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A Black Mark

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Here's a jag question

is NDA 130  whatever is illegal in the criminal code...

Cause the NDA goes up to 129.  And my search has shown other
charges under NDA 130 but various different charges under the same number.

BTW.. my first question.. is simply to get you thinking.  PM me if you want my opinion,
I just want to see reactions first without tempering them.
Trinity said:
What difference would it make if he was surfing regular porn using
DND computers rather than child porn.  Should he also be released then?

Because while regular porn is supposedly between two or more consenting adults and to some extent socially exceptable to view, child pornography is not. Moreover the makers of child pornography exploit and victimize the most innocent and defenceless in our society; children. They are forced or coerced to performing sex acts for these sickos.
Trinity said:
Here's a jag question

is NDA 130  whatever is illegal in the criminal code...


Cause the NDA goes up to 129.  And my search has shown other
charges under NDA 130 but various different charges under the same number.

BTW.. my first question.. is simply to get you thinking.  PM me if you want my opinion,
I just want to see reactions first without tempering them.
beach_bum said:
I am horrified that he was not jailed and released from the CF.  He is sick and I wouldn't want him anywhere near me or my child.

Ditto. Speaking as a civi, maybe it's two faced but I expect CF members to be held to greater account on something like this. We just had a huge child porn bust centred out of TO and having a government employee using government equipment to access it, and get such a light sentence?

Sends the wrong message to me. Then again I'm guessing the people he works with might have their own penalty to meet out.
TMM said:
Ditto. Speaking as a civi, maybe it's two faced but I expect CF members to be held to greater account on something like this. We just had a huge child porn bust centred out of TO and having a government employee using government equipment to access it, and get such a light sentence?

Sends the wrong message to me. Then again I'm guessing the people he works with might have their own penalty to meet out.

Yeah I was posted in Gagetown when this guy was arrested and there was a lot of people really torqued (rightly so)

I was shocked last night to hear this sentence. Not even a reduction in rank and time in the crowbar hotel at CFDB??? Wow!! I regularly saw RCR Ptes go off to Edmonton for AWOL in Gagetown for up to a month...this guy gets nothing???

This is a reprehensible crime....as everyone has noted...and yeah stupid from the point of view that everyone knows that Big Brother is watching...question though....is this guy suffering due to his tours and needs help?
Yep I know, I know.....let's get him some help and then let him find another job where he's not endangering his buddies and their kids...I'm on net.
Well, all I have to say is people know who he is, where he works, what he looks like, etc... - the court of public opinion is often worse than that of the Crown.

A guy actually said on the radio this morning that " if (he) ran into him on the Base, I'd have NO problems punching him in the face..."

Trinity said:
is NDA 130  whatever is illegal in the criminal code...

NDA 130 states that an offence under Canadian law is an offense under the NDA. 

Thus, if something is illegal under Canadian law, a person subject to the Code of Service Discipline can be tried for doing it, regardless of whether it took place in Canada or not.  It also permits the military to try certain cases where civilian courts would otherwise have jurisdiction.

NDA 132 is more intersting - it makes it a service offence to violate foreign laws in those countries.  I dont know of many (if any) court martials or summary trials with charges laid under 132, though...
Now, it's pretty disgusting. The court failed to correct the situation! :(

What kind of message does that send to other military members breaking the law?? >:(

You know what? There won't even be a scandal. There's one in my mind. And that guy should spend 1 month up in DB, no matter what his collegues will do. They would also breaking the law discriminating him. That's not their role to punish him, that's the court's.
This is disturbing to say the least.

How did a CF member have time to see a porn site? How did a CF member get the motivation to view a porn site? There is no need to post his name here, if this gets out the public's opinion of us will drop. Oh, I guess they know anyway. He should be severely disciplined regardless of if they find out or not.

It seems to me that a many pers are getting off with fairly light sentences (purely a feeling on my part).  I think its time some examples are a made again.
Depending on your job and postion there may be a lot of down time.
This is in the news already, an open source.  The military is a reflection of society as a whole.  I imagine he would have done the same thing regardless of what he ended up doing career wise.
Motivation?  Well I'll that to the doctors.
I can't imagine how this man could get any sort of respect from recruits; that alone should be grounds enough to get rid of him. It burns my ass to think of how many recruits get turned down for much smaller infractions done in civilian life. Forget about how disgusting the act was, how absolutely moronic was it to access child porn of DND website? He should be one for stupidity or bad judgement alone. I know realise why the recruiting process is so long and stringent, and I have that much more respect and understanding of it now!
His name should not have been edited from the article we shoule know his name and he should be publicly made aware to everyone so we can label him as a sick sick man. This type of behaviour in this country needs to be punished with stiff penalties and not with soft punishments such as this....dont be shy in the future to publish there names they dont need our protection...let them suffer public humilation.......
The sad part is, this type of thing goes on all the time and because our laws are so weak people like this will just do it again.........it really really sickens me....i wish i coud meet this bastard and i would make a example of him........
Just think of the exploited kids this person was encouraging by accessing this filfth. Think of your own kids............
This pic is from the Chronicle Herald in HFX and is accessible open source.
I wonder what his PER said for Ethics and Conduct, NI is too weak of a statement.

2500 dollar fine, gimme a break. He should give that money to a shelter for exploited children. Disgusting!!!!
To look at porn is one thing but to look at under age porn whatever age it may be under 18 is WRONG. Its the law and it there should be no lets give him a break. and thats what they have seemed to do is give him a break.....
What scares the heck out of me is that everytime this sort of thing happens, no one ever would have expected so and so do be able to do this. He was such an outstanding person in the Community yada yada. I can just imagine the sheer number of people who are doing it and not getting caught!

Could be your next door neighbour, your co-worker. How would you react if your best friend for life was caught doing something like that, would it be the end of the friendship or would you somehow try to overcome it?

Nasty stuff...
Gnplummer :cdn:
A co-worker in Ottawa and once a good friend got busted for Internet Luring. It was not a good scene as they arrested him on the 417 with his whole family in the minivan.

I arrived at my work and the whole building was yellow taped off, I said "sweet.. day off". (Tsunami to follow)

This incident diminished our morale and trust as a section as he was just one of the guys. It definitely had an effect on the team,as we ostracized him and rightly so.

One minute a co-worker/friend, next minute criminal. It still hurts to think about it, but he did the crime and deserved the full brunt of the criminal courts and removal from the military.

2500 dollars is lame and people on this forum not posting his name is weak. This forum is meant to encourage free speech within the guideline set out by the owner.(which I enjoy and thank Mike)

WTF...An Admiral got busted for looking at MAXIM images on his laptop.

I could not work with somebody who has done this type of crime,less be in the same room with.

HFXCrow said:
Just think of the exploited kids this person was encouraging by accessing this filfth. Think of your own kids............
This pic is from the Chronicle Herald in HFX and is accessible open source.
I wonder what his PER said for Ethics and Conduct, NI is too weak of a statement.

2500 dollar fine, gimme a break. He should give that money to a shelter for exploited children. Disgusting!!!!

I like your thinking. He should NOT only have to give that amount to the shelters, but ALSO to the CF, each level of government where he lives, each local charity where he lives, and to each family where he lives. In addition to his fine he should be demoted to Private (recruit), sent to military prison for a gruelling 'rehabilitation', court-martialed, and either (a)-given a dishonorable discharge or well, if he's courtmartialed I guess there won't be any other option that (a). I must admit he should then be sent to normal prison for a -lengthy- real rehabilitation.

Discipline is really important you know.
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