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30 days

Hey guys, looks like one of us in this thread is on their way, congrats! Unfortunately another delay to my already merit listed application :S  Now they are checking my academic marks from my first year of university unfortunately as the marks are low. Aw jeez guys, looks like this dream is already slipping away, nonetheless I registered with a great personal trainer back at premier fitness. Hopefully if I ever do get a call, Ill be in better shape, also I heard there is going to be a BMOQ in October now aswell. Its really frustrating though when I call CFRC Mississauga and they tell me one thing, and CFRC Toronto hasnt heard of anything like that. Also, I guess I have been calling too much (every day pretty much) and was strongly advised by the lady at CFRC Mississauga to stop calling and wait for their call, haha, guess I got annoying. So now I will be continuing the "waiting game" the Canadian forces is fond of. Anyone know about the academic assessment that my file is in right now? Would love for some help
        Wow- you guys/gals are all amazing. I hope that someday I'll be able to meet some of you in person. One of the kids over last week broke our wireless 'thingy' and I've been without the internet for a while- sorry for not posting. At the same time, I've done nothing worth posting in almost a week (serious veg. time) but I'm planning on hitting the ground running tomorrow morning and going hard until Saturday, so I'll at least be in a better mental starting block.

        So Rtangri- I wouldn't freak out about the marks quite yet. You're looking into the CEOTP route then? I dont' know how it is all done, but I did terrible in my first year of university. I went to UofC for pre-med, and just passed my courses by the skin on my teeth. Mind you, I brought my marks up for the next years and ended up graduating with a pretty respectable average- but if anything were to be based on that first year I would be up the creek. Marks are marks... they are a number on a paper that shows how many answers to could memorize the night before the test. I would say that if you presented yourself during the interview as a mature and responsible person who is willing to do whatever it takes, a 60 versus a 70 on a transcript is not going to make or break your file. At least, if they are looking for the best candidates possible it shouldn't. Good luck and keep us informed!
Thanks for the reply, I hope your right. I got a call from the captain today telling me to wait until november for a reply, as the next "expected" training date for officer is in january. Serious bummer, as my exams will be running from January, so "if" I do get in to the army, it's going to conflict with the exams. Also, who knows if CEOTP is going to be running next year, as I believe it is only used when recruiting numbers are not met in other ways (DEO etc...). On the up side of things, I was in contact with the US army recruiter today, and was redirected to a consulate in Toronto. Going to see where that goes... but i really hope I get a call soon, as I was hoping to hear before university started. Oh well, good luck with your training though, and at least in th$e waiting time, I get a chance to get properly fit!
Alright folks- I'm off in a couple of days (hooray)! I've been slacking off a little, it's very, very easy to say "hey, I'm going in a few days, whens the next time that I'll be able to have cheesecake?" I went for a run yesterday, just to get mentally prepared. Ran farther than I've ever run, like 10km off and on. It was great- didn't even get tired. Its amazing what a nice cool, windy day will do for your endurance! Then I trained for half an hour on those damned push-ups. Still can't throw down more than 10 'countable' ones, but hell- I figure when I'm doing 200+ each day, they will come fast! Can't wait guys- I'll keep in touch over the next couple of days and then whenever I can. Going to break in the new running shoes tomorrow morning- later.
You can't jump down the stairs in one leap, however much you might wish to, and you even more surely can't jump up it, but one step and then the next and there you are, at the top or the bottom and not a bit out of breath or discomposed.
Elizabeth Aston
Jane~Doe said:
Then I trained for half an hour on those damned push-ups. Still can't throw down more than 10 'countable' ones, but hell- I figure when I'm doing 200+ each day, they will come fast!

You're doing awesome, Jane! It took me a lot longer than 30 days to be able to do 10 consecutive (proper) push-ups! It's looking like I will have a few more months to train, so my goal is to be able to do 25 by the time I get to St. Jean. However, I think you are right...they will come fast when you are there and doing them regularly with your platoon. My fiance says that your rise in adrenaline on the day of the EXPRES test will help and you'll probably do a few more than you normally do. ;)  Good luck! (And just say no to cheesecake!!)
Alright ladies and gentlemen... this is it. I leave for basic in 6 hours (have to start driving at 4:30am). I am SOOOOOOOOOOO ready. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me over these last few months and to add a little incentive. If I can do it folks- you can do it too. Trust me- everyday is an ordinary day, and an extraordinary opportunity... it's all your state of mind. I'll keep posting as much as possible, but I expect it'll be a while before I can write anything substantial. I'll definitely keep you all informed on how I'm doing, and if my 30 days prepared me enough. Thanks, wish me luck, and take care of yourselves.
What you get by achieving your goals is nothing compared to what you become during the journey to get there.        ~ Me.    :cdn:
Hello All !!!

I feel as though I'm coming in at the 23rd hour here, but August was a complete write-off for me, and I felt so bad I couldn't be here to boost you a little.
My excuses include:
A business trip to Utah (oh man... do I have stories, but we won't go there) - at least I had access to the pool and the weight room!
Parental units not doing too well... crapcrapcrap!!!! and spending a lot of time there
Lastly, playing too much golf up at Borden!!! (oh dear-well at least I walk the course)

I have read everything now since my last post, and I feel the tears welling up.  :crybaby:
JD, I am so proud of you girl ... Your persistent perserverance has served you well, and will serve you well in anything you do! 
Nice job on the 5k too!
L2C - you keep going too girl... you know what your obstacles are and only you can obliterate them. You are doing amazing !!!

All the new people... Welcome, and remember this - if you're waiting around for something to happen, then you're not working out, so get down on the floor and work those push-ups and sit ups - get up in the morning and get outside and DO IT NOW, time waits for no one... time is one of the only consistent things in your life so leverage it to the best of your ability.

That is all I have to add at this point;  I missed you all so much but I intend on still checking in and following you all... and perhaps adding any tidbits I can  :)

Whoo-hoo everyone! and keep in constant motion  :pushup: :rofl: :king: :cdnsalute:

Thanks troopersgirl!  I have some good news to report.  I finally got  my medical clearance last week, I am fit for duty!  I guess that means I should be on the merit list and I'm waiting for the call with my offer.  I've re-doubled my efforts and hitting the gym again now that my knees are back to 100%.  My local YMCA also started an evening Bootcamp class last week, tonight will be my first class, wish me luck!!

More good news!  I got my offer, I swear in on the 23rd and start BMQ on the 29th.  OF SEPTEMBER!!!  Only two weeks!  Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support and encouragement. 
Luvs 2 Curl said:
More good news!  I got my offer, I swear in on the 23rd and start BMQ on the 29th.  OF SEPTEMBER!!!  Only two weeks!  Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support and encouragement. 

Congratulations!  :cdn:
SO I'm back and done. IAP/BOTP weren't even close to being as hard as I thought they would be!! Seriously people, if you just suck it up and bite your tongue once in a while, you'll sail right through. Ahha, after Christmas/new years, I'm off to start CAP though. My fitness went down the shitter in a big way during basic, so this next phase might be something close to self-inflicted torture... wish me luck! (I've got a memo in for an OT though, so maybe I'll be sitting on PAT forever in Gagetown (whoot) we'll have to wait and see how that whole barrel of monkeys works out.)
Jane~Doe said:
IAP/BOTP weren't even close to being as hard as I thought they would be!! Seriously people, if you just suck it up and bite your tongue once in a while, you'll sail right through.

I'm happy to hear it as I fly out in 4 days! Everyone says just do what they tell you and keep your lip zipped (even the det commander at my ceremony - he said "My advice is this:" and then did the lip zipping motion with his hand, lol). So that's the plan - put up and shut up and hopefully get my commission in week 15!

Jane, what trade are you looking at for your OT?