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A great BMQ video.

I went to my swearing in ceremony, and the video from google in the first post is the one they show you when you first arrive at the CFLRS to swear in.  Apparently there is another one for officers, but there were more NCO entrants so they showed the NCO one.  There apparently isn't much difference between the two anyway.
What is the average number of people who go to swear in? Will there be a big group of people? or a smaller one of around 5-10?
There's was about 7 or 8 at my buddys and about 12 at mine.
Agent Zero said:
What is the average number of people who go to swear in? Will there be a big group of people? or a smaller one of around 5-10?

14 guys, 1 girl, mixed bag of officer candidates and NCO candidates.
Indeed there is a difference, all NCO's are NCM's but not all NCM's are NCO's that should throw a wrench in, (Love the video brings back memories, probably because I'M IN IT, there you are troops its about 10 years old)
If anyone really cares I'll break down the groups for you (hint it will be on a test at BMQ part of the military knowledge PO)

Flag and General Officers
    Admiral/General (usually only 1 at a time the CDS occupies this position, but there have been cases when there were 2)
    Vice Adm/Lt Gen
    Rear Adm/Maj Gen
    Commodore/Brig Gen
Sr Officers
Jr Officers
Subordinate Officers
    OCdt/NCdt (yes they are officers if only by definition)

Non Commisioned Members
Warrant Officers
    (MS/MCpl omitted on purpose as they hold the rank of Cpl with command over all other Cpls with an appointment to MCpl)
NCMs (in older times - before mine - referred to as private soldiers, can't recall what the navy reffered to thier OS/AB types)
    OS Recruit, OS Basic, Able Seaman
    Pte Recruit, Pte Basic, Pte Trained (gunner, sapper, trooper, craftsman, etc)

I just finished my first week of bmq. it's the long weekend and the intstructors wanted to go home for the long weekend so they gave us leave.

I'd have to say, it was a definate shock. I don't want to scare people, but my course has a lot of yelling. the warrant carries a black stick with him all the time, and when we open order, he walks in between the ranks. so it's very intimidating. the heat is brutal, and the exhaustion is painful, but at night time, you laugh it off with your section.

I have 3 more weeks, and i know it's going to get harder. But our 2IC's and section commanders are cool people. They yell at us all the time (ive been jacked up so much this past week lol), but they don't actually mean it. they're trying to teach you life skills. They motivate you, and if you take it to heart, or if you're they're strictly for the money, you're wasting your time.

I'm excited to get back because i just want to finish it, but im anticipating rifle drill (my shoulder is still bruised from "SHOULDER!      ARMS!!!" lol for those who know what drill that is.

anyway, I leave again on monday and I won't be back until the 31st.

Goo luck to those who go off on their bmq's next year. It's hard work, but you learn a lot about yourself.
A big black stick you say, must be armoured (everything is black for them) just wait till your grad parade and even his belt and gloves are black.