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6 June 1944

Love793 said:
One of my regimental duties, is to be the LO to our cadet corps.  On Monday while working with one of them, I sat in on a lecture by the CO of the corps (whom is coincedently my former Gr 11 & 12 history teacher).  He was teaching his kids the importance of  Op Overlord, and the contributions that the Canadian Army made to the War.  It was the first time I have ever seen, 25 kids sitting through a history class and actually paying attention.  It made me happy to see their memories and efforts will live on.

With the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we WILL remember them.

I tend to blame teachers and institutions before I blame students.  Make it INTERESTING and the kids will learn.  Sometimes just hearing it from a veteran or military person makes a big difference from hearing it from teacher - even if the words are exactly the same.  History needs to be more hands on - what would be more interesting to a teenager, a filmstrip on Vimy Ridge, or physically walking through a reconstructed trench line?  Would that we had the resources to do that sort of thing.  Pity it would be so costly to send every school kid to the Vimy Memorial at least once intheir school career - I would have loved to have gone.  Just being outside Canada makes you appreciate what we have that much more.