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Acronyms & Abbreviations of The CAF

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i don't think you have these ones

FEBA = Forward Edge of Battle Area
OBUA = Operations in Built Up Areas
HATS = Hull, Armament, Turret, Suspension
GIP = Grid Intersecting Point
LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
AFV = Armored Fighting Vehicle
TAC = Tactical   
3BW =  3 Block War
GWOT = Global War On Terror
COIN = Counter-Insurgency Operations
SASO = Stability & Support Ops
3D's = Defense/ Diplomacy/ Development
Might I just add a new one now...

It's a replacement for NBC... it came from my CO... which he said it came from Ottawa...

it's CBRN

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Counter Measures...

I only know this cause the CO wanted me to teach this on ELOC training than NBC.... meh... whatever... same stuff.

Its not an abbreviation nor an acronym but I still like it.

If you have a concern you can call:

1- 800- 942-2222

If you spell it out its 1-800 Whaaaaa!

You keep pressing the 2 until some one picks up...they are the ones that care.

A new page on the wiki for abbreviations - seems to me to be a perfect place for this material and any new additions.
Not sure if this is a correct acronym but it's how myself and others see it

CSOR - Canadian Special Operations Regiment
Pleaase feel free to add/edit aconyms in the wiki directly if you have the information. Any registered member with 10 posts and 3 hours here can make their own edits.

Great idea and fantastic work by those who laid it all out...I'm not familiar with Canadian terminology, so it helps me avoid looking like any more of a fool than I am.....(did I say that??...oops)  :)
The Intelligence Branch and its personnel have a number of abbreviations associated with it/them:

The Intelligence Branch is the "Int Branch";

An Intelligence Officer is an "Int O";

An Intelligence Operator (i.e. a NCM) is an "Int Op";

The term Intelligence is "Int". 

Note:  Intelligence has historically had the abbreviation of "Int" in the United Kingdom and, by extention, the British Commonwealth countries.  There has been a tendancy among Canadians over the last few years to use the US abbreviation "Intel".  This is incorrect and generally drives Int Branch personnel crazy.  It is a poor habit, that can generally been traced to Air Force personnel who work in/with/for NORAD.  The shoulder flash worn by Canadian Army Intelligence personnel reads "Int".  This is the proper term.
GAFF - "Give A **** Factor"
FUBIJAR - "**** Off Buddy I'm Just A Reservist"
TN2IC said:
it's CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Counter Measures...

In the age of Terrorism/Counter-terrorism, it is actually CBRNE - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive.

S.N.A.F.U. (pron. [Snah - foo]) - Systems/Situation Normal, All F****d Up

As in "How'd things go at the brief?"
        "The usual: SNAFU"
Below is a small list of Canadian Army Abbreviations/Acronyms (with a few UK acr. too!) Please make additions or debates in your reply. Let's try to stick with abbreviations/acronyms versus slang...

2 IC – 2nd in Command
AA – Anti Aircraft
AAA – Anti Aircraft Artillery
AAF - Army Airfield
ACAV - Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle
ADATS - Air Defense Anti-Tank System
AIRCOM – Air Command (Airforce)
AMV – Advanced Modular Vehicle
AR – Automatic Rifle
ARRC - Associate Royal Red Cross
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASC - Army Service Corps
ASG – Area Support Group
ASU – Area Support Unit
A&T – Administration and Training
ATAM - Air-To-Air Missile
ATGW – Army Tank Guided Weapon
Att – Attached
AVF - All-Volunteer Force
AVGP – Armoured Vehicle General Purpose
AWOL – Absent Without Leave
AWACS – Airborne Warning And Control Systems
BAOR – British Army of the Rhine
Bde – Brigade
BDU - Battle-Dress Uniform or Bomb Dummy Units
BFG – British Forces Germany
BFPO – British Forces Post Office
BG – Battle Group
BGHQ - BattleGroup Headquarters
BMH – British Military Hospital
Bn – Battalion
Bootneck - A Royal Marine Commando
BOQ - Bachelor Officers' Quarters
BRCS - British Red Cross Society
BRSC - British Rear Support Command
Bty - Battery
CAD – Central Ammunition Depot
Cam – Camouflaged (Camo)
CANCOM – Canada Command
CANSOFCOM – Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
Cas - Casualty
Casevac - Casualty Evacuation
CBG – Canadian Brigade Groups
CCP – Casualty Collecting Point
CCS – Casualty Clearing Station
CEF – Canadian Expeditionary Force
CEFCOM – Canadian Expeditionary Force Command
CFCS – Canadian Forces Communications System
CFB – Canadian Forces Base
CFE – Canadian Forces Europe
CF H Svcs Gp - Canadian Forces Health Services Group
CFLAWC – Canadian Forces Land Advanced Warfare Centre
CFMS – Canadian Forces Medical Service
CFSATS - Canadian Forces Small Arms Trainer Simulator
CGS – Chief of the General Staff
CIC - Cadet Instructors Cadre
CinC – Commander in Chief
CITC – Canadian Infantry Training Centre
CME – Canadian Military Engineers
CMGB – Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
CMTC – Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre
CP – Command Post
CO – Commanding Officer
Col – Colonel
Comd – Command or Commander
Comms Z – Communications Zone
Compo – Composite Ration (also called comp rat)
COMSEN – Communications Centre
Coord – Co-ordinate
CoS – Chief of Staff
Coy – Company
CP – Command Post or Close Protection
Cpl – Corporal
CPO – Chief Petty Officer (Navy Rank) or Command Pay Office
CQMS – Company Quartermaster Sergeant
CSM – Company Sergeant Major
C Sups – Combat Supplies
CTC – Canadian Training Centre
CV – Combat Vehicles
CVD – Central Vehicle Depot
CVR (T) or (W) – Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) or (Wheeled)
CW – Chemical Warfare
CWAC - Canadian Women's Army Corps
CWAC ACCOMM - Canadian Women's Army Corps Accommodations
DCM – Distinguished Conduct Medal
Def – Defence
Det – Detached
DEW Line – Distant Early Warning Line
DF – Defensive Fire
Dml – Demolition
DND – Department of National Defence
DS - Directing Staff (also called DiStaff)
DSO - Distinguished Service Order
DTG – Date Time Group
Ech – Echelon
EDP – Emergency Defence Plan
Emb – Embarkation
EMP - Electro Magnetic Pulse
En – Enemy
EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Eqpt – Equipment
ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
EW – Electronic Warfare or Early Warning
Ex – Exercise
FAC – Forward Air Controller
FEBA – Forward Edge Battle Area
FLET – Forward Location Enemy Troops
FLOT – Forward Location Own Troops
FMC – Force Mobile Command
Fmm – Formation
FOB – Forward Operating Base
FOO – Forward Observation Officer
FOUO – For Official Use Only
FRT – Forward Repair Team
FUP – Forming Up Point (or Position)
GDP – General Defence Plan
GMC - General Military Course
GOC – General Officer Commanding
GPMG –  General Purpose Machine Gun
GPS – Global Positioning System
Grunt – Slang Word For An Infantryman
HAA – Heavy Anti Air
HB – Hostile Battery
HE – High Explosive
HEAT – High Explosive Anti Tank
Hel – Helicopter
HEMTT – Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
HLVW - Heavy Lift Vehicle, Wheeled
HM – Her/His Majesty
HMMWV – High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (Humvee)
HVM – Hyper Velocity Missile
II – Image Intensifier
Int Sum – Intelligence Summary
IO – Intelligence Officer
IR – Individual Reservist
IS – Internal Security
ISC – Infantry Section Carrier
IW – Individual Weapon
JFHQ – Joint Forces Headquarters
JHQ – Joint Headquarters
KIA - Killed In Action
LCpl – Lance Corporal
LAC – Light Armoured Vehicle
LdSH (RC) – Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians)
LFC – Land Force Command (Army)
LFCA TC – Land Forces Central Area Training Centre
LFAA – Land Force Atlantic Area
LFQA – Land Force Quebec Area
LFCA – Land Force Central Area
LFWA – Land Force Western Area
LFNA – Land Force Northern Area
LFWATC – Land Force Western Area Training Centre
L of C - Lines of Communications
LO - Liaison Officer
Log - Logistic
LRATGW - Long Range Anti Tank Guided Weapon
LRSW - Long Range Sniper Weapon
LSDI - Large Scale Deliberate Intervention
LSVW - Light Support Vehicle, Wheeled
LSW - Light Support Weapon
LT – Lieutenant
LUP - Lying Up Point
LVS - Logistics Vehicle System
LZ – Landing Zone
MARCOM – Maritime Command (Navy)
MBT – Main Battle Tank
MC - Military Cross
MD – Military District
Mech - Mechanised
Med - Medical
MFC - Mortar Fire Controller
MLU – Maple Leaf Up
MLVW – Medium Logistic Vehicle, Wheeled
MM - Military Medal
MMEV – Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle
MML – Manual of Military Law
MO – Medical Officer
Mob – Mobilisation
MOD – Ministry of Defence
Mov O – Movement Order
MP - Military Police
Msl - Missile
MT - Mechanical Transport or Motor Transport
NAAFI - Navy Army and Air Force Institutes
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC - Nuclear Biological and Chemical
NCO - Non Commissioned Officer
NOK - Next of Kin
NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command
NTR – Nothing To Report
NYK – Not Yet Known
OC – Officer Commanding or Officer Cadet
O Group - Order Group
OIC - Officer in Charge
OOTW - Operations Other Than War
OP - Observation Post
Op O - Operation Order
OPV - Observation Post Vehicle
OR - Other Ranks (Often mistakenly taken to mean Ordinary Ranks)
OStJ – Officer of the Order of St John
Or Bat – Order of Battle
Pax – Passengers
PPCLI – Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
POETS Day - Push Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday
P Info - Public Information
Pl - Platoon
PMQ - Private Married Quarters
POL - Petrol Oil and Lubricants
POM - Potential Officer Material
POW - Prisoner of War or Privately Owned Weapon
PRI – Physical Recreation Instructor
PT – Physical Training
Pte – Private
QAIMNS - Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service
QHNS - Queen's Honorary Nursing Sister Nurse
QHN - Queen's Honorary Nurse
QM - Quartermaster
QMG - Quartermaster General
QMS - Quartermaster Sergeant
QVJI - Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute
R22eR - Royal 22e Regiment
RAF – Royal Air Force
RAP – Regimental Aid Post or Rocket Assisted Projectile
RCA – Royal Canadian Artillery
RCAF – Royal Canadian Air Force
RCAMC – Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
RCD – Royal Canadian Dragoons
RCDC - Royal Canadian Dental Corps
RCHA – Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCN – Royal Canadian Navy
RCR – Royal Canadian Regiment
RCZ – Rear Combat Zone
Recce – Reconnaissance
Regt – Regiment
Rft - Reinforcement
RHQ - Regimental Headquarters
RJDF - Rapid Joint Deployment Force
RMA - Royal Military Academy or Rear Maintenance Area
RMC - Royal Military College
ROE - Rules Of Engagement
ROTC – Reserve Officer Training Corps
ROTP – Reserve Officer Training Program
ROWPU – Reverse-Osmosis Water Purification Unit
RPG – Rocket Propelled Grenade or Rounds per gun
RSM - Regimental Sergeant Major
RTM - Ready To Move
RTU - Returned or Return to Unit
RRC - Royal Red Cross
SACUER -Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SADO - Senior Administrative Officer
SAM – Surface to Air Missile
SatCom – Satellite Communications
SDR – Strategic Defence Review
SF – Special Forces
Sgt – Sergeant
SHAPE -Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SIB -Special Investigation Branch
Sit -Situation
SitRep -Situation Report
SLR - Self Loading Rifle
SMG-Sub Machine Gun
SNCO - Senior Non Commissioned Officer
SP - Self Propelled or Start Point  or Support
Sqn - Squadron
Squaddie - Slang Word For A Soldier
SSM - Surface to Surface Missile
SSVC - Services Sound and Vision Corporation
STOL - Short Take Off and Landing
TA - Territorial Army
TAB - Tactical Advance to Battle
Tac - Tactical
TC – Training Centre
TCP – Traffic Control Point
TCV – Troop Carrying Vehicle
Tgt – Target
Tk – Tank
TOT – Time On Target
Tp – Troop
Tpt – Transport
Two i/c – Second In Command
UKMF – United Kingdom Mobile Force
Unclass – Unclassified
UNPROFOR - United Nations Protection Force
UXB - Unexploded Bomb
U/S - Unserviceable
VAD - Voluntary Aid Detachment
VC – Victoria Cross
VCDS – Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
VCP – Vehicle Check Point
Veh – Vehicle
WAAC - Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (UK)
WE - War Establishment
Wksp - Workshop
WO - Warrant Officer
LAC is not Light Armoured Vehicle..................It is Leading AirCraftsman.

LAV is Light Armoured Vehicle

AFV - Armoured Fighting Vehicle which include the fol:

ACV - Armoured Cavalry Vehicle
AEV - Armoured Engineer Vehicle
ARV - Armoured Recovery Vehicle
APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
AVLB - Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge
MICV - Mechanized Infantry/Cavalry Vehicle
J.Gaudet said:
Let's try to stick with abbreviations/acronyms versus slang...

Why?  The CF is full of slang terms and acronyms.  Civies and people new to the military (heck, even when you've been around for awhile there are still new ones popping up all of the time!) are going to run into alot of them and will possibly be looking here for an explanation.  Besides, you say that and then in your list you have:

Squaddie - Slang Word For A Soldier