hi guys
ive been infantry almost 6 years and in the last year, all i can think about is how bad i want to remuster and ot to AES op.
ive read all about the trade, everything about it sounds great! i have spoken to the bpso some time in the summer and he
told me that unfortunately at this time i could not ot to this trade until the canforgen comes out in the spring. was pretty
bummed about that because at that point there was 9 months until i could begin the process. its a little closer now 5 more
months to go but after reading up a bit of this thread, it sounds as if the process takes an excruciatingly long time.. and an
even longer wait just for a call back after all your medicals and other tests just to let you know yey or ne.
is coming from civvy streets what makes the process so long? if so i understand the wait for that. if the ot process has been
known to be slow into this trade, what can i do to speed up that process before, and after, the ot goes through? could i start
my air medicals, hearing tests, vision tests, all that now in the spare time that i have or would i have to wait til ot is confirmed?
my aptitude test was a pass for pretty much anything i wanted and i chose infantry, silly me (no offense to any infanteers that
may read this), so im good on that anyway.. not that its a huge step ahead or anything. is it the coc that can be a little slow?
will i have to hassle them often, through proper channels and memos and all that good stuff, about what is going on in terms of
my ot?
i just signed my ie25 yesterday, and i really dont want to spend it here. also my ex-wife suprised me with a move to ns while i
was in afghanistan last year, so not only do i need a career change, i also need to be closer to my kids.. hopefully this dosent
backfire with a posting to bc lol :facepalm:
so today, at this very moment, i am under the impression that i will be around here not only til the spring, but for quite a while
after that too :-\