Hi all! As far as those security clearance forms, you should try filling them out after living in 3 countries in the last 10 years, and moving more than once a year in that time! It took me almost a month to get all the info! Oh well, at least I have it now, and I'm definitely keeping a copy!
For training, I started training two years ago when I decided I would join the forces (I was still living in Japan at that time). I had a roommate help design a weight training routine for me (Japanese trainers didn't speak English, and they wouldn't have known what to do with a woman who wanted to enter the military anyway!), and that made a huge difference. I started by only being able to do one or two pushups, to now being able to do about 20 or so. I'm currently doing 3 sets of 8 once a week, but I'm doing them really really slowly. That is one great workout! I also started out only being able to do a quarter of a chinup, and now I can do 3-4 no problems, depending on the day! I started doing reverse chins - jumping up so you're in the "up" position, then slowly lowering yourself to full extension, and doing that until I had built up enough strength to come up from the bottom just using my arms. As far as weight training, I do lots of squats, bench presses, lat pulldowns, bicep curls, dips, military press with a barbell, etc. Basically anything and everything gets mixed into my routine at some point during the week (I rotate 3 different routines, check out stumptuous.com for some good women's training ideas). I always keep a record of what I do every day, and when I find that I've plateaued at a certain weight for too long, and can't seem to go past it, I will change my routine.
I also did the running routine on coolrunnings.com, building up to a 5km run using that program. Now I can do 5km without much problem, and even did a 10km run a few weeks back. I'm allergic to aerobics and step classes and such, they make me nuts, all the women going "Woo, feel the burn, lift those thighs!". I just stick to running, and some work on a rowing machine. I try to do as much as I think we'll encounter in our actual training, I can't imagine a bunch of big macho guys doing step aerobics.
So, hope that helps, and good luck with your training! You can do it, you just have to work at building yourself up.