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48th Highlanders Museum Looking for Photo's of KIA


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The 48th Highlanders of Canada Regimental Museum is attempting to put a face to all those members of the regiment that were KIA or DOW during World War 1 and World War 11.

There was about 2000 soldiers that lost their lives and and the museum has about 100 photos. If any of your family members served in this unit and did not return home from the war the museum would be thankful in getting a photo of him for their archives.

Here is a link to a YouTube video.

The video's title is "48th Highlanders of Canada Memorial for Remembrance Day"


Also look for the YouTube video

"48th Highlanders of Canada Regimental Museum"

48th Highlanders Museum
73 Simcoe st
Toronto, ON
M5J 1W9
OperationPictureMe said:
The 48th Highlanders of Canada Regimental Museum is attempting to put a face to all those members of the regiment that were KIA or DOW during World War 1 and World War 11.
There was about 2000 soldiers that lost their lives and and the museum has about 100 photos. If any of your family members served in this unit and did not return home from the war the museum would be thankful in getting a photo of him for their archives.

If you care to post or P.M. me a list of names I can run them through the Star online database from the War(s) years. The obituaries usually had photos.
I had no idea there were 2,000 killed.


Here is a list from WWII

George Adams * Saul Albert * Edsel Allen * William Allan
          Roy  Andrews * George Angrove * William Arbour
        George Ardagh * George Armstrong * Kenner Arrell
          John Ashworth * Roland Aubry * Emmet Austin

            Thomas Bailie * Ronald Balfour * Harvey Ball
          James Barker * William Barnett * William Bartels   
            Walter Bassett * William Beare * Lloyd Beatty
            Reginald Bent * John Berry * Jack Besserman
          Peter Birnie * Thomas Blanchard * Harry Blaylock
              Lionel Block * Robert Blyth * Edward Boles
          Allan Boocock *  Arthur Booth * Arthur Boreham
      George Boughton * Lawrence Bowman * Allen Bradley
          Joseph Bray * Samuel  Brickles * Chalres Briggs
            Orval Brock * Murray Brown * Murray Brown   
            Arthur Buchanan * Peter Burke * Carl Burke

    Francis Cadaret * Richard Callaway * Donald Cameron
          James Cameron * Robert Carle * Gordon Cass
    Donald Caswell * William Chalmers * Harold Chappell
John Chase * Edward Childs * Harold Chilvers * Wallace Clute
        James Cockburn * George Collins * Emile Comeau
    Leonard Connelly * Douglas Connors * George Coomby
        Robert Courriere * Elmer Covert * Robert Cowan
  Norman Cubitt * Earl Cubitt * George Curr * Joesph Czach

          William Dafoe * George Dainty * George Dalzell
        Gordon Davidson * George Davidson * Gordon Davie
                Allan Davis * Mervin Davis *  Kevin Delorie
                David Denard * Steve Derrick * David Dickie
          Charles Dicks * Reginald Dingman * John Docherty
          John Donald * George Donaldson * John Doucette
          Robert Downes * Ernest Driscoll * George Driscoll
        James Ducharme * Rheal Ducharme * Lloyd Duncan

      William Easter * Frank Edgerton * Walter Ellingham
            John  Elliott * William Elson * Robert Emerick
                                      Elmer Essar

          Terence Fereday * Donald Fleet * Victor Ford
              John Forden * Arthur Foster * Eric Fowler
      Harry Fox * Clarence Fraser * Raymond Freeman
                          Allistair Frye * Lionel Fuller

          Peter Gallant * William Garvin * Jordan Gayner
            Jack Geikie * Arthur Gervais * Alfred Gillard
        Timothy Gillis * Morley Gordon * William Gough
      Charles Gouthro * Melvin Graham * Duncan Grant
    John Gray * Oliver Gray * Roy Griffin * Berton Gunter

        Carl Haley * Harold Hamilton * Raymond Hansen
          Thomas Hardacre * James Harker * Frank Harris
        Andrew Harvie * George Hawkes * Forbes Hayden
  Edward Heighington * Maurice Higgins * Murray Hoffman
        Thomas Holland * Douglas Holmes * Edward Hood
          John Hooper * William Hopkins * George Hord
        William Hudson * Ivan Hughes * Norman Hunter
                                      Ronald Hyson

                          George Ivans * William Irvin

      Albert James * Robert Jamieson * Walter Jamieson
            Irvin Jardine * Robert Jarvis * Alfred Jenkins
        Thomas Jenkins * Frank Jobes * James Johnson
    Aeneas Johnston * Samuel Johnstone * George Jones
                                        Albert Jordan

                Allan Keddy * James Keith * James Kelly
          Joseph Kendall * John Kennerley * Ernest Kerwin
                    Donald Ketchen * Gordon Kingshott

              Arthur Laing * Max Lampert * Ronald Lang
          Joseph Lapp * Honore Lavoie * William Le Voir
        Ray Leadbetter * Albert Leaden * James Leitch
        Irvine Leith * William Lennon * Michael Leochko
          Albert Lewers * Bertie Loughton * Allan Lutz
                          Robert Lynn * Robert Lyon

Lorne MacArthur *  William Macartney * Joseph Macdonald
                Alexander Mackinnon * Donald MacKenzie
  Edward MacLachlan * William Magee * Alexander Mahoney
            Charles Male * Boyd Manson * John Marshall
Clarence Martin * Sid Martin * Thomas Martin * John Mayne           
      James McAlpine * Peter McBride * John McCaffery
              William McCarthy * Nathaniel Mcconnach 
              William McCracken * Arthur McCrimmon
Harold McCutcheon * Alexander McDonald * Eric McDonald
Henry McDowell * Ray McGill * John McGreish * Otto McIntee
          Archie Mcisaac * Ray McKown * Fred McLaren
            Alfred McLaughlin * Michael McLaughlin
    Alexander McLeod * James McMonagle * John Melnyk
      Gerard Michaud * William Miller * Donald Mitchell
        George Mitchell * Ralph Moore * William Moore 
        Daniel Morrison * John Morrison * Arthur Morton 
      Frederick Moses * Charles Moss * Steven Motkaluk
  Gordon Moulton * Rodger Mulholland * Daniel Mulvihill
                    Daniel Murray * Franciss Murray

        Eric Nettleton * Frank Newton * Angus Nicholson
                                    Robert Northey

Patrick O'Neill * Sam Oakley * James Oldfield * Allen Oliver
            Ronald Olivier * John Orviss * Robert Osler
        Victor Ouellette * Sterling Oulton * George Owen
                  Michael Owens *  Lawrence Oxenham

          George Palmer * Orville Parkes * Frank Partland
          Thomas Partridge * John Pascoe * Frank Pastor
      Albert Patenall * Percival Patenall * Howard Peacock
        William Pearce * Davidson Peart * Willard Perrault
          Melville Perrin * Alfred Peters * Murray Picard
William Pogue * Harry Pope * Arthur Porter * George Price
              Joseph Prieur * David Pulsifer * John Purdy

                                          Dennis Quinn

          George Rae * George Randall * Edward Rawlings
          Ernest Reaney * Garfild Reddon  * Reginald Rees 
      Cunningham Reid * Duncan Ried * Robert Remmant
        Gervase Rendell * Walter Renecker * George Riley
          Wilfred Rivait * James Roberts * Willard Roberts
    Robert Robertson * Walter Robertson * Harry Rolston
                  Charles Russell * Matthew Rutherford

      Norman Sanford * Norman Sayman * Lester Schauer
          John Scott * Philip Seagram * Lawrence Sexton
        Robert Shaw * George Shettell * George Shrubb
  Peter Shynkarchuk * James Simmons * Raymond Skarott
          William Skelly * Clarence Smith * Harry Smith
        Kenneth Smith * Sanford Smith * Robert Smyth
      Douglas Snively * Thomas Snoswell * Arthur Solman
      William Stagg * William Staughton * Monty Stephens
  Harry Stephenson * William Stephenson * Jack Stewart
              Montague Stonehouse * Berkley Stoughton
  Leonard Summers * Gunnar Sundstrom * David Sutherland

          Victor Taylor * William Taylor * Colin Thackeray
  Cecil Thompson * William Thompson * Willam J Thompson
      John Thorburn  * William Thow * Frederick Tithecott   
          George Tomasik * Rene Toupin * James Townson
                            Ernest Tull * Ernest Tweddle

                    Gerald Underwood * Ralph Underwood

                                    Petrus Van Poele

          James Wade * Gordon Waghorn * Hugh Walker
          James Walker * George Walters * Ronald Ward 
          Ernest Warin * John Warner * Ronald Warrener
    Kenneth Weatherup * Francis Webb * Stewart Weeks
        Allen Weller * Murray Whalen * George Whitelaw
John Wilcox * Wilson Wiley * John Williams * James Williams 
  Thomas Williams * Richard Williamson * James Willoughby   
        Edwin Wilson * Frederick Wilson * John A Wilson
      John E Wilson * Stanley Wilson * Alexander Wilton
    Stephen Wolbaum * William Wood * Edward Worrall 
                                      Alexander Wynn
                          Harold Yeoman * George Young
                                            Steve Zaharia
Good Grief!  :o
Let me guess, the list for WW1 is a lot longer?
Not to mention, without dates, that's going to be like looking for needles in the old Star haystack!
Tess, please come back!
Cross-reference names here:


For the First World War, start with the casualties for the 15th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Thanks, Mike.
Here is a pic and bit of a story on one of the Cubitt brothers:
Is anyone from the 48th Museum interested in helping?

P.S. There's a nice pic of Smokey Smith V.C. posing with a "stewardess" on the bottom of the page!
Michael O'Leary said:
For the First World War, start with the casualties for the 15th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force.

The 92nd and 134th Battalions were also raised by the 48th Highlanders but these units were struck in England.  The 134th survived as part of the 5th Division until March 1918.  Whether any casualties from these units that died in units other than the 15th Battalion would be considered KIA of the 48th Highlanders would be a decision of the organizers.  Also some prewar 48th Highlanders may have joined other units and although I don't know the specifics, it would not have been unusual for drafts to be pulled off the 15th, 92nd, and 134th to support other units.

Found one - 134th and 15th


92nd and, I believe, the 15th


92nd and ???


Of the units perpetuated by the 48th, the bulk of casualties will be 15th Battalion.  Those who moved on to other units and died will be perpetuated by other units.

Unless the 48th Highlanders can produce a list of all casualties who originated from the 48th Highrs (Can. Militia), the 15th Bn, the 92nd Bn, and the 134th Bn (all CEF), then only those who are from the perpetuated combat battalion (the 15th Bn CEF) are likely to be found by third-party researchers.

With the link you supplied I was able to find a relative of the two Cubitt brothers that were killed, and I am getting a photo of both of them


mariomike said:
Thanks, Mike.
Here is a pic and bit of a story on one of the Cubitt brothers:
Is anyone from the 48th Museum interested in helping?

P.S. There's a nice pic of Smokey Smith V.C. posing with a "stewardess" on the bottom of the page!
OperationPictureMe said:
With the link you supplied I was able to find a relative of the two Cubitt brothers that were killed, and I am getting a photo of both of them

You are welcome.  :)
This is a photo and obituary of Signalman Higgins. Died in Canada. I will add more when my schedule permits.

Hi Mariomike.

  An update to your link to the newspaper clipping about the Cubitt brothers. With your article giving a Toronto home town I phoned all the Cubitts in the area and was able to get copies of pictures of both of them for the museum.


I am a grand nephew of Harold Leigh Shearman, a member of 15 Battalion CEF. I believe he would be considered a deceased member of the 48th Highlanders. I am attaching a picture, in khaki kilt, short jacket, Ross rifle, bayonet and webbing taken at Valcartier by his aunt before embarkation in 1914.  Pte. Shearman was killed April 29 1915 at the 2nd battle of Ypres at Gravenstaffel, according to his service record and family written and oral history. His attestation papers suggest he signed up with 48 RCH and was then sent to 15 Battalion.  According to the attestation papers he also had prior service with the 57th Militia Regiment (Peterborough Rangers).

I would appreciate some information about the cap Pte. Shearman is wearing. Was that standard issue or his own kit?

The 15th Battalion CEF  along with the 92nd and 134th wore the 48th Highlander cap badge with a battalion number added.  There would be no mistaking the identity of the units compared with some other WWI perpetuations which are less direct or iffy. 

Emenince Grise said:
I am a grand nephew of Harold Leigh Shearman, a member of 15 Battalion CEF. I believe he would be considered a deceased member of the 48th Highlanders. I am attaching a picture, in khaki kilt, short jacket, Ross rifle, bayonet and webbing taken at Valcartier by his aunt before embarkation in 1914.  Pte. Shearman was killed April 29 1915 at the 2nd battle of Ypres at Gravenstaffel, according to his service record and family written and oral history. His attestation papers suggest he signed up with 48 RCH and was then sent to 15 Battalion.  According to the attestation papers he also had prior service with the 57th Militia Regiment (Peterborough Rangers).

I would appreciate some information about the cap Pte. Shearman is wearing. Was that standard issue or his own kit?

That is a nice picture of Harold. The 48th Highlanders Museum would like to get a nice copy of it for their archives.

Their address is
48th Highlanders Museum
73 Simcoe St
Toronto, ON
M5J 1W9
Dennis Ruhl said:
The 15th Battalion CEF  along with the 92nd and 134th wore the 48th Highlander cap badge with a battalion number added.  There would be no mistaking the identity of the units compared with some other WWI perpetuations which are less direct or iffy. 

Slight correction Dennis.

Although you are correct that the 48th placed the battalion number in place of the regimental number, unless you knew the regimental cap-badge it was confusing.

Only the 15th Battalion, which was the actual combat battalion, the other two designated as Purple traded, reinforcement,a nd training battalions, carried a banner underneath indicating the designation of the 48th Highlanders.


This was the fact that at the time, the 48th Highlanders held no other "Regimental Name" but retained the 48th designation, the only regiment in all of the commonwealth to do so. 

That being said, to remove confusion, the 48th was allowed to to keep the capbadge, and at the "15th Battalion" banner beneath, again a first within the commonwealth;


This is very significant to Canadian history, folks.  We were the first colonial nation, to stand up to the crown, with regards to military control.  It amy seem a small victory, however we Canucks stated that if you are as callous to designate one of our regiments by a number, at our inception, we will keep that name until perpetuity.  Our insistence won us a victory, and to this day, our defiance still shows.

Dileas Gu Brath


Dennis Ruhl said:
The 15th Battalion CEF  along with the 92nd and 134th wore the 48th Highlander cap badge with a battalion number added.  There would be no mistaking the identity of the units compared with some other WWI perpetuations which are less direct or iffy.

Dennis, perpetuation is as published in Militia Orders.  There is no "iffy" element because they didn't wear cap badges or have names similar to the perpetuating unit.  All connections by perpetuation exist solely because they were made official in the post war era. 

Perpetuation of the Units of the
Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.), 1914-1919
Michael O'Leary said:
Dennis, perpetuation is as published in Militia Orders.  There is no "iffy" element because they didn't wear cap badges or have names similar to the perpetuating unit.  All connections by perpetuation exist solely because they were made official in the post war era. 

The 48th Highlanders raised, trained and outfitted their 3 battalions as 48th Highlanders.  The Royal Highlanders and the Winnipeg Rifles did the same.  There may be others but these ones I know offhand.

The Irish Regiment of Canada's prime battle honours come from the 1st Machine Gun Battalion which was raised in France and only granted to the Irish through a post-war merger.

I do see a difference in that soldiers of the 1st MGB would have their own regimental identity and the veterans may or may not consider any identity with The Irish.  With the 3 regiments named above their was no doubt about their identity.
You are imagining lineages again.  The official connection through perpetuation only started when it was authorized after the war.

the 48th regulator said:
Slight correction Dennis.

Although you are correct that the 48th placed the battalion number in place of the regimental number, unless you knew the regimental cap-badge it was confusing.

Only the 15th Battalion, which was the actual combat battalion, the other two designated as Purple traded, reinforcement,a nd training battalions, carried a banner underneath indicating the designation of the 48th Highlanders.

I was aware and just checked the badges prior to posting.  My explanation may have been lacking.

The 92nd and 134th in no way would have considered themselves as anything other than a battalion going to war.  History and necessity intervened.  The 134th lasted to March 1918 when the 5th Division was disbanded instead of moving to France.