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A ton of questions about recruitment

Want advice on working out?
Smoking takes time, time you could be working out.  Think it's hard to find time?  20 pushups take about 1min to complete.  Do this EVERY TIME you want to have a smoke, and only AFTER you finish them are you allowed to have that cancer stick.

Start adding in 40 sit ups when you get up in the morning and 40 before you go to bed.
Adds about 2 mins if that to each.

Then start walking places, at a brisk pace(not your Sunday walks holding hands watching the sunset with your Girl Friends pace).  This will actually SAVE you time and improve your fitness.

You don't NEED to join a gym to improve your fitness.

I play sports at school during lunchtime . Tuesday , Thursday and Friday is Basketball / Monday and Wednesday is Soccer . I'm doing the 100 push up challenge currently on week 3 [ here's the link http://hundredpushups.com/week3.html ] I do sits ups on my days off the push up program :) . You guys making me sounds like couch potato that sits home all day and plays video games  :( . What i meant on the above post is that I don't have time to sign up for the gym at the moment because I'm focused on school due to the fact gr 12 is really important and I applied for Fanshawe and Algonquin College as a back up plan. Therefore If I don't get into the CF this year I will apply next year and will be attending school while I wait . When it comes to the volunteering part I don't feel as if Salvation Army looks as good as lets say I volunteered at a Construction company which would look good for my application as a  [ Combat Engineer ] but I'm looking for a non profit organization that builds home for less fortunate people in Canada or Else where , if anyone know a organization like that I would love to volunteer and invest my time helping others out . Salvation Army is just for the 40 hours required to recieve my High School Diploma .

Sorry for going off topic but I was wondering after you apply online and mail off your transcript/ proof of citizenship and they emailed back confirming that they received your documents, how long would it take for them to contact you back about transferring your files to a local RC ? Do they email you or actually call ?
Bart905 said:
I play sports at school during lunchtime . Tuesday , Thursday and Friday is Basketball / Monday and Wednesday is Soccer . I'm doing the 100 push up challenge currently on week 3 [ here's the link http://hundredpushups.com/week3.html ] I do sits ups on my days off the push up program :) . You guys making me sounds like couch potato that sits home all day and plays video games  :( . What i meant on the above post is that I don't have time to sign up for the gym at the moment because I'm focused on school due to the fact gr 12 is really important and I applied for Fanshawe and Algonquin College as a back up plan. Therefore If I don't get into the CF this year I will apply next year and will be attending school while I wait . When it comes to the volunteering part I don't feel as if Salvation Army looks as good as lets say I volunteered at a Construction company which would look good for my application as a  [ Combat Engineer ] but I'm looking for a non profit organization that builds home for less fortunate people in Canada or Else where , if anyone know a organization like that I would love to volunteer and invest my time helping others out . Salvation Army is just for the 40 hours required to recieve my High School Diploma .

In my opinion, volunteering with a worthwhile non-profit organization looks better than providing free labour to a construction company.  Remember that what we're seeking is someone who has demonstrated leadership, a work ethic, etc.  It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you do something.  Construction experience is great, but if I were you, I'd be looking at getting paid for it.

It sounds to me like you're doing plenty about getting into shape.  You don't need to pump iron to the Mr Universe level in order to succeed on BMQ, so don't get exicted about it.  Overall fitness is good and you seem to be on the right track for that.  If you want to go beyond that, fine, but don't lose sleep over it.  Frankly, in my opinion, you would be better off maintaining your current course with respect to fitness training, but put more emphasis on quitting smoking sooner rather than later.  It may take you longer than you think (it's not necessarily as simple as slapping on a patch).
Pusser said:
"You don't need to pump iron to the Mr Universe level in order to succeed on BMQ, so don't get exicted about it."
nor do you need to do the
Bart905 said:
"100 push up challenge"

Sometimes it's great to overachieve, but be realistic, the objective is to pass BMQ. Training for JTF2, CSOR etc. can come later.

Suggestions for training
- Be able to run 5km non-stop comfortably (maybe in the rain or snow to make it fun) at the pace of a shuffle minimum, throw some random jumping jacks, pushups, crunches *full sittups without anyone holding your legs can be hard on your back*, chin up's (if you happen to run by a chin up bar at a school), as well as other football training like drills.

- Do 25 pushups and situps comfortably without breaking a sweat.
1. To enable you to pass easily, the minimum required on the PT test at your level.
2. Everytime you or the platoon makes a mistake it's 25 pushups.
Note: If you cannot make 25 pushups, not a big deal but it is absolutely important you do them until complete physical exaustion (but not injuring yourself). Show them your angry war face!
3. Sometimes they go very slow on the pushups, so be good at planking (this is wear the situps help).

- Chinups are no longer a reqirement in the PT test, but helps with finger dexterity for those whom have never worked as a dishwasher.

- During the PT test, it is not worth doing 30 sittups, only to fail at pushups because your abs are jello.
Be certain you can pass the minimum before striving for exempt.

- Once you achive the standard you want, maintain it! (prior to going BMQ and after) otherwise all that hard work will have been wasted.
