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A answer to Robert Scott

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In Saint-Jean, for the prep year, the youngest are 16 ( like I was when I came hear). But now, we are all 17 and up. My advice for you.. is get your highschool diploma and then join the army, if you don‘t like it, well at least you have something to work with...

Good luck and make the good choice :)
How did you get a diploma at 16?

Is the prep year for people who may not have the minimum % to get inot RMC straight off? but still want to be an officer? I have 60% average in high school right now, I told the recruiter i wanted to go to RMC and he laughed at me. :skull:
I don‘t mean to sound discouraging, but you should do what you can to get your average up. With a 60% you may find it difficult to get into practically any university.

Getting into RMC (or again, any post-secondary institution) is a laudable goal, but you really have to work hard to get the marks to get there.
I understand. I have loads of this ‘Military Potential‘ they rave about i just suck my own *** in school. Not becuase i‘m an idiot or anything, i just hate school, it doesn‘t interest me. I hate it because i know exactly what i‘m doing with my life and i feel as though i‘m wasting my time there because i‘m a memo away from the Regs. I don‘t care what the degree i take is in because the Army doesn‘t care, they just want you to have a ‘degree‘.

I‘m sure i would take my education much more seriously if i‘m paying for it, or if they(DND) were paying me to recieve it. :skull:
Well, I figured it was something like that. Just know that nobody will pay much mind to your goals if you don‘t put your head down, and show them that you can flex enough brain to do what you say you‘re going to do.

You may want to be doing something other than school, which I understand completely, but working hard in school isn‘t unlike training hard to stay in shape.

You want to be an officer, and that‘s fine. But this is a hurdle that so far seems to be standing in your way. What you want to do doesn‘t mean a hill of beans unless you work hard to get over every hurdle that crosses your path.

I‘m sure you can do it, since you seem bright enough. Sure, school can suck, but a lot of stuff we all have to do in life sucks. It‘s just another turn in the path to your stated goal.

Good luck.
Hmm. well put forward. What would you do if a student is half way through his last year of high school and nothing short of a miracle could bring his marks up high enough to get accept to a post-secondary institution? I WANT to take the prepatory year would this be an option for an under acheiver?
For students outside of Quebec, that seems to be the reason you‘d attend the preparatory year first. The specific course pre-requisites for that are on RMC‘s website. No doubt, you‘d have to show some level of academic competence, so you have a few months to prove yourself.

As for the rest of this year, look at this as part of your training, keep your head down and work as hard as you can. No matter how much you hate it, remember that although DND doesn‘t run your High School, this IS part of becoming an officer.
I agree with Marie on this one...
The thing with school, whether you like it or not, is the fact that to get anywhere... AND I MEAN ANYWHERE ..... is you need to get the grades... and you need that diploma.

Without that piece of paper, The diploma for completion of Grade 12... you will find that just about any door to higher education will close... even the equivalency certificate(ONT.) does not always cut the mustard..

So if you want something as bad as entry into RMC, bear down and earn that diploma.
It becomes a war, an internal one, but if you have the guts, the perseverance to see it through then the doors to your goals will open....
My 2 cents worth, its a funny thing, without the Diploma, a Pvt (NCM) is something the CF will not even let you attempt.
I really hate to say this but getting into RMC is even harder then other really good universites.
They dont only just look for marks, they look for everything.
Its like the Best Of The Best people there
I am not saying no one gets accpeted there or your not gonna get acpted. I am just saying try to make your goal realistic to the way you are.
Like look at me man i am in grade 11 and i did my app test last october and guess what I failed it why because i suck at math, like i mean i really suck at math and i falied that math part.
but hey they told me take a math course at school and come back to them and show them that i took a math course and they would let me write the test.
I am taking a math course now and i am gonna get my butt over there right after i am done that course and take that test and pass it.
Just keep trying but make your goals realistic
i hope u know what i mean
and hey do u really wanna be an officer that bad?
why dont you like go to colloge or something and like get in as a non-commised
that what i am doing :)
My course officer on SQ graduated from RMC ..he said ti was good back int he day but now it ‘pumps out the pussys‘ so to speak. He said that the majority of the people there barely passed the 8 week basic. "They‘re weak int he field, but their graduates could sit in an office and pump out math problems all day" i believe was his exact quote. I‘m kind of the opposite end of the spectrum, or so i like to believe. I just don‘t think that its absolutly everything everyone praises it for. I‘m a realist i‘m afraid. :skull:
Ahh, the ol‘ "back in the day" line eh? My course was brutally hard but those that came after are easy. Can you imagine what it would have been like in the 60‘s? or even ww2? Battle school must have been insane. They use live ammunition on each other during war games. Fall out of a ruck march and your shot :)

Im not sure if it was on this site or another but someone had a good line.
(went something like)
Two men walked into the newly established marine corps recruiting center, they were to be the first enlisted marines. The first marine walked out and sat on a bench. A few minutes later the second marine walked out and sat beside the first guy and said "wow that was hard huh". The first guy lights up a cigarette and says "Son, let me tell you about the old days"
LoL thats a pretty good one, Marines are weak. hehe

I can see it being really tough around korea to-late-70s after that they started letting women in and puttin in policy bla bla, you know the drill.

But in regards to RMC, i‘m not sure what to expect. I‘m trying to get my mother to get her Band Card (a thing natives get) because she‘s like 1/64 th native or some $h!t. With that little piece of paper I can get in, fail everything and still graduate from RMC. jokin of course (i live right next door the infamous Burnt Church indian reserve)
they provide us with a little comic relief from time to time. :skull:
Carl G.

you said Marines are weak????

Have u been to Marine Recruit Depot Parris Island or there depot in San Diago and trained with them?

I hope u know that the Marines Basic Training course is one of the harder basic training course in the world.

A comment, for what it‘s worth. Around 1990ish, a Gunner in my Unit left to join the Marine Corps. He returned around 4 years later, and re-joined the Unit. Bull-puckey Hoorah stuff aside, he thought our Unit was more professional and better trained....maybe he was just suckin up to me.. :p
Carl G. don‘t dispair.

Yes, you should bring your average up if you want to achieve your goals later in life.

Look at the positive side, you are close to finishing high school period, and that says a lot.

I am 28, a full-time federal government employee with a respectable job as a Customs Inspector, taking correspondence university courses. I am slowly but surely achieving my goals in life. I had my first $60,000 year, in 2002. I have a car, and a house, and a cool girlfriend.

I dropped out of high school at 16, and didn‘t even look at updating my skills until I was about 20 or 21, when I started working as a security guard. When I came to customs, I realized I was lucky to get the job to begin with (they had an education clause that was loose, "high school or public service approved equivalent of education and related work experience"). First thing I did was get my GED (high school equivalency). I scored very high marks in that exam. From that I was able to enrol in University as a correspondence student part-time, and that is what I am working on right now.

Life is not lost because I didn‘t finish high school.

That said, do as well as you can, because it will honestly make things easier for you later in life. Having to wait to get into to university until you are considered a mature student will suck if what you want it is to go in right away. You will be climbing uphill all the way.

I now have a lot of certificates and the like on my wall, and am planning to put more there. But I will be honest with you, the one I am most proud of isn‘t my GED, or my customs recruit courses, or any of the skills certifications I have taken. I am most proud of my Civilian Citation, given to me by the Toronto Police. More than anything, I think it speaks volumes about my character, to people who don‘t know me.
The Marines thing was just a crack in response to the previous post. I know a Marine LCpl (who was in for 4 years i believe) he was a great guy and everything.. But, he was weak.

I‘m Aware that its unfair to sterotype all marines as being weak. Even thier Special forces are weak for christsakes. I went to N.C USA to train with the SF in FIBUA for 10 days.
In that 10 days we did a 13 klik ruckmarch, just to keep sharp (there was only a platoon of us) and they thought we were Canadian Special Operations Forces. They $h!t the bed when we changed out of our bushcaps into berets, I can honestly say they thought a platoon of reservists from atlantic canada were special operations force. It was at that point that I had succumb to the realization that Americans versus Canadians was CLEARLY a matter of quantity Vs. Quality. :skull:
By marine special forces do you mean the Marine Force Recon soldiers?
Not becuase i‘m an idiot or anything, i just hate school, it doesn‘t interest me.
S. Wilson

If you hate school, don‘t go to RMC, because even if your the best athlete, billingual and very good in the military....if you don‘t pass, your out. NO EXCEPTION MADE.

Don‘t stress with school, try to do your best and that‘s what matters. I did not have the best average at school, but I was very implicated in the school, sports and working a lot of hours at work, ...I got accepted. I am not a nerd, but the government is paying for my education, and there is a career that is waiting for me when I graduate...I HAVE TO STUDY because i don‘t want to lose this chance.

There are a lot of very good options and jobs in the army and being a NCM, is AS GOOD AS AN OFFICER.And don‘t let anybody tell you that your not good enough, certainly not a recruiter...
Don‘t forget, RMC is not the only option is you want to go in the army, don‘t be fooled with ‘the free education thing‘ it‘s more than that :)

Hope you make the good choice!


p.s In anwser to your question, I got my highschool diploma when I was 16 because I am from Québec, and it is different here... we have to take Cégep and the prep year is for that purpose. Hope it anwsered you question..
But NCO isn‘t as good as officer. As an officer theres little things, people look up to you more, little things like salutes and having fireplaces in your PMQ‘s.

I should have said, i hate high school. Its too juvenile and too routine for me, its making me sick. I work alot of hours, i‘m active in my community and in my school aswell, i just have really f*ckin $hitty marks. :skull:
But NCO isn‘t as good as officer. As an officer theres little things, people look up to you more, little things like salutes and having fireplaces in your PMQ‘s.
