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Access to gym at St. Jean / BMQ / BMOQ

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Hello, just a quick question, I work out 5 days a week for about 40-60 minutes and each day focussing on a different muscle group, is it possible to have the time, or am I able to use the gym this frequently?

I've been working out for just over a year now and while I'm at BMQ I was hoping to keep up and continue building muscle while there, my request seems difficult in my mind as I heard there was limited free time and limited time using the gym.

But I'm hoping there's still a chance this might be possible, If anyone knows or has insight I'd be very appreciative, thank you.

PS: I've used the search function and could not find anything similar to this question.
Maybe if he asked nicely the nice DI's can understand his committment...... ;D
I was there back in March-July 08 and we made it into the weight room maybe 6 times for scheduled PT.  When you start getting your weekends off(end of week 4) you can go in on your own on Friday night and Saturday, Sunday. But weekends off aren't a sure thing, they can be taken away.
I'm sure you'll get plenty of PT, and you'll get to really use all those muscles you've been working on.  Don't worry about it.
Kalmah said:
Hello, just a quick question, I work out 5 days a week for about 40-60 minutes and each day focussing on a different muscle group, is it possible to have the time, or am I able to use the gym this frequently?

I've been working out for just over a year now and while I'm at BMQ I was hoping to keep up and continue building muscle while there, my request seems difficult in my mind as I heard there was limited free time and limited time using the gym.

But I'm hoping there's still a chance this might be possible, If anyone knows or has insight I'd be very appreciative, thank you.

PS: I've used the search function and could not find anything similar to this question.

Your free time is limited during BMQ and is even more limited in the first few weeks, or in the event that your staff disciplines the Platoon collectively.  You will be too busy learning things and cleaning your room to spend time in the gym on a regular basis - you won't have the time.  Later on the course, if you all behave well and perform, you may have enough free time to exercise as you wish.

Fortunately for you, BMQ will have you doing plenty of exercise in some form or another.  Although you will do pushups and stuff every now and then most of your efforts will involve muscles below the chest (and hopefully between your ears).  You go for long runs of 5K in length or more, carry a pack of equipment 25lbs+ for certain distances, et al.  You do a lot of pushups, especially if you piss off your staff.

on the forces website the video for basic training shows 2 clips of recruits in a gym, do you actually have access to the gym during basic? here is the link to the video:


skip to 1:40 to see what I am referring to.
There will be some use of the gym as part of organized physical training with your platoon. It will be guided by properly trained and qualified personnel.
Is it possible to go to the gym during the evening or we don't have the time / energy for this?
The guys in the gym are doing the morning PT it looks like.

I can say with 99% certainty you're going to be more concerned with passing inspection and learning everything else then to want to go to the gym after a 14 hour work day. You will do PT with your platoon, and not be doing whatever P90x/crossfit/insanity/powerlifting program you currently have. After BMQ, fill your boots.
you wont be wanting to head to the gym after any day you have at basic.

Plus you wont be allowed to, nor will you have time to.
After the indoc period you will be allowed to use the gym and a few people on my course did. As long as it does not interfere with your duties, then there are no issues.
During your course you will have course PT which PSP staff will coordinate.  Typically you will not be allowed to do your own routine.  However, there are some PSP staff that will allow you to "push yourself" and do something more technical as long as there is the space, time, and you demonstrate the expertise required.  Ask politely, be humble about it because if you give them any attitude it can be an instant PRB.

As for your own gym time, after your 5 weeks of indoctrination you are certainly allowed to pump iron on your own time.  I never went during the week as there is rarely time to do so.  As for weekends, you should have enough time to go Friday, Sat or Sun as long as you don't have too much to get ready for Monday morning.  The gym that you will do your weight room PT in with PSP staff is out of bounds to any out of course PT, the room next to it is the one you can use and it is a very inferior version.

If you have any questions PM me.

Depends on your staff; you ll notice this a lot in regards to everything within the military.

During my basic, last January, we were not allowed to do anything during our "free time" at night. Even during the weekends we had off we weren't allowed to go to the gym on base, that facility is for staff and personnel posted to St. Jean.

But then again, you may get some cool staff who have a totally different mind set than others! Doesn't hurt to ask. But with that being said, wait to get a feel from your staff, I suggest asking after week 5, not on day one.

I've seen one post about gym access during basic but I want to talk about other things as well.

From what I gathered from the one post, it seems like after week 5 you may or may not have access to the gym during the weekends off etc depending on the staff you have.

I have been exercising a lot, trying to buff up and reach certain physical goals in my life. I've put a lot of work into it and I'm worried that the three months in basic will make me lose gains.

Can someone tell me just how rigorous Basic is in regards to strength?

Will I lose muscle? Is it mostly just running/marching?

Or do you regularly workout your upper body with bench presses, dead lifts, etc?

Any information would be appreciated!

I suppose on my weekends off I could drive home and exercise.

I'm not really sure what to expect as far as strength, muscle building goes.

Raeden said:
Can someone tell me just how rigorous Basic is in regards to strength?

Will I lose muscle? Is it mostly just running/marching?

Or do you regularly workout your upper body with bench presses, dead lifts, etc?

Any information would be appreciated!

I suppose on my weekends off I could drive home and exercise.

I'm not really sure what to expect as far as strength, muscle building goes.

PT at BMQ 

Is PT done every morning at BMQ?

Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )
17 pages of advice.
If I were you I would become very familiar with calisthenics type training and find a way to rig a workout on your floor. I don't know anyone who maintained their size/strength during basic, but I'm sure it has been done. My course didn't have access to the gym outside of scheduled PT time for our whole basic.

Handstand pushups, pullups, dips.... weighted if you can find a way to rig something up, I'm sure you're a creative guy.

If you get gym access it's a non issue but prepare for the worst. These are the types of workouts we ended up doing in the field if we couldn't bring a field gym so get use to them now.
Thanks for the tips! I hope I can manage to retain some size & strength by time I'm finished there.

If I get any weekends off I can drive home as I've said too so perhaps I can stall the degradation somewhat.