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5 Sept 09: Yannick Pepin, Jean-Francois Drouin, R.I.P.

Our prayers and condolences to family and friends left behind.

Dave & Nancee Payne  :salute:
To our fearless fallen, Rest in Peace. To the wounded, a speedy recovery. To the Regiment, my  sincere condolences on your lost brethren. And to the families of all, a noble sacrifice that will not be forgotten, my most sincere condolences. Ubique :cdn: :cdn:
As a sapper, my thoughts are with my brethren who have fallen and those who survived.  God speed.

The fallen soldiers and their loved ones are in my prayers.
News Release
Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the Deaths of Major Yannick Pepin and Corporal Jean-François Drouin
NR–09.078 - September 7, 2009

OTTAWA - The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Gateway, issued the following statement today on the deaths of two Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan:

“The Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence mourn the deaths of Major Yannick Pépin and Corporal Jean-François Drouin, who made the ultimate sacrifice today in Afghanistan. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their loved ones in this time of grief, and to the five other Canadian Forces members injured in this attack.

Major Pépin and Corporal Drouin died when an improvised explosive device detonated near the vehicle in which they were travelling in the Dand District, southwest of Kandahar.

Their tragic passing illustrates some of the risks that the selfless men and women of the Canadian Forces face every day in carrying out their duties.

Canada is in Afghanistan as part of a UN-sanctioned mission to help build a stable, democratic, and self-sufficient society. Progress toward this goal cannot be made in an unstable security environment. Our Canadian Forces members are playing a key role in this NATO-led mission, helping improve the security situation in order to create the conditions necessary for Afghans to live normal lives.

Major Pépin and Corporal Drouin were helping to bring back hope to a population that has seen much hardship and turmoil.

This is a tragic loss for the Canadian Forces and all of Canada.


Major Yannick Pépin and Corporal Jean-François Drouin were members of 5e Régiment du génie de combat, based at CFB Valcartier.
This never gets easy for me to hear, rest in peace soldiers there will always be a place for you in my heart. :cdn: :yellow:
From Stars & Stripes, with photos:
Two fallen Canadian soldiers were honored Sunday during a ceremony at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan.

Maj. Yannick Pepin, 36, and Cpl. Jean-Francois Drouin, 21, of the 51st Field Engineer Squadron, were killed Saturday when a bomb struck their vehicle during a combat patrol in Kandahar province’s Dand district.

Pepin, the squadron commander, is the highest-ranking Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan to date. Canada has lost 129 soldiers in the war so far....
Another sad day for Canada ....

Condolences to the family, military family and friends of Major Pepin and Corporal Drouin.

Prayers for the quick and speedy recovery of their wounded comrades.
News Release
Our Fallen Comrades Return Home
LFCA MA 09-010 - September 8, 2009

OTTAWA – Our fallen comrades, Major Yannick Pépin and Corporal Jean-François Drouin, will return home to Canada on Wednesday, September 9, 2009.

Where:  8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.

When:  Wednesday, September 9 at 2:00 p.m.

What:    At the wishes of the families, media will be permitted on the tarmac.

Present to pay their respects will be the Minister of National Defence, The Honourable Peter MacKay, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, Vice-Admiral Denis Rouleau and other dignitaries.

Major Pépin and Corporal Drouin, bothfrom 5e Régiment du génie de combat were serving as members of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group based in Valcartier, Quebec. They were killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near their armoured vehicle in the vicinity of Dand District, approximately 14 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City at around 12:00 p.m., Kandahar time, on 6 September 2009. Five other Canadian soldiers were injured


Note to Editors/News Directors:

Interested media may contact Captain Mark Peebles, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Public Affairs Officer, who can be reached at (613) 392-2811, ext. 2041, or at: peebles.m@forces.gc.ca

For general queries, please contact the Media Liaison Office at 1-866-377-0811 or 613-996-2353. For flight information, please contact the Air Passenger Terminal at 1-800-487-1186.

rest in peace soldiers  :salute:
you will not be forgotton  :cdn:
speedy recovery to the wounded  :yellow:
condolences to family,, comrades and friends  :army:

              scoty b