.

More on link.

Many of the arguments now being presented were discussed in this thread back at the start of this fiasco...
This, along with the gaffe from Bernier, isnt making for a very good week for Harper and the Afghan File.
sgf said:
This, along with the gaffe from Bernier, isnt making for a very good week for Harper and the Afghan File.

Uhhmmm hello troll,

Did you miss this bit:

The two organizations filed a complaint last year with the commission about the military police practice of transferring prisoners to Afghan authorities.

What's to investigate -- transferring prisoners to the authorities of a sovereign nation is LEGAL, and IAW the Geneva Conventions, and THE international standard.

Those soldiers doing such -- committed NO crime ... ergo there's NO crime to investigate reagrding their transferring those prisoners.

Get off your trollish path. It's becoming rather bland and weary ...
sgf - Your funny, I almost like you,... in a 3 stooges kinda way
Teflon said:
sgf - Your funny, I almost like you,... in a 3 stooges kinda way

I never quite got the logic of adults  making fun of people and name calling. You do lose a bit of your credibility when that happens.
sgf - This is the land of free speech, I'm sure you would agree.

If you don't want to be called names, don't post garbage that no one takes seriously. You've been warned by the mods....

That's all I have to say.
It seems to be the land of free speech, anywhere but here. I dont see any garbage being posted in this thread. Both those issues are very much in the forefront this week. Personal attacks are not tolerated on this site, does that mean that name calling is not a personal attack?
sgf said:
It seems to be the land of free speech, anywhere but here. I dont see any garbage being posted in this thread. Both those issues are very much in the forefront this week. Personal attacks are not tolerated on this site, does that mean that name calling is not a personal attack?

Could you point out the exact incident and the exact name some individual was called?  I remember someone saying you were "funny".  Is that name calling?

After stating that, I see we will have to put this train back on track, as you have just derailed it.
OK sgf, I'll bite. 

Make some kind of meaningful comment on how, exactly, this is isn't making a very good week for Harper and the Afghan file, other than the usual complaints from the usual suspects and I'll be more than happy to debate you on them.  I'd suggest you read this entire thread from the start prior to posting as none of these issues the MPCC jurisdiction is being challenged on are rocket science...I pointed them out over a year ago. 

The reasons I said Harper is not having a great week are because of the following

Maxime Bernier's mispeak in regards to the removal of Khalid as governor of Kandahars province

The lastest development in the Afghan Detainee issue

and The raid on Tory HQs by the RCMP

How can any one of those be a good thing for a party, let alone all three in the same week.

Don't bother, she's gone.

Have you read the Mandate of the MPCC on its own website?
Have you read Part IV of the NDA?
Have you read the Complaints About the Conduct of Members of the Military Police Regulations?
Have you read my posts to this thread?

How, exactly, in your opinion, is the court challange on the MPCC's jurisdiction to investigate the handling of detainees in Afghanistan contributing to a not so great week for the Government in light of the foregoing material?

Edit:  Ahh well...
I wanted to tell sgf off so I did....and got a reply that said I was insecure. I went to reply back, but the inbox was full.....I was too late....
I know it's been a bit, but here's some new developments - MERX listing for some "help needed" below.....

Defiant military watchdog widens detainee hearings
Canadian Press, 30 Sept 08
Article link - Order of Military Police Complaints Commission (.pdf)

A defiant military police watchdog agency has decided, despite government objections, to widen public hearings into the way Canadian soldiers handled detainees in Afghanistan.  The Military Police Complaints Commission will expand its hearings into allegations by Amnesty International and the British Columbia Civil Liberties Union that the Canadians handed detainees over to torture by Afghan authorities.  In the complaint filed in 2007, it was alleged that military police handed over prisoners on at least 18 occasions even though there was evidence of torture in Afghan jails.  The commission now will widen the time frame of its investigation by a year. It will also go beyond the issue of whether the transfers of detainees were appropriate, looking as well at whether senior officers failed to investigate allegations of torture by Afghan authorities ....

MERX posting - .pdf attached if link doesn't work
....Phase II concerning a Public Interest Investigation

- Assisting investigator of a sensitive public interest investigation.
- Meet with Chair, lawyers and other members of the team on a regular basis to discuss progress of the investigation.
- Submits regular written updates on the progress of the investigation.
- Review of voluminous documentation, policy and legal documents related to the file.
- Prepare for and conduct witness interviews.
- Extensive travel across Canada with possibility of travel abroad.
- Submit an investigation report.
- Assist in the preparation of the Interim and Final Report as required....

More on links
Very poor timing on this, unless there are people intent on injecting the issue into the election campaign....