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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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I realize this is a thread for females, but couldn't help but make a few comments.

Kel_115124 said:
Learn to eat fast, I mean shoving all the food in your face that you can and then swallowing. The 1st week you'll have all of 45 seconds per meal before the Sgt. is behind you yelling to move your ***.

That is not a "school standard" and while it *may* have happened on your course, it didn't on any when I was at CFRLS as an instructor (just over 2 years ago since I left).  Suggesting that is "normal" is wrong.

If it's not broken, don't fix it. If your foot hurts, but isn't broken, don't go to the MIR. All they do is drug you up and then in a lot of cases, you end up on PAT for 6 months before getting re-coursed.

I read the other comments from folks and agree with them.  However, I think what you are talking about is knowing the difference between when you are *hurt* and when you are *hurting*.

Hurt = injured.  If you are hurt, you should go to the MIR.

Hurting = sore from exercise, the Obstracle course, stairs, drill, etc because you are in poor physical shape, or because you are pushing yourself (as you SHOULD be).

Expect to be *hurting*.  If not, you are either in top physical condition, or you are a slacker and not pushing yourself. 

If you are HURT, you should be seen by the MIR staff.  For many reasons, including preventing an injury from becoming worse, receiving proper medical treatment, AND having the injury/condition/whatever, DOCUMENTED. 

Aside from anything else I have to say, my only suggestion is for people to read the CFLRS Joining Instructions for info on what is/is not authorized by CFLRS. 

My  :2c:
Oh thank god for eveyone's clarifications, that post had me a slight bit worried.
Especially on the BCP point, as I have heard nothing of that sort before. So My only question is, when you get your "hire package" if I may call it that, does it have instructions on med protocol?
The only reason I ask is for my BCP I dont get a "refill" paper or anything. My pharmacy has it on file and I simply ask them to give me some ;D

Celtic Girl, I am completely with you on the hair thing. I have very long hair and am loathe to cut it. So I am going to see (perhaps naively) how long I can stick it out.
Tulach Ard said:
Celtic Girl, I am completely with you on the hair thing. I have very long hair and am loathe to cut it. So I am going to see (perhaps naively) how long I can stick it out.

Now I am not an expert on this matter, for a number of reasons:
1- male
2- short hair
3- basic starts in a month and a half

However, what I have seen in the Basic Up series regarding long hair on females, is that as long as you can keep it tightly tied up so it does not come loose and flop in your face(as was the situation in the episode) they don't have a problem with the length. Now according to what I saw in the video if it does come loose (I believe it was a repeat offence) you won't like the hair cut you get.

So from my lack of knowledge, and purely observational stand point, I would asses that as long as you can do a nice thight bun, your good to go.
fuzzy806 said:
So from my lack of knowledge, and purely observational stand point, I would asses that as long as you can do a nice thight bun, your good to go.

Getting it that way is one thing, keeping it that way is another.  ;D

As for Basic Up, I found a lot of things on that show did not reflect the reality of life at the Megatron. For example, on the videos, I am quite certain I saw people walking on the 5 a.m. runs, with staff beside them giving them positive encouragement. It makes me chuckle just thinking about it. ;) I didn't see anyone walking, not even a slow jog. And the 'positive encouragement', well, let's say it was a little louder and more abrasive than what was shown on Basic Up. lol
fuzzy806 said:
Now according to what I saw in the video if it does come loose (I believe it was a repeat offence) you won't like the hair cut you get.

HAHA, WHAT!? I have heard NOTHING of this! *cowers*
Thankfully the fact that I have long hair in this case works to my advantage. There are no shorter pieces to come loose. I am good at tying a tight bun actually, but I REALLY hope that by "come loose" you arent talking the little whispies. Lordy everyone has those! I will gel em, but I really am not overly concerned about having it sheared off=P

Are you Reg or Res? I only ask because you mentioned video, I have seen no video...?
Tulach Ard said:
HAHA, WHAT!? I have heard NOTHING of this! *cowers*
Thankfully the fact that I have long hair in this case works to my advantage. There are no shorter pieces to come loose. I am good at tying a tight bun actually, but I REALLY hope that by "come loose" you arent talking the little whispies. Lordy everyone has those! I will gel em, but I really am not overly concerned about having it sheared off=P

Oh, they threatened to cut mine, but it never happened. Don't worry. You'll just get jacked up a lot for it, if anything. The other females on my platoon helped me fix mine many times in the beginning until I managed to get the 'heat' taken off me a bit.  Thank goodness for that. :P

Are you Reg or Res? I only ask because you mentioned video, I have seen no video...?

Search for "Basic Up" on this site. You'll see links to the videos, they are online. Take them with a grain of salt, though. I find them to be very much watered down for the cameras.  :nod:
Tulach Ard said:
HAHA, WHAT!? I have heard NOTHING of this! *cowers*
Thankfully the fact that I have long hair in this case works to my advantage. There are no shorter pieces to come loose. I am good at tying a tight bun actually, but I REALLY hope that by "come loose" you arent talking the little whispies. Lordy everyone has those! I will gel em, but I really am not overly concerned about having it sheared off=P

I feel extremely confident saying it'll be a cold day in harrasment hell when a female troop is ordered to shave her head.

That being said, I know several women who shaved their heads, or at least cut their hair rather short for basic training, some kept it after, some let it grow out again, either way, it's only hair, and it'll save you a ton of time.
a Sig Op said:
I feel extremely confident saying it'll be a cold day in harrasment hell when a female troop is ordered to shave her head.

Thankfully I know you are right :nod:
Hi all,

I'm new here. Have been lurking around the site for a couple of weeks now, reading everything I can. I won't be ready to apply for a while (want to go Med Tech and need to get my Biology 12 and my driver's license to do that) but have found this thread especially helpful. Thank you to all those who have posted suggestions.

Hair for me won't be a problem as I keep it short anyways (not quite GI Jane, but close to it  :) )

Even though it's a ways off, I'm wondering about some personal items... forgive me if these have been asked about before in other threads as I don't remember reading about them. Wondering specifically about Ipods and laptops, are these items allowed to be brought to St Jean to be used during weekends?

Tulach Ard said:
Thankfully I know you are right :nod:

An alternate suggestion that I've seen females do is keep the long hair that stays up, but shave the 'whispy' little hairs much like a guy has to shave his neck ... I guess it just depends on how much heat you're willing to endure.
What if I can't do a bun because my hair is too short?  I can do a pony tail (really short one) and with Spray or gel and bobbypins it holds pretty well.
Cutting my hair really short again is not an option.  It's been a year and I just begging being able to tie it, but I do have 'little hair'' coming down on my neck
Trish said:
What if I can't do a bun because my hair is too short?  I can do a pony tail (really short one) and with Spray or gel and bobbypins it holds pretty well.
Cutting my hair really short again is not an option.  It's been a year and I just begging being able to tie it, but I do have 'little hair'' coming down on my neck

Females are allowed to have hair touching the collar as long as it doesn't go below the bottom edge.  Chances are, they may be a little more strict at BMQ.  Personally, I wouldn't want to see a really short pony tail with a bunch of gel and bobby pins in it, but that's just me (and possibly some other Snr NCOs).  I also have short hair because it takes forever to grow and I know they will only issue a "growing out" chit for so long.  Is the CF a career or a fashion statement?  The hair will grow back.  If cutting it is not an option, be prepared for a lot of flak from the DS.
Actually it is not for a fashion reason ! ::)
The longest they are, the less time it takes in the morning because I just have to tie them.  I have wavy hair and it's hot during the summer, that's why I cut them really short last summer.  but the ''in between'', when they are long enough to bother you and not long enough to tie them last few months, almost a year.  Anyway, by the time I get in I'll probably be able to make a small bun !  ;)
I did my basic course (officer) 2 summers ago...of the 11 females, only 1 felt the need to cut her hair. The rest of us managed fine putting it into a bun. A good tip already metioned was to practice putting your hair into a bun before leaving. Also, gel will be a good friend. Either way, we had no problems getting ready in the same amount of time as the guys in the morning, we were faster than than most of them too. so i really wouldnt worry about it.
As for electonics ipod, laptop possibly cellphone..you wont see them for a while.  not even the first few weekends. they get locked up with the rest of your civvy clothes untill your staff think you are worthy of such a treat as to let you get to your stuff.
for personal items, you really dont need makeup all that much. everyones tired, you all dress the same, and really, after a few weeks of monotonousy, you'll look like a madonna to some guy there anyways. and, theres really no time. I would keep some bare essentials with your personal kit. even if you get to go into St. Jean on the weekend, the boys there dont care.
other than that, bring essentially whats on the list, if you forget something, the canex there is pretty well stocked.

Otis said:
An alternate suggestion that I've seen females do is keep the long hair that stays up, but shave the 'whispy' little hairs much like a guy has to shave his neck ... I guess it just depends on how much heat you're willing to endure.

Hey now theres an idea, I HAVE thought of that, but "shaving" requires razor and yes you could attack your frizzies with one...but, doesnt that just leave shorter frizzies? If I get too close to my head more than frizzies will come off!  Hhmm interesting concept....I wonder what it looks like after, ever seen a girl with that?
Thanks for the reply  :) Good to know that we can have them. Fine with having them locked up until staff feel we're worthy, as I'm sure we'll be much too busy to miss them anyways.


makeadifference2 said:
As for electonics ipod, laptop possibly cellphone..you wont see them for a while.  not even the first few weekends. they get locked up with the rest of your civvy clothes untill your staff think you are worthy of such a treat as to let you get to your stuff.
Tulach Ard said:
I HAVE thought of that, but "shaving" requires razor and yes you could attack your frizzies with one...but, doesnt that just leave shorter frizzies? If I get too close to my head more than frizzies will come off!  Hhmm interesting concept....I wonder what it looks like after, ever seen a girl with that?

I think that the portion that you shave is not even hair... it is more like  little body hair on the neck too small and and too thin to be fixed with bobby pins... and I bet you would have to keep it as clean as a man would... you might have to shave it once a week at least depending how it grows.
ASmith said:
Thanks for the reply  :) Good to know that we can have them. Fine with having them locked up until staff feel we're worthy, as I'm sure we'll be much too busy to miss them anyways.


Alot of questions you have should be answered if you read thru the stuff at the link below.

Thanks for the link. I'll definitely read through it all before asking any more questions  :)


Eye In The Sky said:
Alot of questions you have should be answered if you read thru the stuff at the link below.

Some things to expect from St-Jean. (I was there 2 summers ago for IAP and last summer for BOTP)

Stress kills, it really does. Take everything they say seriously, but with a grain of salt. TAKE NOTHING PERSONALLY!!! They will try to break you down. Thats the point. Keep a positive attitude and find happiness in anything you can. Its the only way to stay sane. ex. the sun is out = a beautiful day. its raining= at least the suns not buring our heads...get the picture. Plus, its so much better being around a positive person than a negative, especially on course.

Eating meals fast was definately part of my IAP, we would be givin a 20 minute timing, not bad right? but that includes the 10 - 15 minute lineup. not that you have to 'practice' eating lightning fast, but be aware that you will have to eat fast, and possibly, as happened to me on multiple occasions, survive on grapes, maybe a carrot stick and one glass of some sort of liquid. I was a fan of the eat now taste later saying.

Hair, HONESTLY!!!! gel it. as I said before, 10 out of 11 females on my course got by just fine, and I have long, curly thick hair. It doesnt matter if your hair is perfect, you will get yelled at it at some point anyways. FYI, buy elastics and hairnets as close to your own hair colour as possible.

Inspections, you will never be perfect so dont stress about 'the dirt in your closet' or the fact that your bed is not completely tight, or ironing isnt to perfection. Fix it, do your best to get better next time and get over it.
PT, work out and run before going there, but keep in mind that morning PT is at 5 am before breakfast, so if your not a morning person...become one.

Push ups: minimum standard for females is 9, however, if you dont get it the first time, you will have plenty of practice for the second time. When it comes to group pushups: though you might get yelled at, honestly, if you cant keep up with the group, dont do mini pushups to 'get by'. It does nothing for you. In my experience, it helped me much more if you focused on perfect form, and doing the pushup properly, than actaully keeping up with the group doing the 25 pushups. if you only did 12, ya, everyone else did more, but you will improve SO much more if you do them properly. ususally, if your doing them slow and the staff notice, they also see that your not slacking, you are doing them properly and usually will leave you alone. If they're in a bad mood, they will yell at you. Dont stop trying. Form will help more.

If your tired in class, stand up at the back of the room RIGHT AWAY!!! you DONT want to be caught sleeping during the day....ever.

As for BCP and female times of the month, my courses had a mix of both. we all got by fine, it sucks in the feild, but its not impossible. you hardly think about it after a while. They wont take away prescriptions, but you may have to change them to the millitary supply if they have it. If you get cramps....unless your in the fetal position crying, they wont care and no one wants to hear them. If you decide not to get BCP, use tampons, and get the variety sizes, especially the heavy day ones...basic messes with some girls' systems and they can flow alot more that usual. Plus, there may be times when bathroom availabilty isnt easy.

Expect the staff to stress you out. expect every small thing that seems unimportant to suddenly be the reason your entire platoon is doing 25 pushups. The course is designed to stress you out in any way shape or form. Stress kills. so relax, take a deep breath try to be perfect, expect not to be. Meet your timings, as ridiculous as they seem, help everyone out as much as you can. TEAMWORK is essential, key and vital to get through the course smoothly.
Good luck and remember, it is not impossible, and you can get through it.