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422 000 $ for a change of custody(re: post of honorary colonel in chief PPCLI)


Army.ca Legend
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422 000 $ for a change of custody
Published on 08 April 2009
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This is a translation from french via Google....

The Canadian Department of National Defense has spent $ 422 203.55 for all activities surrounding the transfer of power between the Countess Mountbatten of Burma and the former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson to the post of honorary colonel in chief of the regiment of Princess Patricia Light Infantry.

This was told La Presse in documents obtained under the law of access to information.

For the Department of National Defense (DND), the fact that Ms. Clarkson accesses to this post was exceptional since it became the first Canadian to hold this position.


Since the establishment of the regiment in 1914, the post of colonel-in-chief has been assigned to a member of the British royal family. Before the appointment of Ms. Clarkson, has been occupied for almost 33 years by Lady Patricia Brabourne, Countess Mountbatten of Burma. Then aged 83 years and has reduced its activities, the latter had decided that the time had come to pass the torch.

She visited Canada from 14 to 25 March 2007. It has successively lived in Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver. The official ceremony took place on 17 March 2007 in the presence of 1,200 guests and members of the Canadian Forces meeting in Edmonton. The documents obtained by The Ministry Press indicate that the total is divided into two parts. The majority goes to running costs, is $ 381 948.90. A second tranche of $ 40 254.65 was devoted to the costs of travel and hospitality for guests, including Lady Brabourne, from London, and Ms. Clarkson.

According to Lieutenant-Colonel David Anderson, spokesman for DND in this case, operating costs include the displacement of one of three battalions (150 persons) of the Princess Patricia Winnipeg to Edmonton. However, he said, the regiment was in any case make this move as part of a special training of two more battalions will be deployed in Afghanistan.

"The first battalion (of Winnipeg) had already been deployed in Afghanistan and its members should share their experience," Mr. Anderson said in an interview.

But this is only part of operating costs. The rest went to the preparation of the ceremony which were invited some 1,200 military veterans, their families and politicians. In addition, these operating costs are being allocated to the royal visit and the ceremony, the documents indicate that we have achieved.

Hotel, sandwiches and soft drinks

The former Minister of National Defense, Gordon O'Connor, who, on the recommendation of its staff, signed the authorization for an expenditure of $ 40 254.65 in outstanding fees.

28 This amount includes $ 866.65 in travel expenses, accommodation and some meals for guests and their attendants. Note they include only a portion of the costs surrounding the visit of Lady Brabourne, British Columbia.

Another sum of $ 11 388 was chosen for the cost of the reception that immediately followed the parade dedicated handover. These costs include sandwiches, appetizers and soft drinks. By dividing this sum by 1200 people, we arrive at the $ 9.49 unit, pleads DND.

But if we divide the total cost of the ceremony by 1200 guests, the amount per person jumped to $ 351.84. Note that the ceremony had little resonance at the time, which a handful of short stories in all the Canadian media.

Thing is very strange that these costs exceed $ 150 000 the amount that was devoted DND (268 000 $) at the farewell party in July 2008 in honor of General Rick Hillier, Chief of Staff of Defense who had retired. According to a Globe and Mail article published on March 25, the feast in honor of Mr. Hillier had led among other expenditure of $ 23 000 for a passage from the Snowbird aircraft and $ 6,500 to allow the general to leave reception on board a ... tank.

By becoming Colonel in Chief of the regiment, Adrienne Clarkson will perform certain functions. It will be particularly drawn to move in all theaters of operations where there were members of the regiment in order to encourage them.

With the collaboration of William Leclerc
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Sensationalism and twisting the numbers.  It seems to me that everything after the troop movement costs, which were legitimate since they needed to be there for training anyways, was simply nit-picking and trying to get a rise out of people.