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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Which bases are considered 'operational'?

Places where AECs are actualy controlling... thus all the air bases and North Bay. In Celtic's case this could include Greenwood or Shearwater if proximity to Cape Breton is a plus.
I am curious about career progression after that rank of Capt as an AEC.  Is this a trade where you are likely to be a career Capt?  Is there reasonable opportunity to make it to major or beyond in this trade?  How would the career progression/advancement compare to something like Int Officer for example?  Would age be a factor, ie starting at 32? 

Im a MARS Officer (not yet trained) but recent research indicates that starting out in my 30s isnt the best idea for this trade.  I am shopping around I guess. 

Any specific insight would be appreciated.
ltmaverick25 said:
Would age be a factor, ie starting at 32?

There are 8 AEC Col, 31 LCol and 127 Maj out of a total PML of 518. At 32 you have a fair chance at getting Maj or even LCol if you are coming over with the right credentials... OPME, Degree, Strong Second Language Profile, etc. These won't be enough but when the cream rises due to outstanding performance/potential then it those that have these things in hand that make the next leap. Its a mistake that many make to think it is the OPME (The ticks in the box as it were) that gets you promoted. Far from it... its the performance matched with potential. The OPME and all those other ticks in the boxes are just prerequisites. I suspect you already know that but thought it worth stating for anyone else reading this that doesn't have your background.

Expect two posting (about 6-8 years) for Capt to Maj (likely one ops and one staff). Again expect two postings and 6-8 years to LCol (ops, staff or command if you are "lucky"). Nothing is in stone... some do it faster and some have gone 20 years before their next promotion. None of it is a gimme either... you will have to work for it and timing plays a bit of a role too.  The current age demographics virtually guarantee good turn over at the Maj and LCol rank. I don't think this is much different than any other officer occupation. So really you might be shopping but I think you are shopping in a store full of apples.

Promotion to Col is a whole other kettle of fish... we can chat again when you are a LCol :)

edit... I missed the "not trained" bit. Not much of what I wrote likely applies to your case then. However, the fact that AEC is promoting at a reasonable rate is still relevant.
Are there any AEC's posted to Petawawa with the 427 SOA Squadron ? And if so, is it IFR, VFR, WC, or all three?
Or are they posted through SCOR?  (edited)

nickinguelph said:
Are there any AEC's posted to Petawawa with the 427 SOA Squadron ? And if so, is it IFR, VFR, WC, or all three?
Or are they posted through SCOR?  (edited)
Yes, there are two positions there.  427 SOAS SATCO, and CSOR JTAC Instructor.  The first is a VFR position, the second is a JTF deployable position(currently filled by an ANAV).
Well I just finished up my business for the CT ect...

I am told I will be offered AEC and Int Officer, now I just need to decide which one to go with.  Deciding between two good choices is never easy..
I need more then that!!

So far I am sitting on the fence on this one.  I think I have changed my mind once every few minutes for the past few days.  I need to get alot more AEC information.  I know the Int branch as well as anyone can so thats not an issue.  Any additional information that can be provided would be very helpful.

Specifically, life after the certification period.  Say from Capt onwards.  Has anyone been on any operational deployments?  What did that look like?

What about leadership?  For example, in the army a junior officer would be a platoon commander to start off.  Do AEC's perform an equivalent role in addition to controlling?  What is the organizational relationship between the AEC, the NCOs and NCMs?

It seems based on what I have heard that AEC is similar to MARS in many respects.  What is the mental math like if any?  Do AEC's like to eat their own the same way MARS officers do?

Also note, I do not know what any of the AEC type acronyms mean!
ltmaverick25 said:
So far I am sitting on the fence on this one.  I think I have changed my mind once every few minutes for the past few days.  I need to get alot more AEC information.  I know the Int branch as well as anyone can so thats not an issue.  Any additional information that can be provided would be very helpful.
Depending on how much info you need, you could find most answers by searching here.

Specifically, life after the certification period.  Say from Capt onwards.  Has anyone been on any operational deployments?  What did that look like?
Yes, we deploy but I am not sure I understand what you mean by 'what did that look like'

It seems based on what I have heard that AEC is similar to MARS in many respects.  What is the mental math like if any?  Do AEC's like to eat their own the same way MARS officers do?
I have been an AEC for over 28 years, and spent 3 years in recruiting and don't see similarity between us and MARS.  As far as math, it is very important to be able to make it through training.  NO.

Also note, I do not know what any of the AEC type acronyms mean!
Not enough time or space to explain them all.

The biggest question you have to answer is what do you want.  You said you know everything you need about INT, does it sound like something you would like to do?  If not keep looking at other options.
There are many AEC threads talking about the different streams(Weapons, IFR, VFR), the posting options, deployment examples, career progression...  If after searching on this site, you don't find the answers maybe post a few questions based on some research you have done.
The only thing I dont like about Int Officer is the prospect of being a career Capt.  Otherwise it is a solid job in my opinion.  I know some may argue that my priorities may be a bit skewed, but that is something that is important to me. 

With regards to Aerospace, I have been in the midst of looking through all those threads and the search functions ect..  I still have a few more to look through..  but to answer your question about my question on operational deployments:

Keep in mind that I have 14 years army NCM experience and 1 year in the Navy, my understanding and knowledge of Air Force lifestyle and culture is limited at best.  I have a few months (March) before I have to have made a decisions so im trying to bridge that gap between now and then..

At any rate, I beleive ive seen postings about AEC's serving in Afghanistan for example.  What exactly would they do there?  The abbreviations didnt mean anything to me so what I found was of limited value.  Do AEC's sit in a tower at KAF and control air traffic only?  What do the weapons guys do?  Do they patrol with the infantry and ground units to provide some measure of control on the spot?  I know there was some talk about that here, but I could not figure out what alot of it meant because of the accronyms.

Deployment frequency?  Deployment tempo for Int Officers would be extremely high, is that the same for AEC's?

Ill toss some more questions up here after I have gone through more of the threads.

I would also recommend you go through the AEC Recruitment DVD if you haven't already. If your recruiting center doesn't have one, PM an address and I will have one sent to you.

As to Afghanistan... AECs are in there as airspace managers coordinating close air support (CAS) as well as providing personnel within Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP). We have been controllers in Kabul Tower but not at the moment. I am pretty sure as an army dude you can find more info on CAS and TACP.

The tactical deployment tempo for AECs is not high. If you go more than once in any given posting that would be unusual. Remember though that a sizeable number of AEC postings (particulaly Weapons) are outside Canada in the first place.
Is that the same video that they have on the recruiting website?  Ive seen that one, I just got off the phone with the CFRC where I live and they said they did not have anything different.
ltmaverick25 said:
The only thing I dont like about Int Officer is the prospect of being a career Capt. 

If you knew the Int Branch 'as well as anyone', you wouldnt have said that.  The phrase 'working rank' for officers is Captain, but what it means is that your promotion to Captain is pretty much a gurantee after a suitable period of time, or a shorter period of time if you do exceptional work or are in the right place at the right time.  There are numerous positions at the Major and Colonel level, but you're going to have to prove yourself better than others to get them faster than others, not just gaff around and get it handed to you on a silver platter.  There are exceptions, as some jumped the line by being very good at their work, or being in the right place at the right time.  Others got their promotions to Major by waiting around long enough until the review boards couldnt ignore their seniority anymore. 

To define it more clearly, 99% of the ones who stay as a 'career Captain' are:
a) in a reserve unit where the higher positions are occupied and unlikely to be vacated until that person dies or turns 55;
b) they retraded or commissioned from the ranks at a late age, and with a limited time in until retirement arent able to stay in the trade long enough to get a rank of Major;
c) are injured and unable to be promoted;
d) or, they suck at their jobs and the only way they will get promoted is by seniority.

Greymatters said:
To define it more clearly, 99% of the ones who stay as a 'career Captain' are:
a) in a reserve unit where the higher positions are occupied and unlikely to be vacated until that person dies or turns 55;
b) they retraded or commissioned from the ranks at a late age, and with a limited time in until retirement arent able to stay in the trade long enough to get a rank of Major;
c) are injured and unable to be promoted;
d) or, they suck at their jobs and the only way they will get promoted is by seniority.

Are you talking about the Int Branch with A through D or the CF as a whole?

The Int Officers that I know, and have worked with in the past, some regular force, some reserve all told me the same thing about leveling off at Captain.  What they told me was that there just were not that many positions available above that rank.

I have no interest in having something handed to me on a silver platter, where is the challenge or fairness in that?  I also dont relish the idea of waiting for someone to die or retire before being able to progress.  I will of course be looking into both sides of the coin further before making a final decision, but for the purposes here, I would really like to get more info on AEC.  If you have further insight into Int please send me a PM, im happy to receive as much information as I can.

