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acl surgery


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I had an acl surgery 2 years ago, I would like to know if they would let me wear my knee brace on Bmq ?
oli77 said:
I had an acl surgery 2 years ago, I would like to know if they would let me wear my knee brace on Bmq ?

I don't know about wearing a brace, but I also had the same surgery. You will need to get the op reports sent to the Med Tech or doctor and then they will make the decision.

Not ACL but knee brace related.
What I gathered from this is....

  1) let the injury heal
  2) apply to the CF
  3) make them aware of the injury in your medical exam
  4) get a doctors approval that the injury is fully healed and that you'd be fit for duty

Everyone's level of injury will be different. Your best bet is to just go talk to them about it at the local CFRC.
I can't say for sure but I really can't see you being cleared medically fit if you require a knee brace for physical activity. Though I wouldn't let it stop you from trying, the only way you will know for sure is to go for it and talk with them about it during your medical.
i could live without wearing it, it's just only a precaution. And no it wont stop me in my recruiting process!
Not trying to discourage or being an -hole, but can you live comfortably without it (brace) above & beyond  normal civilan type training? (5km and more pt runs; 10 k ruck marches; carrying heavy loads; sports; etc) Can you live without re-injuring or a better-than-normal chance of aggrevating your knee-ACL?
xo31@711ret said:
Not trying to discourage or being an -hole, but can you live comfortably without it (brace) above & beyond  normal civilan type training? (5km and more pt runs; 10 k ruck marches; carrying heavy loads; sports; etc) Can you live without re-injuring or a better-than-normal chance of aggrevating your knee-ACL?

To add to that - can you do all of that over uneven ground...those would be the litmus tests

oli77 said:
I had an acl surgery 2 years ago, I would like to know if they would let me wear my knee brace on Bmq ?

You shouldn't need a knee brace. I had my right ACL reconstructed 8 months ago, and do not wear a brace for anything. 0 limitations on military life, but you need to get over the mental hurdle of thinking your knee will collapse on you again.
PuckChaser said:
You shouldn't need a knee brace. I had my right ACL reconstructed 8 months ago, and do not wear a brace for anything. 0 limitations on military life, but you need to get over the mental hurdle of thinking your knee will collapse on you again.

I agree PuckChaser the mental part is often the hardest. To the OP, the best thing you can possibly do to improve your chances is a lot of rehab and muscle strengthening exercises. The stronger your hamstrings and quads are, the less stress on ligaments and tendons in your knee.

When you wear a brace your body doesn't adapt properly to compensate for the injury so your muscles depend on that brace for support. If you went to Physio after your surgery then you should have a pretty good idea of the kinds of exercises that will help your body heal and strengthen those key muscles. If you did not go to Physio after I highly recommend that you make a few appointments and they should be able to show you how to best rehabilitate that knee without the need of artificial support.

Just my two cents based on my experience. My surgery was almost 8 years ago now and there isn't anything I can't do now (without a brace) that I could before.

Best of luck!