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A Canadianized OV-10D NOGS?

Reminds me of Paul Rever's Ride......light in the belfry....

Actually, you may have a point there......when I see that picture, i envision pictures of the Leo's......kinda pointing off in all directions kinda stuff......think these will be any better?
I want my one minute back!

I couldn't get past the spelling to see what this thread was all about.

I really like the Star Wars pictures - is that what we are discussing?

FWIW the 1100 SHP version of the PT6 is not maintained by anyone in the CF -  we use it on our CT-156 Harvard 2 (not T6) and those are owned and maintained by Bombardier.
Zoomie said:
I want my one minute back!

Sorry Lad, non-refundable.
Mike keeps those minutes hidden away in the hopes of some sort of 'Dorian Gray' thingy...............
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Sorry Lad, non-refundable.
Mike keeps those minutes hidden away in the hopes of some sort of 'Dorian Gray' thingy...............

Unfortunately for Mike the site’s aging porn star has figured out how to access those minutes. :eek:
Danjanou said:
Unfortunately for Mike the site’s aging porn star has figured out how to access those minutes. :eek:

Do tell............... ;D
Jeez even Babblefish could not translate what adam was saying....
Well,  I kinda like Adam's idea (granted, I am biased in that I'd love to fly one of those babys).  The OV10 would make a better escort for the Chinooks than the Griffons we sent over. (A Griffon with Gattlings is still just a Griffon).  I'm sure you can slow an OV10 down enough for a Chinook to keep up, but you can't speed a Griffon up enough to catch a Chinook.  The OV10 could also provide CAS.  I'd be willing to bet that it would be more cost effective in that role than an F-18 (I full admit that that is just a Fermi analysis).  I'm not sure how it would stack up against a UAV.
In terms of infrastructure to support the A/C the PT6 is pretty widely used.  Getting parts/overhaul wouldn't pose a big problem.  Getting routine maintainence shouldn't pose a big problem.  If worse came to worst we could just contract it out.
The only big trouble comes in getting the money for it.
I'm hoping one of you flying people will tell me if anything from this thread is good enough to keep here or should I put in Radio Chatter.

[and Danjanou, you were right...except that Mike prefers to call himself Dorian Gay,.....not that there's anything wrong with that]

Sorry Majones, typed this up before you posted.
This definitely falls into the Radio Chatter category....
Move it Bruce, in the name of the sweet baby jesus in his high chair move it before another 5 minute cyber aviation SME shows up. ::)
I propose we get these instead.


Better idea:

Falkor the Luckdragon, with Jesus as pilot. AAATREEEYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!
Which reminds me of this:


God that kills me.

Wonderbread said:
Better idea:

Falkor the Luckdragon, with Jesus as pilot. AAATREEEYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!

I swear... If i was drinking something when I looked at this, I would have needed a New Monitor..... 

Wonderbread for the Win in my Opinion...

Vehicle: Little Nellie

A small one-seater autogiro, just 9.5 feet in length, a weight of 250 pounds with a top speed of 160 km/h. It's maximum altitude was 18,000 feet, perfect for recon missions.

The brightly coloured autogiro was laden with the following defence mechanisms:

Dual, synchronized machine guns
Left and right forward firing rocket launchers
Rear firing dual flame throwers with an 80 yard range
Dual smoke screen dispensers
ATA heat seeking missiles
Aerial mines, to be dropped from above the victim



It is quite - and painfully - clear that you have not the slightest clue what you are going on about, or about anything in the real military world. I suggest that you read through a few threads on this site before you post again, especially on this topic.

You are also obviously incapable of taking advice, specifically several suggestions regarding use of the Spell Check feature. That characteristic, along with your atrocious spelling, needs to be corrected or else you will not, not, NOT be here for very long.

I am the patient Mod, and I have already had enough.