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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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The info I have is that it isn't a question of 'if there are enough people to run a QL3'.  I believe there are a number of QL3 qual'd folks waiting for the 5s course and the school is going to try to get those thru first before creating a bigger backlog.  :2c:

Most of the guys I knew worked at CFSSAT helping with the BSERE etc and really seemed to enjoy it.  Good to hear you got up for a flight, that's what the trade is really about vice SOR stuff.

Either way, make the best of it, perform when you are expected to and don't get in shyte while you are waiting course!
This doesn't sound good for new positions being posted in the new year. I will not be happy. Also the ratio (for some reason) of DE/OT was something like 12/2 last year.
Not sure what the current TES/PML #s look like.  Or what the SIP intake looks like either.  Like I said, I heard there is a bit of a backlog in Winnipeg right now, however people are still being promoted, releasing etc so the trade is always recruiting new operators.  But there isn't necessarily a direct link to the SIP intake for DE/CT/OT and what is happening at the QL3 level.
I've got a pretty accurate link on the DWAN. Unfortunately it's only updated when everything re-ups in the new fiscal year. It did last year and was accurate to the info I was given from my broker. It's just the continuation of last years waiting game.
Yes, IIRC, last years SIP was 1 x CT (T) and 0 x CT (UT).  However, I know a guy who was a CT (UT).  Numbers change sometimes and the SIP might not be 100%.

The link I had showed 2 CT (UT) which is what there were. I forget how many DE it said there was, as I wasn't too concerned with that number, haha. It was last updated around mid/end of March last year.
Not sure why the difference in the DE vice CT intake amount, but someone who is paid to decide those things musta decided to go that way.  I have an idea of why and is has more to do with downranking positions in the trade but...that's just a WAG.
I get that someone who gets payed the big bucks for those decisions must have made it for a reason. But in this time of "fiscal responsibility" it seems somewhat counter intuitive to have to pay to train people off the street that potentially won't make it through basic, let alone the wait for courses afterwards, vice people who already exist in the system and have a working knowledge of the CAF. It may be that if required though they'd even bump a DE position to make room for more CT's if the number of applicants called for it. I don't know. But again, I don't get paid the big bucks for such decisions. So, I sit here, waiting and hoping there's at least 1 CT untrained position available for me to fight for come the new FY.
Are you talking about me eyeinthesky? I was a CT which from what I was told is pretty much the same thing as an DE. Untill they opened up the trade to DE, Reservists were not looked at ( that was what D MIL C said) But look at me now  :subbies:  I bugged the living crap out of D MIL C and was in the same boat as you TUNETOG and they told me my math wasn't Grade 10 Ac.  although I had taken Electrical in Grade 11 and 12 Which has Academic math. They eventually accepted it. Keep your chin up and try to contact D MIL C to check on the status of your file if they have it.  Good luck to you.
Oh, and one other thing. Did AESOp lounge website shut down???
Yeah, if you're untrained CT, as far as the trade goes you're esentially the same as a DE. However, I'm more looking at the cost logistics of a new recruit vice a serving member, and military experience. Logic would dictate that it's quicker to fill positions with serving pers. Again though this goes back to the point eyeinthesky makes about the people making the decisions must have a reason for the way it's done. It does seem silly though that I'd have a better chance of getting in the trade by getting out and having a break in service instead of a CT/OT into the trade.

eyeinthesky, the site I got my info off of was DGMP site. Not sure if that's te same thing you're looking at, but it has accurate numbers.
peterpan said:
Are you talking about me eyeinthesky?

Nope, was thinking of N.C. who just got back to the Sqn from the 3s not long ago.  He just CTd this past summer.

the site I got my info off of was DGMP site. Not sure if that's te same thing you're looking at, but it has accurate numbers.

I have a link to the Basic Production Documents site that has the SIP and OUTCAP matrix, etc.  Not sure which org it *belongs* to but that (DGMP) would seem about right.
peterpan said:
Are you talking about me eyeinthesky? I was a CT which from what I was told is pretty much the same thing as an DE. Untill they opened up the trade to DE, Reservists were not looked at ( that was what D MIL C said) But look at me now  :subbies:  I bugged the living crap out of D MIL C and was in the same boat as you TUNETOG and they told me my math wasn't Grade 10 Ac.  although I had taken Electrical in Grade 11 and 12 Which has Academic math. They eventually accepted it. Keep your chin up and try to contact D MIL C to check on the status of your file if they have it.  Good luck to you.

It was quicker, easier and cheaper for me to just do the math again. Which I did....so now just waiting for the new numbers to come out. Doesn't sounds good though if they're waiting to push more people through first. It becomes a question of not just, how long SHOULD I wait, but how long CAN I wait.
Don't jump the gun and link "this years intake is limited" because there is a backlog in Winnipeg/there is word there is a backlog in Wpg.  We still need new blood every FY...keep your stick on the ice, the new FY isn't that far off.
Eye In The Sky said:
Don't jump the gun and link "this years intake is limited" because there is a backlog in Winnipeg/there is word there is a backlog in Wpg.  We still need new blood every FY...keep your stick on the ice, the new FY isn't that far off.

I remain hopeful Eye....don't get me wrong....stick hasn't left the ice since this started  ;)
But I am trying to prepare for disappointment so if it's what happens I'm somewhat ready. If that's not what happens and there's spots.....I'll be extremely happy!

Let's say, I'm cautiously optimistic.
I appreciate the positive words though.  :salute:

So, finally did my interview a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm truly done, and just waiting for a message. Here's hoping it comes this year. From what I've been able to dig up, no BAQC course until the fall. So, until the end of summer it'll be status quo I guess. Any other new stories/news that people have? Been real quiet around here.

Anyone see the Discovery channel "Mighty Planes" episode with the CP-140? Was a good watch, as an outsider. Any thoughts from those in the trade. I found it interesting they used an aircraft with the older configuration. I figured that was more of a security/capability issue, not wanting to show what's all onboard with the new config.

Anyhow........just trying to get some chatter going.