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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Vern, you are never useless... ;D
But not yet ready to put out ot pasture either... ;D

"What SS said - besides, you can't have ALL the hotties deployed @ once, if only for the morale of the troops @ home, right?"
Diito...especially in those cutie shorts...but we digress...
I'm glad to see, and witness over the years, the influx of females into ALL trades and finally out of the "girlie" trades that they were stuck into joining. 
Girls in the infantry...looks good on ya!!!!

BYT Driver said:
I'm glad to see, and witness over the years, the influx of females into ALL trades and finally out of the "girlie" trades that they were stuck into joining. 
Girls in the infantry...looks good on ya!!!!

There are still many people out there who believe women don't belong in the military. As nurses and clerks, sure, but not in any of the other myriad pivotal roles. Certainly not infantry or artillery. My father told me just the other day that it's dangerous (to have women in trades like infantry) because the men would be focused primarily on keeping the women safe (chivalry and all that). I find that to be an antiquated notion of laughable proportions. Doesn't everyone in the platoon look out for each other regardless of gender? Why should some animals be more equal that others? The women are in uniform with their own weapons, not in poodle skirts waving hankies. However, I don't for a moment think he is the only person who thinks that way.

Like BYT driver, I think it's great to see women in all trades nowadays, but especially in the 'traditionally male' ones. Hopefully, we can change some currently held attitudes about women in the military.  :cdn:
I've had poor male and female soldiers on courses, in my Troop, in the field, in garrison, etc etc.  Their discipline and mental set of brass ones were the difference if they were a good troop or not, not if they 'sat or stood'.

I'd like to think we're past this now, and here is one example of why we should be...
This is not a thread about me.  >:( (Thanks for the compliments though anyway).

I really meant that I'd rather be there being "more useful" -- right in the pit of the stomach I felt it. Sometimes something I will see, or hear, or read will cause me to have that feeling of "yearning" ... that video was one. That video could have been of male soldiers or a mixture; it wouldn't have mattered - it was the feeling I got watching it. Happy kids, you know? Troops doing great things. The bright side of what happens over there that "we" know happens daily, but that Canadians never seem to see or hear about over here.

I guess, in the end, it reinforces to me exactly why this mission is good ... and makes me want to deploy again right NOW - instead of "later". Perhaps, even "jealousy" would have been a more appropriate word to use.
littlelizzard said:
So where abouts are you gals doing your basic training at?

I'll be doing mine at St. Jean in January.

I didn't do so well this week with my training plan, unfortunately. The little one had the flu, so running was out of the question. This coming week, I'll have to get back on track with that. I did do push-ups and sit-ups every day - Sit-ups are coming along well, but I'm still stuck at 10 push-ups.
I'm so happy I found this thread!
I have some questions and am hoping I could get some answers... *please*

Ok.. so I'm 28 years old - mother of two - fantastic hubby not in the CF supporting me all the way in this.. I will be handing in my papers tomorrow so Lord knows when I'll be accepted/going to Basic Training.  I have a personal trainer and am working hard at getting in shape... currently I can do 16 sit ups, 2 push ups and can run for 3 minutes straight - THIS IS IT!  OH - and ZERO chin-ups! I know I have lots of time to accomplish my goals to pass the fitness test, but I'm panicking! 
So my main question is this - what happens if you get there, do your testing and fail everything?  Is there a retest done a week later and then you better have passed?  What's this shuttle test all about?  Can anyone give me details?
I'm not a runner by any means - I could march till the cows come home but running isn't for me - I'll ensure I can run 5kms before I leave though... that's for sure...


I fear the unknown but am SO excited for all of this - and mainly just to be done of it so I can start my career!

Any tips for me anyone?

Thanks so much.......
Thanks for the info Veronica - but I'm still stunned when it comes to figuring out the shuttle test.. what is it exactly?  I'm wondering how to figure out if I'm prepared for it or not - well I know I'm not prepared for it but I want to see how far OFF I am from being able to pass.  I have a treadmill that measures speed in Miles... and I have an incline button, but it doesn't tell me how high the incline is.. I kinda have to guesstimate it.
So I'm seeing a bunch of numbers and you have to get this level or that level, and yada yada - I have NO idea what any of this means and if someone can help put this info into laments (sp?) terms for me - that would be so great...
HansonSherren said:
Thanks for the info Veronica - but I'm still stunned when it comes to figuring out the shuttle test.. what is it exactly? 

Check out this YouTube video: Beep Test. It will give you a pretty good idea of what the 20 msr (beep test) is going to be like. There are lots of other examples like this one on YouTube, too. It's one thing to explain it in text, but when you see it for yourself 'in action', that can help you understand what you (and all of us) are preparing for. :)
HansonSherren said:
Thanks for the info Veronica - but I'm still stunned when it comes to figuring out the shuttle test.. what is it exactly?  I'm wondering how to figure out if I'm prepared for it or not - well I know I'm not prepared for it but I want to see how far OFF I am from being able to pass.  I have a treadmill that measures speed in Miles... and I have an incline button, but it doesn't tell me how high the incline is.. I kinda have to guesstimate it.
So I'm seeing a bunch of numbers and you have to get this level or that level, and yada yada - I have NO idea what any of this means and if someone can help put this info into laments (sp?) terms for me - that would be so great...


If you're only able to run for 3 minutes --- you're far off at this point in time.

It's 20 meteres. The time you have to get between line A & line B decreases (ie you need to start going faster and faster) as you proceed up the levels.

Celticgirl said:
Check out this YouTube video: Beep Test. It will give you a pretty good idea of what the 20 msr (beep test) is going to be like. There are lots of other examples like this one on YouTube, too. It's one thing to explain it in text, but when you see it for yourself 'in action', that can help you understand what you (and all of us) are preparing for. :)

OMG thanks so much for that - I know what you all mean now! LOL I can definitely see why it's easier to show someone than explain it.. I had no idea.. now I understand - WOOT! lol  Thanks!!
Eye In The Sky said:
I've had poor male and female soldiers on courses, in my Troop, in the field, in garrison, etc etc.  Their discipline and mental set of brass ones were the difference if they were a good troop or not, not if they 'sat or stood'.

I'd like to think we're past this now, and here is one example of why we should be...

Military folks may be 'past' it, but I don't think the general civilian population is. I've received mixed reviews about my joining. Some folks see this as evidence that I'm a few sandwiches short of a full picnic. ;) Others, however, think it's a fantastic career choice.

I have noticed that the Forces Recruiting site has done a great job of representing female soldiers in various roles, but I can't say the same for their TV ads.  :-\
Celticgirl said:
Military folks may be 'past' it, but I don't think the general civilian population is. I've received mixed reviews about my joining. Some folks see this as evidence that I'm a few sandwiches short of a full picnic. ;) Others, however, think it's a fantastic career choice.

Reading many other posts from the membership of this site, this is a common occurance and not related to gender. 
George Wallace said:
Reading many other posts from the membership of this site, this is a common occurance and not related to gender. 

Very true, George, but I've heard some gender-related comments in my case...such as how I must feel nervous about doing basic training with "a bunch of guys".  ::) My father, on the other hand, does not mince words: "Women don't belong in the military."  ;D
Celticgirl said:
Very true, George, but I've heard some gender-related comments in my case...such as how I must feel nervous about doing basic training with "a bunch of guys".  ::) My father, on the other hand, does not mince words: "Women don't belong in the military."  ;D

You can always come back to that with "I heard that changed yesterday, when we got that 'lectricity stuff and indoor plumbing!"
Eye In The Sky said:
You can always come back to that with "I heard that changed yesterday, when we got that 'lectricity stuff and indoor plumbing!"

Well, he's 77 and I doubt he'll change his opinion anytime soon, Eye. "Old School" thinking. He also bet me $100 that I will quit basic because I'll find it too hard, stressful, whatever. You can believe I took that bet. ;)
Someone once said "America's not ready for women in a combat role. The instant they see their daughter on TV dead in a warzone it would be the end of it."

It's cultural more then anything else.

I think women are just as good as men in some regards, better in others and worse in some. Just like men aren't good as women in many things. We are built for different roles, and I mean that. It's physical, some women can over come what the majority of men can't. Vice versa.

What I'm saying is anyone can join, not everyone will make it.
I think women are just as good as men in some regards, better in others and worse in some. Just like men aren't good as women in many things.

So true.

My girlfriend makes an awsome sandwich.
Wonderbread said:
So true.

My girlfriend makes an awsome sandwich.

Funny you say that, I was just admiring my boyfriend earlier on how good the toilet looked after he cleaned it.
