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30 days


Jr. Member
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Alright- so here's the deal. I've just been merit listed for a position as an armour DEO.  :D I was told by my recruiter that I have a very competitive file, and should be expecting an offer fairly soon; which means that I've arrived, more or less, at crunch-time. Of course I've been training throughout the application process to date, (and have made respectable progress), but honestly I've yet to meet even the minimum standards for BOTP.  :-[ Now, I'm hoping to do a number of things with this thread. Firstly, I think that a daily log of what I've been doing, counting up to 30 days (after which I hope to be on my way to Quebec) will act as extra incentive to dig deeper, as I will be accountable both to myself and publically- as I will hopefully find a few supporters on this forum. Also, I think that a detailed account of a thirty day count down might be helpful for others in the future who are finding it hard to push out those last few km's as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Here's the thing; I'm not in fantastic shape. It seems that the majority of threads like mine end up in one way or another to be someones account of how they aren't sure if only  50 push-ups and just an 8k in 50 min will suffice at basic. Well guys- I'd like to keep this thread for those out there like me who are really starting from scratch. Sure, knowing that other guys are capable of all that and that we are too, eventually, is helpful and moderately encouraging... but it doesn't take very long before these accounts become overwhelming, especially when your own push-ups are in the single digits and your running route has just progressed from your mailbox to your neighbours mailbox.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      And so I'll get right to it. Tomorrow, July 14th, 2008- is day no. 1     As of this moment, I can do 5 push-ups (sad, I know, but I'm still proud, as I could only do one a few weeks ago- so don't burst my bubble) and I can finish a 2.4k on the machine with a 1.5 incline in about 13 min. (Haven't worked on running outside yet, one thing at a time).  I'll be posting again tomorrow night with what I did all day, and anything else notable. I'm really excited about this, and the potential for it to encourage others who are finding themselves a little desperate for hope. I WILL be in the army, I WILL NOT fail when the tools for success are in my hands (or are my hands). Seey'all tomorrow, after day No. 1  of 30.  If anyone out there is starting from scratch and wants to hit the road with me, you're more than welcome to leave your PT log here too- could be alot of fun with a little competition in the batch.       Jane~Doe   
I don't fear failure. I only fear the slowing up of the engine inside of me which is saying, "Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?" -George S. Patton
I was in your position about 4 months ago, I could barely do 1 military push up, so I started doing as many as I could on the stairs (started on the 3rd step up), then after I did as many as I could there, I would do "girl" pushups on my knees, eventually I go to where I am now. I can only do about 25 of the "military" style pushups (hands under shoulders, arms tucked in), and I finish up by doing as many as I can either on the 1st step of the stairs, or on my knees.

As for running, I just run until I can't anymore, after a while it gets longer and longer, I can do the 2.4km in around the 10min area on my treadmill at an incline of 4, I occasionally run outside too, but I find it much more difficult specifically because of where I run, a hydro tower right away, its quite bumpy and hilly, but it's perfect because I can run from where it starts in my area out on the street to the end, where its blocked by houses, and back and its 2.4km.

When I first started out I had no idea what I was doing, and I was working out every day and I didn't notice much of a difference, then I started talking to some people that did know what they were doing, and they told me to not work out every day, because it takes about 48 hours for new muscle to grow, so they advised that I alternate weight lifting one day, and cardio the other day, but to still do pushups and situps every day. On the days you do weight lifting, try doing a difficult muscle group.

The only thing I have to work on is chinups/pullups (and maybe losing some weight), which are god awful difficult to do, lol, but I can get one!

P.S. A friend of mine who already joined has said that once you are in, and are training, pushups and situps will become much easier because you lose more weight. Don't know if its true, but in my case I hope it is, I want to lose around 20-30lbs. Specifically the spare tire that is protecting my six pack from all the ladies!
Hey Jane~Doe!

CONGRATULATIONS on taking this step to enhance YOU for the rest of your life.
I will match your efforts, even though I'm not in the military.  I'm on the sidelines cheerleading (LOL), so I will follow your progress and try to give you as much encouragement as possible.

Just remember stay positive and persistent and the pay-off will be AMAZING!
Keep reminding yourself: I AM AMAZING and your efforts will be easier each day.

Can't wait for your next post... I have it ear-marked.

troopersgirl said:
Keep reminding yourself: I AM AMAZING

Reminding yourself is fine.  Its when you start reminding others that the trouble starts.  ;)

Jane~Doe, good luck with your "crunch".  Hopefully you will be ready for BMQ without a worry. 
Alright, day no. 1 down. I hit the gym this morning, but didn't run... was feeling pretty crappy. Instead, I ended up on the elliptical for 30 min and then biking for 15- and then did a half-hour circuit. I've maxed out my push-ups three times today... but didn't get all the way to five. Would have done more, but I work 2 jobs and didn't get off till late. Thanks for the replies guys! It's awesome- already I'm getting encouragement, and knowing that someone out there is following up on me is the best motivator possible. I'm off to bed now, but I'll be on again tomorrow night to write up day no. 2                We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.
Awesome start Jane~Doe!

I don't have a gym to work on fancy equipment, so I'll have to head outdoors.  I've clocked some kms with the car so I know I'm going to start the running with a fast walk just to start, then pace it up from there. I'm going to keep it at 5km and work on my speed.
I'm weak in the upper body, so I'm working on the push-ups slowly.
There is another post that talks about swimming as well.  I am definitely a weak swimmer (too much muscle makes me sink) so I have to learn to relax.
See: The Recruiting Office> Physical Training and Standards> Topics: GIRLS IN THE GYM...
This link should work: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/73783.0.html
There are some dietary tips as well.
I found it interesting, so I hope this helps.
Alright everyone....well, everyone who is following my little escapade... this was day no. 2
What did I do today? well, besides working 12 hours at 2 jobs (which makes getting to the gym rather challenging- as you all probably can relate with) I did end up having a pretty good day. I warmed up with a 5 min 'fit test' on the treadmill, then did a 5 min run, 2 walk, 5 run, 2 walk, 5 run. Then I hit the bike for 20 min at a pretty decent click and finished off with a 30 min circuit on some basic machines. I did my push-ups and maxed out twice today- hey, I got to 6 today! (yeay for me) though I don't know if the would all have counted (got pretty sad near the end) After work I went to a step class, which I will definitely be paying for in the morning, and went for a run outside; 1 km run, 1 km walk, 1 km run. It's not much, definitely nothing to brag about around the lot that are on this site- But I feel good for working hard. Kinda excited about day no. 3- I've got my first appointment with a personal trainer... we'll see how that goes.
Well, that's it for now- again everybody, thanks for the encouragement! Keep it up and I will.
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.
Vincent Van Gogh
Thanks for the inspiration troopersgirl- you wouldn't believe how much having even a couple of people cheering you on will help- and so I want to return the favor.
troopersgirl said:
I don't have a gym to work on fancy equipment, so I'll have to head outdoors.
I completely understand the lack-of-gym dilemma, but honestly- it's not necessary. You can do just as much if not more for your body with a pair of running shoes and a flat surface than in any multimillion dollar complex. Sounds like you're on track with the running- if you are really starting from scratch might I suggest running a telephone pole and then walking one for a while, and after a week try running two and walking one. I find this alot easier to keep track of than times... in the middle of a run the LAST thing that I want to do is see how long I've been going. As far as swimming goes, that is kinda my element. I was a national swimmer for a while, and have been a lifeguard/serfguard for about 10 years- as well as teaching private lessons. So if you have any questions at all, I would love to help out and offer some pointers, programs, or tricks. Hope you keep in touch- Jane~Doe
Awesome Job today!!  Nothing like pushing it to the limit, and keeping on track.
Yeah, sorry about the swimming tips... like you and the running tips with me (haha).  But that's ok because you reminded me about the phone pole thing, which I used to do in jogs and sprints when I WAS in shape.  When we were kids we'd walk 20 paces and run 20 paces.
(shorter legs I guess! ha!)  No biggie.  I figure now that school is out, I'll run to the playgrounds early in the a.m. before the kidlets arrive to take over and I'll work on the monkey bars and do resistance exercises while the muscles are warmed up, then back again.
I know you're getting a personal trainer, but here's a cool website I found for you that just may compliment the work you do together:
I hope this is a better tip than yesterdays.

Say! and THANKS for the inspirational quotes - they're an amazing plus!!

Let me know if you need me to check for anything else, so you don't have to worry about time constraints, OK?
SEIZE DAY 3!! :salute:
Hello ladies and gents.  I too am a member of the starting from scratch club.  Here is my story.

I am 31 years old and at Christmas last year, after a family crisis and lots of soul searching, I decided to apply to the CF.  I gave myself a deadline of 5 months (end of May) to get in shape before submitting my application (I had about 50lbs to lose and lots of running to do). I missed my deadline by 2 days due to a case of strep throat but as soon as I was able to leave the house I went straight to the CFRC to hand in my paperwork. I have a hectic curling schedule during the winter so I wasn't really able to start training seriously until May and I found that I kept skipping my runs because of bad weather. So...no more excuses...I joined the YMCA.  After some research online and many discussions with a fitness buff at work, I have developed the following routine:  Day 1 - Easy Run, Day 2 - Weights (Chest, shoulders, arms and legs) incl. pushups and situps) Day 3 - Hard Run, Day 4 Weights, and so on.  I also take an Interval Training class at the YMCA once a week and I try to take 1 day off for a break.  I've lost over 30lbs and I thought I was doing really well with the pushups until I found out that you have to touch your chest to the ground to make it count.  :o  Now I can do 8 with my knees down and 1 with knees off the ground  :(, 25 situps, and I run 2.4k 3-4 times per week (times are still above 15 mins but getting better every week).  I hope to hear about my medical clearance next week and may start BMQ in early September (assuming of course that I get in). I hope that by then I'll be able to meet the minimun requirements by that time.  It's great to know that I'm not alone and hearing your stories really helps me get motivated to work extra hard to make it happen.  Keep the updates coming!
Luvs 2 Curl said:
I've lost over 30lbs and I thought I was doing really well with the pushups until I found out that you have to touch your chest to the ground to make it count.

First off, congrats on the weight loss and getting fit!

Here is the proper procedure for push ups, according to PSP's CF EXPRES Operations Manual (emphasis mine):

The proper down position has the back of the upper arms (triceps area) parallel to the floor/mat. The chin, chest area, stomach, thighs, or knees should not touch the floor/mat in the down position. However, incidental contact of any body part should not be used as a reason to terminate the test, or not count push-ups, unless the member through such contact is gaining clear advantage.

Found at para 60 on the link.

This link from PSP Esquimalt has pictures and gives the remedial push up training.
Alright fellow members of the 'from scratch' club  ;D Today was day no.3- and I 've got big news. I got a call this morning- I have been offered a position as a DEO armour!!! I swear in on the 18th of August, and start BOTP on the 1st of September. I guess this leaves me with a few more days than 30 (27 now), but I'm sure an extra week or two of training won't hurt.  ;) 
So anyways, I knew I would be going sometime this summer, and so this doesn't really change things- I'm still doing the 30 days... and this, as we know, was day no. 3- so what did I do? Started off with a 10 min inclined walk for warm-up, then I ran a mile at 6.7mph and 1% incline (which was ridiculously hard- legs are like noodles after yesterday). Then I biked it for 15 min, and met with my personal trainer for the first time. I maxed out the push-ups once today (at five) and the trainer got me to do a million different things for the chest- to focus on push-ups, and has forbidden me from doing any until next week. Apparently, I'm going to do 'so good' at the new program that she gave me, that I'll surprise myself and be able to do 10 or so by that time. (skeptical, but we'll see). And that was it- pretty good day (though I consider it a good day if I GET to the gym, let alone do anything while I'm there) and I got some good groceries... working out is only half of the battle right.
Again guys and gals, thanks for the encouragement- I've got a 14 hour work day tomorrow, so we'll see how things pan out. Everybody, keep it up- it sounds like we've found a great bunch of positive people here, and I think that we could all help one another out alot. Till tomorrow.
Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.
Jesse Jackson
Hey Luvs-to-curl! Sounds like you are doing fantastic!!! You've already done what tonnes of us are dreaming of- keep on inspiring and keep in touch with the thread. Your story/experience is exactally what this 'scratch club' is all about. If you don't mind me asking, what did you apply for?
Good on ya guys for getting this going, just don't let the momentum slip.
PMedMoe -
Thanks for the push-up tip and link.  Man, was I doing them wrong!  Still got to 10, but sure felt the difference.

A friend mentioned to try and do three reps in a row with a 3min wait in between to gain strength, but if anyone thinks something else works better, pls advise.  Thx.

Ok, here's my tip for today -- Don't forget to breathe!
PMedMoe said:
First off, congrats on the weight loss and getting fit!

Here is the proper procedure for push ups, according to PSP's CF EXPRES Operations Manual (emphasis mine):

Found at para 60 on the link.

This link from PSP Esquimalt has pictures and gives the remedial push up training.

Thanks Moe!  I have applied for AVS Tech (Avionics)
:pushup: Alright y'all- day no. 4 down. Didn't have time to do much today... well, I guess I had the time, but not the drive. Ever go to the gym and just sit there looking at the machines or talking to people until you decide you're just 'not feeling it' right now? yeah- one of those. I walked for 20 min at a pretty fast pase on a big incline... not cardio, but enough to get a good sweat on. Then I went  on the stairmaster for 5 min, and hit the pool and did 40 laps (which is cheating for me, swimming is the easiest thing that I can do at the gym). Later on in the day I went to step class, but only got about 25 minutes into it before I was called out for work. Then, just now, I did 50 push-ups (on my knees so I'm not breaking my trainers rule) in sets of 10. Not alot, but hey- its something. Hope everybody else is keeping it up too. Oh, and I sold my car today. This is something that I was planning on doing before basic anyways, but I figure I  may as well do it now, buy a bike, and force myself to do some work on my way to and from the jobs. Gonna suck on a rainy day, but I'm not going to melt.  ;D (though I am oh so sweet). Alrighty, going to hit the sac- till tomorrow everyone! Keep it up!
In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down.
      - Brian Weir
Keep up the good work!  Keep pumping out those push-ups.  When you wake up in the morning do 5 deliberate pushups. Do another 5 before heading out for work. Soon enough, you will be doing more and more.

Don't sweat the running too much - BOTP will introduce you to formation running and the esprit de corps style of PT. You will also shed tons of weight and excess flab just in the motions of doing your job (ie walking up the stairs with equipment to go back to room).

Good luck.


Who ever invented that phrase had to be in the Army! (ha! any history buffs out there? - no, I'm not trying to divert attention from the matters at hand ~ really!)
I was afraid to post yesterday because I took the day off.  I can't walk (wimp), so I'm doing stretching, and searching for my pilates DVDs with a vengeance!  Truthfully, I also had to step off because a friend with recent heart surgery needed some help badly.  Housework, meal planning, gradual fitness ideas ~ lets call it "Consulting". 

My workout schedule, therefore, has been compromised and I am incorporating a new methodology... inorder to match Jane-Doe's efforts I have to improvise, therefore the lawn cutting will be including several neighbours lawns by hand (will ditch the lawn tractor for now) with the push behind (not self-propelled!) - Oh the life of a civvie!

You ladies keep your nose to the grind because I will be here to "pump you up", check-up on you, and follow-up as necessary, AND whatever you do, don't follow my lead.  :-[
Jane-Doe is the ROCK!

I will be back on track by Monday 0500h ~ Y'all have a good weekend y'hear?
No pain no gain indeed!  I ran 2 miles last night (that's the farthest I've ever run in my life!). I probably could have gone further but I accidentally hit the emergency stop button on the treadmill and deleted all of my progress.  I took it as a sign that I had done enough for one day ;) Today is my day off, I'm hoping to go for 3 miles (5K) on Sunday.  It will probably take me about 40-45 minutes judging by my pace last night but that should improve over the next couple of weeks.  Then I'll go back to 2.4K and try to reduce my times for that.

troopersgirl if you can find a Pilates DVD that focuses on abs I highly recommend it.  Mine really helped me with situps and basic core strength.

Keep up the great work ladies and have a wonderful weekend!
