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3 RCR BG Wraps Up OP Janubi Tapu 2 in Zharey (29 Nov 08)

The Bread Guy

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Well done!  Also, a bit on what Royal Marines are up to in Sangin below....

From Canadian Press:
South of this tiny Afghan village west of Kandahar city, the throaty twin-engine roar of Sea King and Chinook helicopters echoed through the air as they disgorged the first wave of what would turn out to be an entire battalion of British Royal Marines.  Not far away, bathed in the light of a brilliant Afghan moon, Canadian soldiers and armoured vehicles from the Royal Canadian Regiment began to move, buttressed to the west by a phalanx of U.S. troops.  Another operation was underway in Afghanistan's perilous Zhari district.  Hours earlier, Afghan National Army soldiers moved stealthily from compound to compound on a rare night mission, alongside their Canadian mentors.  "It's riskier in the dark, but should pay off," one of the Canadians said as he checked his gear and night vision goggles.  "We don't want them to think we are getting in a rut," he chuckled.  Hours later, as they were clearing a second compound, an improvised explosive device (IED) exploded, injuring six young Afghan soldiers. Their Canadian compatriots narrowly avoided injury.  "I could hear the shrapnel whizzing by my head," Capt. Ray Corby muttered ....

From National Post/Canwest:
Massive bomb blasts from a coalition jet shook the grape fields west of Kandahar as Canadian soldiers joined U.S. and British forces in a week-long squeeze play to disrupt Taliban activity and protect areas under NATO control.  A column of Canadian tanks and other armoured vehicles rumbled out of a base last Friday at the start of the operation, which targeted an agricultural area lining the Arghandab River, where Taliban fighters were believed to be manufacturing the roadway bombs that have proven so deadly to NATO forces. Other Canadian units, and American forces, positioned themselves in a three-sided box around the target zone.  Early Saturday morning, waves of helicopters ferried British Royal Marine commandos in, to sweep compounds identified as likely bomb-making sites.  Military authorities have released few details of the operation. The Canadian commander of NATO forces in Kandahar province, Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson, said the British reported finding a huge cache of bomb supplies.  Canadian soldiers were involved in several hours-long firefights with insurgents ....

And in Sangin, from the UK MoD:
Working with the Afghan National Security Forces, Royal Marines currently deployed to Helmand have unearthed a range of explosive devices in the Sangin Valley area of the province.  The Royal Marines are from 45 Commando Royal Marines, based in Arbroath, Scotland, and are currently deployed to Helmand province with 3 Commando Brigade.  During an operation against enemy forces in the Sangin Valley area of the province earlier this week, the Marines and their Afghan National Security Forces counterparts uncovered a selection of improvised explosive devices, mines, detonators, explosives, pressure pads and grenades ....

More on links
Congrats to all - some photos after text....

Afghanistan, ISAF maintain pressure on insurgents
NATO news release, 29 Nov 08
News release link

KABUL, Afghanistan — ISAF soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, have completed Operation Janubi Tapu 2 in Zharey district, Kandahar.

The three-day operation, which took place Nov. 25-28, also included Afghan National Security Forces, U.S. mentor teams and British Royal Marine Commandos.

“The purpose of the operation was to disrupt insurgents in central Zharey district in order to substantially reduce their ability to plan, coordinate, stage and conduct offensive operations in and around Kandahar city,” said Lieutenant Colonel Roger Barrett, commanding officer of the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group.

As the battle group pushed into Zharey, a traditional insurgent safe haven, they overwhelmed the insurgents’ capability to react, proving ANSF and ISAF have the ability to conduct operations at a time and location of their choosing.

Operation Janubi Tapu 2 targeted command and control nodes, seized compounds of interest and disrupted insurgent safe havens. Several weapons caches, IEDs and IED-making equipment were found and destroyed during the operation.

“The success of this operation means that the insurgents will remain off balance and will be less capable of terrorizing the citizens of Kandahar province,” said Brigadier General Denis Thompson, commander of Task Force Kandahar. “This will allow the government of Afghanistan and international partners to forge ahead with the crucial development work that will have a lasting impact on the people.”

Insurgent losses were significant during this operation and included 27 detainees taken by ANSF and ISAF forces.

“We will continue to aggressively operate during the winter months,” Lieutenant Colonel Barrett said. “The insurgents will have nowhere to rest, nowhere to hide and nowhere to reconstitute.”

The operation began days after the Afghan National Army and ISAF units completed three deliberate operations in Kandahar’s districts of Zharey, Panjwayi and Maywand. Operation Mutafiq Tander 6, Operation Janubi Tapu 1, and Operation Joosh Karay were synchronized to degrade the insurgents’ capabilities and leave them few options for escape.

ISAF soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, advance upon their objective in the Zharey district during Operation Janubi Tapu 2. (ISAF photo)

Soldiers from the Afghan National Security Forces join their international partners in an assembly area in Zharey district during Operation Janupi Tapu 2. (ISAF photo)
