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A bit about me

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Don't loose hope yet. Wait for the letter and if the reason why you were turned down can be fixed, then go for it.

If you have the determination to join, then make it so.

You never mentioned your height because 230lbs on a 6ft 2in man is not all that bad.

I rejoined the Reserves at 51, though I was 220lbs, it is on a 6ft. 2in. frame.

Keep working out until there is no possibility of being excepted. Good things comes to those that wait.
I am 6'1 .

51..  wow .. How was you BMQ .. was it hard

Yes... i wanna join so bad...  Lets hope it something fixable..
Does anyone know anyone that as been turn down on the medical and after fix what was wrong was accepted ?

:-\ I got that letter  :-\

OK, like i was telling you before i got refuse for my medical

3 reasons.. 

- Head head with aura
- High Blood Pressure
- Foot Insoles

Head head with aura:

Last time i got 1 was 9 month ago...  and all i took was a Advil migraine, and it was gone within 5 min...  So what i been told is to go to a Neurologue and have him certify i am ok ... and migraine are no longer a issue for me.

- High Blood Pressure:
Average 140 / 90 , My doc advice me that when i drop 10 - 15 pound it would go away...    he give me some pill to drop under 120/80 until i loose the weight ..

- Foot Insoles:
This is a other prob... When i was 14 old i when with the air cadets to a down hill skiing, I had a accident and i broke my ankel .. in my foot stop growing..  so i got foot  a 12.5 - 13 size and 1 foot at 14 .. so i need the insole to my the adjustation in my foot.
It ganna be hard for me to fix that...  I ganna try not taking those for 1 month and see if i get any pain in my back or leg...  also i try to get a foot doctor advice on that to see what he had to say.

I dont loose hope.. but... i am sad , and i am a bit frustrade.... :crybaby:

I keep u posted !!

:salute: Kertys

Woot !!!

I just call the recruiting office this morning.
My medical was accepted and aproved :)

I am on the merit list now.. waiting for my offer  ;)
Left hope for BMQ in October ;)

I let u all know.. i am so happy :)  :) :) :) :)


Way to go Kertys,

I totally understand your frustration with the recruiting process.  I've been in the forces for 15 yrs and have recently endured the process to change my role within the forces...it was a three year process.  I actually even reconsidered if I wanted to be part of the whole thing it was such a long process, and demoralizing at times.  I know first hand how waiting pays off, and how frustrating it can be.  Good for us for sticking it out!

As for your weight loss...you're an inspiration to me, congrats on your successes.

Well I gotta tell you man that I am very happy for you. Your story shows that hard work , determination and optimistic view are the key
to suceeding through difficult times. I wish you the best of luck and wish you the best through your long trek in the CF. I myself just got a confirmation from the forces. I leave for Oct 1st to St.Jean. I am swearing in at CFRC toronto on the 19th, Sept. Hopefully I run into you at St.Jean if not best wishes again.

PS I am a wow addict too :) (Gota)70 warrior ( Haomarush(Allliance)) (gota)60 shaman and 60 priest (Zuljin (horde)). I been around since WOW beta ;D.

Excellent Kertys!  I've been following your story for awhile.  Hate to sound like a broken record around here, but yours truly is an inspirational story.  Good luck.  Hope to see you in October.
Hello All

Some news ...  It seem that my file as been put on Hold cause, my case was close for to long... because of my medical problem before...
So right now it is on the desk of someone waiting to be "re approve" for security check.. should not be long... but u never know ;)

I keep my hope highs for BMQ in November :)

:cdn: Late ;)
You have persued your quest to join since Mar.07 so don't give up now. Once you put on your uniform for the first time, you will know you made the right decision.

Best of luck and keep us informed.
Hope that you have pursued your physical training & that your running / cardio has improved while you wait.

Hang in there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and a valuable worthwhile career awaits you.

Good luck

Your story sounds like mine. Im 20 now. When I was 17 and living in Toronto me and a few buds made a pact to try and make it as reservists in 7th Arty in TO. Unfortunately I was fat and out of shape (still am), and my best bud who was in on it well...didnt have the documentation or the will to get it. So after being an air cadet for three years and wanting to be a pilot since about the age I joined (unfortunately that was around 2000...before Sept 11/01) and seeing that my competition to be one that would more than give me a run for my money I took an intrest in the Army. I originally wanted to be field artillery or armoured, but after playing a couple games based on battlefields with modern weapons (for the record so a few vets dont get the urge to smack me silly I know a video game is nothing compared to what is combat), I took an intrest in air defence artillery (I used to annoy some players on air battle maps cause they never got far into my base), simply because I liked the machinery they used, found some of my air cadet and flight type training and intrest in airplanes an asset, and I found an intrest in it. I started playing all maps from WW2 to ones based on Kuwait and OIF. So after recently looking at my life (stuck in a job that yes pays the bills but gets me by, by the skin on my teeth), and looking at all my options and what they would cost I decided to have a pow-wow with a recruiter. I actually got to speak to a recruiter who was AD and he explained the roll and how theyre used today and even though were down to just the ADATS, and the MMEV apparently went down with the MGS, I decided to try and get into shape to be a perspective 022 candidate...and being 5'8 and my max 250, and now down to 200 I just think....why buy some piece of junk food...it will only stop me from driving that ADATS. Is a piece of sugar worth that much? Well good luck!
250 Lbs and 5'8"... Yowze!
Congratulations on bringing down the tonnage to 200
Keep working at it - you're a young fella & shedding weight = adding years to your life.
Good luck to you!
Hello all

I got my offer ;)

Starting Jan 7 2008, St-Jean French group  :)

I keep u posted with more info as i get it ;)

Excellent work on your part.

I envy you and others who are about to wear the uniform for the first time as a Reg.

It rekindles the feelings and memories of my first time back in 1968.

Keep your nose clean, listen to orders and keep one foot in front of the other and you will do fine.

Congrads soldier. :cdn:
Guns... 1968?... Yowze - You really are OLD! ;)
Hello everyone..

It done .. I sworn in this morning at 10h30..  I was so nervous... 
Got a good picture with the captain  :)

I be in St-Jean  JAN 06 2008 platton 0104

Later all

Good luck.

Whew, we can finally lock it up after three pages.

Milnet.ca Staff
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