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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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I’ll be looking for a lead for this or next APS - any Sgts want a west coast posting?
Eagle Eye View said:
33 new positions will be added to the SAR Sqns.

The house of cards is going to collapse.  We all know the AES Op trade is trying to tread water with bricks tied to their feet.

Now this?

Don’t get me wrong, an AES Op most certainly should be on that SAR bird.  However it is going to be close to a decade before the AES Op trade is healthy in any community.  Perhaps they should rethink the outcan positions and take care of things at home first.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
The house of cards is going to collapse.  We all know the AES Op trade is trying to tread water with bricks tied to their feet.

Now this?

Don’t get me wrong, an AES Op most certainly should be on that SAR bird.  However it is going to be close to a decade before the AES Op trade is healthy in any community.  Perhaps they should rethink the outcan positions and take care of things at home first.

Revisiting OUTCAN would just be a start.  Can we spare NCOs and WOs right now to CFLRS?  CFEWC?  Leitrim?  Etc?  IF we can't put qualified operators on every crew the RCAF requires a sensor op...why do we have all these other billets manned and not flying ones? 

Years ago...I called this;  I said there would be AES ops manning sensors on the FWSAR at the end of the day.  Where these 33 people will come from...I have no idea.  MH needs bodies to stay alive, LRP needs bodies to stay alive...the people who are the tape holding it together at the Sqns now and the last few years are pretty effin tired of 'being the tape'. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Where these 33 people will come from...I have no idea.

Probably from the same place as the additional Pilots and Techs for the additional new-to-us Australian F18s.
I just recently got added to the competition list for AES Op , reading this I am excited to hear of the changes and new opportunities available, hoping this will increase the number of people hired this upcoming fiscal year :)
Defiantly understand , i miss typed ( hoping they will hire more people this year into the trade )
I think they'll only "hire" as many as they can train.  Good luck in your application...we need people who want to fly so if you get in...hopefully you understand the Airborne part of our trade name means flying!  ;)
Thanks Eye In The Sky :) I am EXTREMELY excited about the opportunity, being Airborne and the trade in general . This forum had been a great help with educating me on what to expect (name is just a play on a family name ;))
Don't get my wrong, I'd hire everyone who qualified and put them thru Winnipeg if it was up to me...the thing is, I know Winnipeg can only put thru a fixed amount of students per course and courses per year right now and we need that pipeline to produce more AES Op - Jnr's...that means cutting more NCOs from the line sqn's and they are hurting for flyers too...

Not a problem for aspiring AES Ops to worry about...but one you might have to deal with 4-5 years into your flying career as a young energetic Master Corporal...
Eye In The Sky said:
I thought the first Snr NCO was in Comox already?

He's at the schoolhouse - I'll be looking for a Sgt (not a WO) to be AESOP lead for the operational SAR sqn out here.

When it comes to staffing these positions - it's easy, SAR Sqns are Priority A IAW direction from HHQ, therefore MH and LRP just do without.  :-)

Eye In The Sky said:
Revisiting OUTCAN would just be a start.  Can we spare NCOs and WOs right now to CFLRS?  CFEWC?  Leitrim?  Etc?  IF we can't put qualified operators on every crew the RCAF requires a sensor op...why do we have all these other billets manned and not flying ones? 

Years ago...I called this;  I said there would be AES ops manning sensors on the FWSAR at the end of the day.  Where these 33 people will come from...I have no idea.  MH needs bodies to stay alive, LRP needs bodies to stay alive...the people who are the tape holding it together at the Sqns now and the last few years are pretty effin tired of 'being the tape'.

Plot twist.  The Government of Canada announces the retirement of the Aurora fleet in the next budget. 
Ditch said:
He's at the schoolhouse - I'll be looking for a Sgt (not a WO) to be AESOP lead for the operational SAR sqn out here.

When it comes to staffing these positions - it's easy, SAR Sqns are Priority A IAW direction from HHQ, therefore MH and LRP just do without.  :-)

I suspect that is exactly what will happen.  I know APS 19 Posting Plot v1 happened not long ago and I heard there are 'some changes to it'...but I've been away for a while so I don't know what those changes are.  Hoping to find out, I'm back in Sqn spaces this week.

You're SAR Lead AES Op, if I had to guess, will cross the ramp from where he/she works now to your location.  ;D
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Plot twist.  The Government of Canada announces the retirement of the Aurora fleet in the next budget.

I'm conflicted as to whether I'd be happy or sad if that happened.  :dunno: