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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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speed's good....reset flaps and trim........flaps and trim are reset...engineer set 3500 shp.......
  "what's that...?  they didn't give us any peanut butter..?  divert to rinse rack, shut down 1 and 2 and deploy ops 5 for hot resupply...  this is pathfinder 20...... out."
Sub_Guy said:
All is complete on the process and now I just sit and wait, with glenn.............. waiting sucks.............

Only another three and a half months to wait Sub_Guy before offers start going out . . .  ???

Well the NFL season just started so that will make time seem to go faster, not to mention me being a shift worker, time will fly.....
I only have to endure 2 day shifts every 8 days...... Midnights are good, day shifts suck..............

Still way too much time to sit here and wonder how I did on my interview

I wouldn't sweat too much over the PSO interviews. My understanding is they aren't deal breakers for the OT intake boards.

Good luck to you all.
niceasdrhuxtable said:
I wouldn't sweat too much over the PSO interviews. My understanding is they aren't deal breakers for the OT intake boards.

"Understanding"??  Is this from your own personal experience as a PSO or a member of the boards?  Or just something that you have "heard"??  And if it is from experience, I strongly suggest you fill out your profile so that your statements might be appreciated and accepted more.
Wow, let's all calm down. This is from conversations with an AESOp MWO who has sat on the OT intake board several times. Anyway, at the end of the day, conjecture is conjecture.
Wish they had a better system (maybe they do now) than the PSO interviews.  One of the guys of my former trade (nciop) had an interview with the same PSO that I did and walked out with a very good recomendation from the PSO.  The sad thing was that he knew nothing of the AESop trade. Wan't that good of an NCIOP either, lol.  He didnt get selected mind you, but I was rather dismayed how little he knew about anything, but stil got a very good recomendation. I was on the First BAC in Winterpeg, now a dumb civy in the USA.  Sure miss the job.  Best job going hands down. Cheers Scott
True, but the PSO interview isn't the only thing that is contributes to the score.  There are many factors involved, the interview is a small part of the score.  Self assessment, Supervisors Assessment, CO's recommendation, CFAT scores, educational background, and the interview are all combined to give you a score out of 90.  So if you are a bag of hammers it should be reflected somewhere along the way....

Sub_Guy said:
True, but the PSO interview isn't the only thing that is contributes to the score.  There are many factors involved, the interview is a small part of the score.  Self assessment, Supervisors Assessment, CO's recommendation, CFAT scores, educational background, and the interview are all combined to give you a score out of 90.  So if you are a bag of hammers it should be reflected somewhere along the way....

I'm not OTing to ASEOP but I'll drop my view on the OT in general.I'm OTing to Int op under COTP and was totally surprised that although all my courses I have done in the army I've topped or came close to it didn't really matter as much as what I did when I was 17 years old on math.I personally don't think it holds any merit to judge a person on his past education if he has performed well in the military.They BPSO told me it was used to see my ability to learn!7 years ago! I think it was 4 points out of a possible 20 I got for an overall 70 something average(young and dumb).My interview and supervisors recommendations were outstanding along with my pers file,but I'm wondering if I may now have to go do high school upgrades just to be a little more competitive.
Well the deadline for applications to be in Borden was Oct 6th.  Any other applicants out there in the waiting stage with me and Sub_Guy???

So can anyone out there tell me if there are still AESop positions in Germany?  I could have swore I located those billets on the CM webpage.  If so, what kind of jobs do they do over there?  Would this job be hard to get? (I think they are sgt positions, so naturally getting promoted is the first challenge)..

I did notice a WO position in Yellowknife (oddly enough he shares the same last name as myself), again another position that has my attention as living up there has always been something I wanted to do......(yeah I am retarded).
Sub_Guy said:
So can anyone out there tell me if there are still AESop positions in Germany?  I could have swore I located those billets on the CM webpage.  If so, what kind of jobs do they do over there?  Would this job be hard to get? (I think they are sgt positions, so naturally getting promoted is the first challenge)..

I did notice a WO position in Yellowknife (oddly enough he shares the same last name as myself), again another position that has my attention as living up there has always been something I wanted to do......(yeah I am retarded).

We have 2 positions for Sgts......they are ground jobs as programer/analyst for the E-3 weapon system.  Those jobs are hard to get as extensive computer experience is a requirement.  We just saw the job terms of reference and the 2 individulas in those positions right now are tough to replace.  Even once posted there, the training is said to be 12 months long.  Those are very specialized positions.
Perhaps my I.T. training/maintaining/troubleshooting acquired as a 00299 will help.......  anyway I see the "lounge" has been hacked, by the Saudi Coder...

I have gained another check in the box by being rewarded with my Air Factor...  I continue to wait, and wait some more for an offer, I haven't heard much from potential applicants, just the admiral once and a while, he keeps me informed!
Sub_Guy said:
Perhaps my I.T. training/maintaining/troubleshooting acquired as a 00299 will help.......  anyway I see the "lounge" has been hacked, by the Saudi Coder...

I have gained another check in the box by being rewarded with my Air Factor...   I continue to wait, and wait some more for an offer, I haven't heard much from potential applicants, just the admiral once and a while, he keeps me informed!

I havent forgotten about you sub_guy, i just have been deployed.....alot lately.
Too bad about the lounge!!  :'(

Time is ticking. . .  Offers will come out eventually!
;DJust wanted to put my 2 cents in.
I am currently waiting to go on my BAC in Apr 07, I will be doing my BSERE,BEW, SEA SURV & AMT before I go to the Peg.
I spent way too much time in the Sr. service for my liking, (10 yrs subs (O boats) and 5 yrs CPF's).
Looking forward to as my WO calls it "Best job in the Navy, worst job in the Air Force"

To all Army guys, how did you hear about AESop? The reason I ask is in the Navy we see them all the time and get to see them doing their jobs, whereas Army guys don't.

can someone clarify something for me?  just wondering what the sec cl is for the trade.  all of a sudden hearing some conflicting info as i go through the process of my ot...
trigger324 said:
can someone clarify something for me?  just wondering what the sec cl is for the trade.  all of a sudden hearing some conflicting info as i go through the process of my ot...

Level III, Top Secret