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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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I don't think you can be merit listed until you complete the aircrew medical and get that all approved via the medical board. Then you have to be selected by a committee. Hopefully, you will get selected and receive an offer soon...and I will see you in St. Jean!  Are you going DEO?
Is the merit list a type of waiting list for approved candidates? If merit listed but not selected for this position are you still in the running for future openings? Funny I can never remember the important questions when actually talking to the CFRC staff.
LuvsMud said:
Is the merit list a type of waiting list for approved candidates? If merit listed but not selected for this position are you still in the running for future openings?

I believe that's correct, but you should still ask your CFRC staff to be sure as I'm not a recruiter. ;)
Celticgirl said:
The clerk I spoke with today told me I'd be getting my own room at the Mega, LM! With a door, no less.  ;D  LOL  How far along in the process are you?

Did the clerk put that in writing?  Unless things have changed (and they may have), there is NO way a clerk would have a clue what Sector you are staying in AND that could change.  They have (or did) put IAP courses in Green Sector.  That is a fact.

I'd wait to see what Pavillion I was in before I got too excited.
Eye In The Sky said:
Did the clerk put that in writing?  Unless things have changed (and they may have), there is NO way a clerk would have a clue what Sector you are staying in AND that could change.  They have (or did) put IAP courses in Green Sector.  That is a fact.

I'd wait to see what Pavillion I was in before I got too excited.

I'm not taking what anyone tells me as gospel at this point. I've been given a lot of conflicting information in recent months, so I'm not really "expecting" anything. Well, that's not true. I expect to have a bed to sleep in.  8)
Don't you love that, conflicting info?? 

Best prepared for the worst, if the worst happens you are prepared.  If something better than the worst happens...GRAVY!!
Celticgirl said:
I wouldn't care if it were just for myself, but my fiance and our kids (3 between us) are in the Maritimes, so that makes the difference in my case.

Aye, but what happens in 3-5 years? I always saw this scenario as a pain me now r pain me later, except the pain later gets worse when the roots you have been growing get hauled out. Something to consider... but you are not a newb and know the game.

BTW... the new .doc is the correct one now.

... and YAW is NOT off the list. As I said, case by case and if there appears to be training backlogs at other bases. Thing is, first tour postings to YAW will likely be rather short closer to 2 years vice the more typical 5 (source AEC Career Manger).
LuvsMud said:
...but reminded me there is only one position available and possibly more candidates.

WTF is this about? One position for what and under what plan (CEOTP?)?
Celticgirl... what's this about a merit list? Is it for AECs or for a particular plan?

Let's just say I am appalled at the lack of clarity you people are facing.
dreamer02 said:
what's OJE and core via D/L?

I think OJE = On-the-job experience (not sure about the "E", though)

Core = the common phase of AEC that everyone takes before branching off into VFR, IFR, or Weapons

D/L = Distance Learning

In other words, we complete a self-study package by distance for the core phase while also working at an air base in lieu of studying full-time at CFSACO for seven months (which is how it used to be done, but is not anymore).
Celticgirl is correct... E is for experience. There is a slight distinction being made between OJE and OJT these days where OJE is less formal and generally not performance checked. So sitting in a Tower Cab watching and learning how controllers work would be categorised as OJE but doing an AEC D/L package would be considered OJT.

Apologies for all the acronyms. The document was not originally generated for an external audience.

BTW... attached is the most recent CFSACO Master Schedule (zipped excel spreadsheet). It details the course start and end dates for all AEC and AC Op courses for 2009. It is a living document and as such is subject to change...so don't use it to make commitments! The latest full version is always available on the DIN at this link: http://northbay.mil.ca/22wing/CFSACO/Main/Files/29%20Oct%2008.xls

Celticgirl said:
This is what the hold-up is for me - the 'pre-security screening'. I have passed the CFAT, interview, and medical but because I lived and worked in Taiwan from 1998-1999, I have to await this clearance. My file manager said it can take up to 18 months and it's already coming up on two. I am trying to be patient, but I'm pretty certain I won't be waiting a year and a half. I'm no spring chicken, after all. ;)

What I am wondering now is with regards to trades and this security screening - if I were to go with a different trade and/or apply to the reserves, would I still need to await the clearance?

My Pre-Sec took at least 2 years to go through, I had almost completely given up on it.  Then the next hold up for me was my eyes, of course I had to receive a V4 rating..., notice I said had, now I am waiting for my 3 months after laser eye surgery!  Nothin is stoppin me from AEC, more specifically Air Weapons.  So I am hoping to make it in for the April /09 BMOQ. 
As for my marks in school...lol...umm not soo good, but according to my recruiting officer I scored very highly on my CFAT, so I had nothing to worry about ;)
Anyone heard about courses for 2009?
Aerospaced_out said:
Celticgirl is correct... E is for experience. There is a slight distinction being made between OJE and OJT these days where OJE is less formal and generally not performance checked. So sitting in a Tower Cab watching and learning how controllers work would be categorised as OJE but doing an AEC D/L package would be considered OJT.

Ooh, I love being right. ;)

OK, I have another question for you, pain in the keister that I am.  ;D  Do we complete the D/L package on our own time for those six weeks? That is to say, do we do our OJE/OJT during the day and then work on our D/L courses in the evenings and on weekends, or would we be given time during the 'work day' to do that?
nickinguelph said:
My Pre-Sec took at least 2 years to go through, I had almost completely given up on it.  Then the next hold up for me was my eyes, of course I had to receive a V4 rating..., notice I said had, now I am waiting for my 3 months after laser eye surgery!  Nothin is stoppin me from AEC, more specifically Air Weapons.  So I am hoping to make it in for the April /09 BMOQ. 
As for my marks in school...lol...umm not soo good, but according to my recruiting officer I scored very highly on my CFAT, so I had nothing to worry about ;)
Anyone heard about courses for 2009?

Good luck with your application, Nick! I received my offer in September and will be on the Jan. 5th BMOQ. Perhaps we will get a chance to work together someday. :)
No, if fact your supervisor and CO have to essentially sign a contract saying they will afford you the time to complete D/L while on duty. During that time you are pretty much off limits for "extra" taskings. However, if you are a quick study, and as a consequence have spare time during duty hours, I would suggest you use it wisely by engaging in as much OJE as possible.
Its not all that intensive, so if you don't have extra time for extra OJE, there's something wrong.  Yeah like its been said, but when you're doing your D/L, that's your "job."