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A moratorium on immigration and refugee intake from terrorist-exporting countrie

  • Thread starter Thread starter reilly
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reilly said:
Let's heat this up... :rage:
let's not.
You have no credibility on this site, as you have yet to produce any sort of factual evidence to abck up any of your opinions, of which you have many, and are spamming the boards with. This is your official-type warning. Back your claims with facts, or post less.
George Wallace said:
That is a rather ineffective method.  How do you distinguish, and how often would you distinguish, what countries are terrorist-exporting countries?  Would it not be easier and cover a wider spectrum if they were to screen out persons with 'radical religious' beliefs that run contrary to our beliefs?  That would not restrict people of other faiths and more moderate beliefs that may be fleeing 'Fundamentalist Rule' in those so called terrorist-exporting countries.  It would also catch 'Radicals' who may be entering Canada from other 'Accredited States'/the back door.

As noted, how does one distinguish which are terrorist exporting countries?

How to catch terrorists back dooring into Canada from, say, England.....?

reilly on Today at 13:47:10 said:
The ability to conduct proper security checks under the current system does not exist.

IMHO, Let's fix the WHOLE system not shut parts of it up...
whiskey601 said:
Discrimination on the basis of age and medical status?
Discrimination on race, creed, religion?
Discrimination on the basis of language?
Discrimination on the basis of trade or practice.

We're not in the business of building a super race of people in Canada. That would just be ... wrong.   

Immigration to Canada is not a right granted to every citizens of the world. Canadians through generations and immigrants have worked hard building this country. While I believe in a strong and fair immigration policy, it should be restrictive – based on Canada's economic and social needs. I also believe we should actively support the development of the countries and regions from which these people wish to escape. Along with this, the migration of skilled people, such as doctors and nurses, from the developing world to Canada is nothing more than theft and an attempt to maintain the status quo! A discrimination policy that you obviously support.

riiiiiiighhhttt.  'Cause you know what you are talking about from what source?

Oh that's right... we wouldn't know if you have any real expertise on these *facts* that you throw out because you won't complete your profile.

And before you comment again about my profile, you can rest assured that everyone here who needs to know my profile already knows it.  It is left largely blank for very good reasons.
reilly said:
Along with this, the migration of skilled people, such as doctors and nurses, from the developing world to Canada is nothing more than theft and an attempt to maintain the status quo! A discrimination policy that you obviously support.

Theft? I call it competing for the best and brightest the world has to offer.
Yeah, what he said.

Theft implies we are grabbing them in the middle of the night and tossing them in a burlap sack....

Or am I being gender insensitive? ...nooo.. you see CRANTOR FILLED OUT HIS PROFILE
Well I do agree with reilly on that point.  With the good intentions of our Government in the hopes of maintaining a 'Professional' Workforce, we have been 'recruiting' the brightest from other lands.  In many cases when those 'Professionals' arrive in Canada, their credentials are not deemed valid or to the same degree of specialization or standards as ours, and they land up with menial labour jobs.  Both Canada and their homelands land up loosers.  In a way it is "Theft".
paracowboy said:
let's not.
You have no credibility on this site, as you have yet to produce any sort of factual evidence to back up any of your opinions, of which you have many, and are spamming the boards with. This is your official-type warning. Back your claims with facts, or post less.

Is it opinions or facts you want? Perhaps the truth is that you just want to read opinions you agree with. I don't have the answers, neither does anyone else. I'm just intellectually exploring the topic from different angles. You are a Canada's defender of free speech provided the speaker says what you want to hear.
I have been trying to resist but...can't take it anymore.

reilly said:
Immigration to Canada is a not right granted to every citizens of the world. Canadians through generations and immigrants have worked hard building this country. While I believe in a strong and fair immigration policy, it should be restrictive – based on Canada's economic and social needs. I also believe we should actively support the development of the countries and regions from which these people wish to escape. Along with this, the migration of skilled people, such as doctors and nurses, from the developing world to Canada is nothing more than theft and an attempt to maintain the status quo! A discrimination policy that you obviously support.
Not everyone in the world wants to live here...( I personally don't understand it but it's their choice...loss). The only crucial restriction we need on immigration now is SECURITY. Those who do want to live here, be they doctors, teachers, garbagemen, floor sweepers maids etc. They are all entitled to live the dream and better themselves if they so wish to do this.

That is part of the freedom we here at ARMY.ca have sworn our lives to defend.....how about you Reilly what do you believe in?
reilly said:
Is it opinions or facts you want? Perhaps the truth is that you just want to read opinions you agree with. I don't have the answers, neither does anyone else. I'm just intellectually exploring the topic from different angles. You are a Canada's defender of free speech provided the speaker says what you want to hear.
no smartass. I want you to either speak your opinion STATING that it is your opinion, or state facts BACKING those facts up with proof. I do NOT want your half-assed opinions spouted all over the boards, with you stating them to be facts.

Clear enough?
reilly said:
Is it opinions or facts you want? Perhaps the truth is that you just want to read opinions you agree with. I don't have the answers, neither does anyone else. I'm just intellectually exploring the topic from different angles. You are a Canada's defender of free speech provided the speaker says what you want to hear.
To counter your intellectual conjecture; what does this make you?  The self-proclaimed saviour of Free Speech?  Perhaps we are getting a better picture of who you are.  You have been here before.
As far as immigrants (landed ones) are concerned, they are already screened prior to entering the country and have gone through the necessary steps to enter the country.  This site details the process. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.html

As far as refugees are concerned, there is a lack of tracking ability in regards to failed refugee claimants.

As a side note here is an interesting article relating to GWs concerns over credetials as well as what Reilly might be worried about but can't seem to effectively get his point across.http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=74212318-01a0-4ccf-9bcd-8bb289883324
paracowboy said:
no smartass. I want you to either speak your opinion STATING that it is your opinion, or state facts BACKING those facts up with proof. I do NOT want your half-assed opinions spouted all over the boards, with you stating them to be facts.

Clear enough?

That should have been stated as follows: OPINION: No smartass... Clear enough?
That should have been stated as follows: OPINION: No smartass... Clear enough?

Funny I don't see grammer crusader in your profile,... oh that's right! there's nothing in your profile!
reilly said:
That should have been stated as follows: OPINION: No smartass... Clear enough?

You definitely have been here before.  You will probably be leaving the same way.

Time to come clean and Clean up your act.
I've been hinting at it all day and now I'll come right out and say it.  Troll in plain sight!
To add to Crantor's post:

"Auditor-General Sheila Fraser looked at the immigration-enforcement system and made some familiar complaints. Citing incomplete computer databases, a lack of detention spaces, protracted court battles and a general lack of resources, she found that the removal pipeline was badly clogged. In fact, she pointed out, there were 11,000 live cases that hadn't even been assigned to anyone. Moreover, computer databases showed about 30,000 outstanding immigration-arrest warrants for removals that had never been enforced -- some up to seven years old."

Is it just me, or is reilly soon to be banned? He is making strange post's all over and I believe that I'm not the only one who is being annoyed be his lack of intellectual behaviour.
No its not just you....

Anyway it took me a few minutes to write this so I'll post it anyway...

As far as immigrants (landed ones) are concerned, they are already screened prior to entering the country and have gone through the necessary steps to enter the country.  This site details the process. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.html

I followed this link that Crantor provided around a bit. I was interested in skilled workers. It seems that skilled workers who want to immigrate to Canada have to provide their credentials and may have them assessed for each province they want to immigrate to. It also seems that Provinces encourage certain skilled workers and will help set them up.

Of course all the pages seem to say something to the affect that no guarantees apply.

Sort of makes one wonder, reading the stories about Doctor's or Lawyers who have come to Canada only to have their credentials rejected, could this be true? Or did these folks come to Canada anyway, hoping to reach equivalency , or heck just escape the Taliban.....
