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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Female - 48.

I joined just before I turned 21, but that was old to join for back then.

Had my kids after joining.  The FORCE test is what it is. 

I haven't really experienced any challenges throughout my career that were due to my gender, but neither have I ask for or sought any allowances because of my gender.  I've also been treated nothing but respectfully by the thousands of my male counterparts that I've worked with over the past 27 years.

Gender really is irrelevant as long as you work hard and put your utmost in accomplishing your task.  Works both ways for both males and females.
Hey there,

There are lots of us female troops on here. Really, we have much the same issues as the guys, so don't limit yourself to reading fitness advice from the gals. The piece of info I have found to be most useful , is that practicing  burpees really helps. Perhaps it's the different curves, but for some reason I have noticed women can lose time in the tests going from a prone position to standing. Burpees were the most useful exercise for some of us to increase our success level. I have no problems with the fitness tests, and I am short, also.

Really, if you are a parent and a responsible person, being older can also help. When is the last time you had a solid 6 hours sleep? Some younger troops have to learn how to deal with permanent sleep deprivation and organization, many parents have mastered those skills to survive.

Warning- female stuff ahead...  Proceed with caution...The only thing you may have to message us females about is how to cope with heavy periods while in the field . Double Ziplock bags, my friend.  Talk to your female buddies once you're in and swap solutions/ funny stories.

Hello Sasha
I am a nurse with an application in progress
Also mum to a 6 year old.
Good luck with your application!
Perhaps it's the different curves, but for some reason I have noticed women can lose time in the tests going from a prone position to standing. Burpees were the most useful exercise for some of us to increase our success level.

I've also observed this hesitancy: (standing to prone) 

Asking we women to toss ourselves chest down onto the ground, hands raised beside us sees many women losing time in this transition portion.  I'm pretty much flat and it hurts.  :-\

I can only tell the guys, think "spread your legs apart gents and drop yourself down onto the balance beam one leg on either side. No hands allowed.  How's that feel?"  >:D

Good LORD Vern - really? Ooooowww...

I can personally attest to Vern's tenacity and her ability to put up with ANYONE's poop. When she joined, I wouldn't say we never accepted women in the military, but they were fewer in numbers. I always said that if there were three guys I would go in the field with it would be Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris and Vern!

Seriously - Vern is the most respected PERSON (not just girl) on my list. BTW - it took me a few months to realize she was a girl... I was afraid of her then and i'm afraid of her now. We formed the "Itty bitty t**** committee"!! She let me be the secretary! (We were silly ptes then - she is a hell of a lot more professional now!!)

Girls or boys - you do what I need done without me having to ask twice, your in!
Thank you so much you guys! That helped a lot.

I am married, also single at the same time. (Hubby is working out of town for a few months. He's not Military.)
ArmyVern said:
I've also observed this hesitancy: (standing to prone) 

Asking we women to toss ourselves chest down onto the ground, hands raised beside us sees many women losing time in this transition portion.  I'm pretty much flat and it hurts.  :-\

I can only tell the guys, think "spread your legs apart gents and drop yourself down onto the balance beam one leg on either side. No hands allowed.  How's that feel?"  >:D

Which test does these shuttle runs? I checked the initial physical fitness test guide from the Forces.gc.ca site and it only has 4 things: push-ups, sit-ups, grip test, 2.4 KM run.

I cannot imagine how 'exciting' it can be be to do prone for women. I can't even do it on a mattress. (When jumping around on it with the little guy!)
Hey there,

There are lots of us female troops on here. Really, we have much the same issues as the guys, so don't limit yourself to reading fitness advice from the gals. The piece of info I have found to be most useful , is that practicing  burpees really helps. Perhaps it's the different curves, but for some reason I have noticed women can lose time in the tests going from a prone position to standing. Burpees were the most useful exercise for some of us to increase our success level. I have no problems with the fitness tests, and I am short, also.

Really, if you are a parent and a responsible person, being older can also help. When is the last time you had a solid 6 hours sleep? Some younger troops have to learn how to deal with permanent sleep deprivation and organization, many parents have mastered those skills to survive.

Warning- female stuff ahead...  Proceed with caution...The only thing you may have to message us females about is how to cope with heavy periods while in the field . Double Ziplock bags, my friend.  Talk to your female buddies once you're in and swap solutions/ funny stories.

I am short too! Just at 5 feet.  ;D

I used to love sleep. The boy doesn't sleep more than 3 hours on a stretch. That too, is a wrestling match with himself the whole time.  :crybaby:
SashaQ said:
Which test does these shuttle runs? I checked the initial physical fitness test guide from the Forces.gc.ca site and it only has 4 things: push-ups, sit-ups, grip test, 2.4 KM run.

I cannot imagine how 'exciting' it can be be to do prone for women. I can't even do it on a mattress. (When jumping around on it with the little guy!)

From http://www.cg.cfpsa.ca/cg-pc/Ottawa/EN/FitnessandSports/MilitaryFitness/CFexprestesting/Pages/NewCanadianArmedForcesminimumphysicalfitnessstandard.aspx

The FORCE Evaluation consists of four test components, each designed to measure different physical capabilities:

Sandbag Lift: 30 consecutive lifts of a 20 kilogram sandbag above a height of 1 metre, alternating between left and right sandbags separated by 1.25 metres. Standard: 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Intermittent Loaded Shuttles: Using the 20 metre lines, complete ten 20 metre shuttles alternating between a loaded shuttle with a 20 kilogram sand bag and unloaded shuttles, for a total of 400 metres. Standard: 5 minutes 21 seconds.

20-Metre Rushes: Starting from prone, complete two 20 metre shuttle sprints dropping to a prone position every 10 metres, for a total of 80 metres. Standard: 51 seconds.

Sandbag Drag: Carry one 20 kilogram sandbag and pull four on the floor over 20 metres without stopping. Standard: Complete without stopping.

All CAF members will be tested annually and will be required to achieve one common minimum standard, regardless of age and gender.
I'm 26 and female starting bmq june 6th. I'm single and child free by choice. I've worked in male dominated industry for several years and the best thing you can do is just pull your own weight the best you can and never ever pull the "girl" card haha
idontunderstandhipsters said:
I'm 26 and female starting bmq june 6th. I'm single and child free by choice. I've worked in male dominated industry for several years and the best thing you can do is just pull your own weight the best you can and never ever pull the "girl" card haha

Congrats on bmq.  That is good advice.  I'm a single 23 year old female waiting for bmq date.  Just a question to you and any other ladies on here, long hair or short?  I know there is a separate hair forum, but I figured since this thread is all women it would be just as helpful.  I'm considering going quite short with my hair.  I'm going for infantry.  :)
Ki22 said:
I'm a single 23 year old female female waiting for bmq date. Just a question to you and any other ladies on here, long hair or short?  I know there is a separate hair forum, but I figured since this thread is all women it would be just as helpful.  I'm considering going quite short with my hair.  I'm going for infantry.  :)

Short hair (Females)
OP: "I leave for BMQ on February 14th. I am female and have very short hair."
Mine were quite long and I cut them just below my shoulders. I should have let them a little longer since it's hard to make a bun but still ok.
I figured longer hair means more maintenance.
Ki22 said:
Congrats on bmq.  That is good advice.  I'm a single 23 year old female waiting for bmq date.  Just a question to you and any other ladies on here, long hair or short?  I know there is a separate hair forum, but I figured since this thread is all women it would be just as helpful.  I'm considering going quite short with my hair.  I'm going for infantry.  :)

Mine is quite long (passed shoulders) and I was debating on just chopping it off however I decided against it because although short hair is easier to maintain at first, continually cutting my hair would be annoying to me. I have thin, straight hair so I don't have issues getting all of my hair in a bun on the fly (use a twist and turn method)
Ki22 said:
Congrats on bmq.  That is good advice.  I'm a single 23 year old female waiting for bmq date.  Just a question to you and any other ladies on here, long hair or short?  I know there is a separate hair forum, but I figured since this thread is all women it would be just as helpful.  I'm considering going quite short with my hair.  I'm going for infantry.  :)

I am of course not yet in the Army but I have found that throughout my many jobs, long hair has always been the easiest to manage. AKA, just tie it in a bun. I have worked those horrible shifts that start at 3:00 AM - 1:00 PM and other such nonsense on a repeated basis without a car or proper rides. It's hard to figure out a decent sleep schedule and as a result can't do hair/make up. (Too tired.) Also with baby, it was easier to just tie in a bun. I cut it short a few times but I end up looking more like Haggard from Harry Potter than Jennifer Aniston.  ::) The bun has been the easy route.
BinRat55 said:
From http://www.cg.cfpsa.ca/cg-pc/Ottawa/EN/FitnessandSports/MilitaryFitness/CFexprestesting/Pages/NewCanadianArmedForcesminimumphysicalfitnessstandard.aspx

The FORCE Evaluation consists of four test components, each designed to measure different physical capabilities:

Sandbag Lift: 30 consecutive lifts of a 20 kilogram sandbag above a height of 1 metre, alternating between left and right sandbags separated by 1.25 metres. Standard: 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Intermittent Loaded Shuttles: Using the 20 metre lines, complete ten 20 metre shuttles alternating between a loaded shuttle with a 20 kilogram sand bag and unloaded shuttles, for a total of 400 metres. Standard: 5 minutes 21 seconds.

20-Metre Rushes: Starting from prone, complete two 20 metre shuttle sprints dropping to a prone position every 10 metres, for a total of 80 metres. Standard: 51 seconds.

Sandbag Drag: Carry one 20 kilogram sandbag and pull four on the floor over 20 metres without stopping. Standard: Complete without stopping.

All CAF members will be tested annually and will be required to achieve one common minimum standard, regardless of age and gender.

This is the test I was referring to: http://www.rhli.ca/recruiting/recruitingforms/fitnessresv_en.pdf

Is this what I will be tested on when I first send in my application?
The RHLIs need to update their information, the test they show was replaced by the FORCE test a while ago. You will do the FORCE test for enrolment into the Reserve.
Ki22 said:
Congrats on bmq.  That is good advice.  I'm a single 23 year old female waiting for bmq date.  Just a question to you and any other ladies on here, long hair or short?  I know there is a separate hair forum, but I figured since this thread is all women it would be just as helpful.  I'm considering going quite short with my hair.  I'm going for infantry.  :)

I had long hair prior to basic and decided to go short short. I realize a bun is easy to do (my hair has since grown back and is as long if not longer than pre-basic, so I do a bun every day) but short hair is much easier! Especially after PT! I don't regret going short, and am considering it again if/when I get on PLQ. It's only hair. It grows back.
My hair is very hard to deal with when long and wet, and short hair can be washed during the 3 minute shower after PT.
idontunderstandhipsters said:
I'm 26 and female starting bmq june 6th. I'm single and child free by choice. I've worked in male dominated industry for several years and the best thing you can do is just pull your own weight the best you can and never ever pull the "girl" card haha

I am also a 26 year old female starting BMQ on June 6th, I look forward to meeting you!