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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Agreed, I'm sure she didn't ask for any recognition. I'd be willing to bet that the CoC forwarded her name without her knowledge.  But that was the point I was trying to make...by not treating her/them as equals, it potentially builds resentment, which is bad for a unit as a whole.

Equality needs to start at the top.

Sorry for my other post...should have worded it better.
Technoviking said:
"Catholic Priest" isn't a trade in the CF, nor it is a position; however, if you mean to say "Female Catholic Chaplain", you're wrong.  3 RCR's former chaplain was a RC.  And Female.

I am fully aware that there are female RC Chaplains, but they are pastoral associates, not priests.  Even though the CF now considers "Chaplain" to be one encompassing MOSID (they were separate MOCs at one point according to the Chaplain Branch Manual), the fact remains that the RC Church does not see it precisely the same way and there are certain sacraments that remain the exclusive domain of priests.  This means that if an RC CF member wishes to receive certain sacraments, a pastoral associate, regardless of the fact that they are a Chaplain, simply won't do.  Therefore, not all RC Chaplains are interchangeable and so part of succession planning for the Chaplain Branch requires that some of the intake must include actual priests - who can't be female.
Yeah, Yeah, I get it.  Whatever.

(I'm fullly aware of the Latin Church, it's little quirks, etc)

AFK said:
Anyways, I don't know what the official reasoning is for, but I've heard it's the usual. "Women aren't strong enough", "women aren't aggressive enough", "women are a threat to combat unit cohesion", "men will die trying to save women", etc.

There was some discussion south of the 49th around the start of the Iraq invasion that one reason for not allowing women in direct combat positions was that the American Public was not ready to see large numbers of female soldiers coming home in body bags.

Unfortunately for the chikenS$%T politicos who were more worried about the optics that being progressive, the definition of "direct combat role" became so blurred that their supposed well intentioned attempt to keep women out of harms way fell flat on it's face. 
AFK said:
"women aren't aggressive enough"

....ummmm... these people have actually MET some women right? Maybe even pissed one off a time or two?

Now, I admit my experience with the fairer sex is somewhat more limited than Charlie Sheen's, however, I feel pretty comfortable staying that women can be more than aggresive enough when they want to be.

Hello everyone,

I thought I would just drop by as the originator of this post to give a small update. 

I completed basic training this summer in CFB Borden.  A great place, in my mind, for BMQ.  (you see the light of day OFTEN).  I did find some aspects of it VERY challenging, but was pleased with the goals I set for myself and achieved. 

When I arrived at BMQ, I had three goals:

    1. Exempt my PT test
    2. Complete my 13 KM Ruck
    3. And PASS my course

I left basic having achieved all three goals.  :)

Currently, I am happily doing my QL3.  Just say'n!  :)

tfly said:
Hello everyone,

I thought I would just drop by as the originator of this post to give a small update. 

I completed basic training this summer in CFB Borden.  A great place, in my mind, for BMQ.  (you see the light of day OFTEN).  I did find some aspects of it VERY challenging, but was pleased with the goals I set for myself and achieved. 

When I arrived at BMQ, I had three goals:

    1. Exempt my PT test
    2. Complete my 13 KM Ruck
    3. And PASS my course

I left basic having achieved all three goals.  :)

Currently, I am happily doing my QL3.  Just say'n!  :)
Congratulations!  And VERY well done for exempting your PT Test!  Have fun on QL 3!  :salute:
Congrats, TFLY!  It's quite something to see how you continuously improved, set your goals and achieved them.  Good luck on the rest of your courses.

tfly said:
Hello everyone,

I thought I would just drop by as the originator of this post to give a small update. 

I completed basic training this summer in CFB Borden.  A great place, in my mind, for BMQ.  (you see the light of day OFTEN).  I did find some aspects of it VERY challenging, but was pleased with the goals I set for myself and achieved. 

When I arrived at BMQ, I had three goals:

    1. Exempt my PT test
    2. Complete my 13 KM Ruck
    3. And PASS my course

I left basic having achieved all three goals.  :)

Currently, I am happily doing my QL3.  Just say'n!  :)
You guys all rock!  Thank you so much!  The help and advice I received from you all is what helped me through. You know who you are! Thank you!

Oh, and I think I'm going to love my course!  Hope to meet you all sometime! Maybe even during my stay in Borden?? :)
cupper said:
There was some discussion south of the 49th around the start of the Iraq invasion that one reason for not allowing women in direct combat positions was that the American Public was not ready to see large numbers of female soldiers coming home in body bags.

Unfortunately for the chikenS$%T politicos who were more worried about the optics that being progressive, the definition of "direct combat role" became so blurred that their supposed well intentioned attempt to keep women out of harms way fell flat on it's face.

I think that sounds like more of the main/real reason, tbh. Probably applies here in the UK. About six women died in Iraq and Afghanistan since the wars began and they got a bit more press than the men who died out there, but really, I think that's inevitable when females are a strict minority in combat casualties, it's no reason IMO not to offer them the same opportunities. I do hope the British armed forces progress more, even if it's done gradually, but that doesn't look like it'll happen for another 10-20 years. There's still people who think they're allowed to do too much!
RCDcpl said:
I have no issues whatsoever with women in the combat arms trades.  I have (and still do) work with women who are just as good, if not better soldiers, than a lot of the men.  What I do have issues with is the special treatment they seem to inevitably receive.  I've seen PLQ spots go to females (who aren't ready for the course) simply because the regiment wants to have mod 6 qualified females.

It also doesn't do much to help the argument that we are equals when your sitting on a brigade change of command parade and watch a female receive a Brigade Commanders commendation for, and I quote, "having to carry a C6 for an entire exercise because the primary C6 gunner was injured and couldn't finish the ex."  I'm sorry, but she was an RCR and infanteers are EXPECTED to carry GPMG's from time to time.  Had it been some 220lb 19 year old male do you think any recognition whatsoever would have been given?

Like I said, no qualms with women in any trade i the CF....I would just like to see true equality one day.

I know what you are talking about and I think the said cpl you are talking about is a fine example for many other soldiers at her battalion to follow.  For one she doesn't have a piss poor attitude like a lot of people do, is highly professional, and I have heard nothing but good things said about her from people at 1 RCR. 
RCDcpl said:
I have no issues whatsoever with women in the combat arms trades.  I have (and still do) work with women who are just as good, if not better soldiers, than a lot of the men.  What I do have issues with is the special treatment they seem to inevitably receive.  I've seen PLQ spots go to females (who aren't ready for the course) simply because the regiment wants to have mod 6 qualified females.

It also doesn't do much to help the argument that we are equals when your sitting on a brigade change of command parade and watch a female receive a Brigade Commanders commendation for, and I quote, "having to carry a C6 for an entire exercise because the primary C6 gunner was injured and couldn't finish the ex."  I'm sorry, but she was an RCR and infanteers are EXPECTED to carry GPMG's from time to time.  Had it been some 220lb 19 year old male do you think any recognition whatsoever would have been given?

Like I said, no qualms with women in any trade i the CF....I would just like to see true equality one day.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!  Some things can not be unread. Lord, take me now.