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3 Jun 2017: Vehicle Hits Pedestrians on London Bridge

Some of the latest ...

And, to bring just a tiny spark of levity to a pretty F#$%^&*d up event, in the midst of the fracas, at least one Londoner keeps his head ...

"I paid for that pint, dammit!" (source) ...
>a van has hit a number of pedestrians

I greatly enjoy the phrasing used by the media in the initial stages of these attacks.  Looking forward to the arrest of the van, the truck, the firearms, etc.
Jarnhamar said:
Inclined to agree with you Brihard. Think the UK really needs to take a look at the unarmed police issue. The violence in Europe and the UK is getting worse, not better.

Carbine sized  308 might  improve odds against weaponized vehicles.

Even better, and more proactive? A larger, more effective network of snitches and 'deep cover' under cover operators.
daftandbarmy said:
Even better, and more proactive? A larger, more effective network of snitches and 'deep cover' under cover operators.

I am convinced its a matter of time before we see more of that here.
This from the Metro Police via Twitter:
12 arrests in connection with last night's attacks in #LondonBridge & #BoroughMarket ...
This update, from the Metro Police (highilghts mine) ...
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, provides updated statement following the terror attacks in London Bridge and Borough Market.

He said:

"The investigation is progressing at pace, and officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, the National Counter Terrorism Policing network are working relentlessly with UK intelligence partners to piece together exactly what occurred.

"We have already made significant progress, but of course, there remains much more to do.

"We are making significant progress in identifying the three attackers, and that there were no other suspects at the scene, when the attack was carried out.

"Work is ongoing to understand more about them, their connections and whether they were assisted or supported by anyone else. As I think you are aware there are searches ongoing in east London, and 12 arrests have been made. There is of course more to do, and we will work relentlessly to establish the facts.

"We have established that the van used during the attack, a white Renault van - was recently hired by one of the attackers.

"Our understanding is growing and as we currently understand it the van entered London Bridge at 21:58 travelling from the North to the South side of the river. The van mounted the pavement, and collided with pedestrians before being abandoned, where the attackers, armed with knives, continued into the Borough Market area, stabbing numerous people.

"The attackers were then confronted by the firearms officers and I can confirm that eight police firearms officers discharged their weapons. Whilst this will be subject to thorough investigation by the IPCC our initial assessment is that in the region of 50 rounds were discharged by 8 officers. The three attackers were shot dead.

The situation these officers were confronted with was critical – a matter of life and death – three armed men, wearing what appeared to be suicide belts, had already attacked and killed members of the public and had to be stopped immediately.

"Indeed I am not surprised that faced with what they must have feared were three suicide bombers - the firearms officers fired an unprecedented number of rounds to be completely confident they had neutralised those threats. I am humbled by the bravery of an officer who will rush towards a potential suicide bomber thinking only of protecting others.

"As the officers confronted the terrorists – and were shot – a member of the public also suffered gunshot wounds. Although we do not believe the injuries to critical in nature, they are in hospital receiving medical attention. We will of course keep you updated on that.

"Seven people have been killed, in addition to the three attackers. Work to inform the next of kin of the victims is ongoing – this may take some time, as we believe some of these victims are from abroad.

"36 people remain in hospital, suffering from a range of injuries – some of which are extremely serious. 21 remain in a critical condition.

"You will have heard earlier today about the British Transport Police who sustained injuries in the attack. I can confirm that an off duty Met-Officer, based on Southwark borough, was caught up in the attack. Fortunately he has not suffered life threatening injuries, but he remains in hospital in a serious condition.

"The investigation team are taking statements from hundreds of witnesses and I again appeal for anyone with information or footage of the incident to contact police.

"The cordons in and around the London Bridge and Borough Market area will remain in place, and we encourage the public to avoid the area as our investigation is ongoing. This will have an impact on travel arrangements as we head in to Monday morning, and would ask everyone to check with their travel operators and seek alternative routes wherever possible.

"The public can expect to see additional police – both armed and unarmed officers - across the Capital. And our security and policing plans for events are being reviewed. The public will also see an increased physical measures in order to keep public safe on London’s bridges.

Finally, I ask the public to remain calm but vigilant - and if you see anything suspicious, no matter how insignificant you might think it is, please contact the anti-terrorism hotline on 0800 789 321. It may be a vital piece of information."
This statement from the PM* - also attached if link doesn't work ...
Last night, our country fell victim to a brutal terrorist attack once again. As a result I have just chaired a meeting of the government’s emergency committee and I want to update you with the latest information about the attack.

Shortly before 10:10 yesterday evening, the Metropolitan Police received reports that a white van had struck pedestrians on London Bridge. It continued to drive from London Bridge to Borough Market, where 3 terrorists left the van and attacked innocent and unarmed civilians with blades and knives.

All 3 were wearing what appeared to be explosive vests, but the police have established that this clothing was fake and worn only to spread panic and fear.

As so often in such serious situations, the police responded with great courage and great speed. Armed officers from the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police arrived at Borough Market within moments, and shot and killed the 3 suspects. The terrorists were confronted and shot by armed officers within 8 minutes of the police receiving the first emergency call.

Seven people have died as a result of the attack, in addition to the 3 suspects shot dead by the police. Forty-eight people are being treated in several hospitals across London. Many have life-threatening conditions.

On behalf of the people of London, and on behalf of the whole country, I want to thank and pay tribute to the professionalism and bravery of the police and the emergency services – and the courage of members of the public who defended themselves and others from the attackers. And our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and with their friends, families and loved ones.

This is, as we all know, the third terrorist attack Britain has experienced in the last 3 months. In March, a similar attack took place, just around the corner on Westminster Bridge. Two weeks ago, the Manchester Arena was attacked by a suicide bomber. And now London has been struck once more.

And at the same time, the security and intelligence agencies and police have disrupted 5 credible plots since the Westminster attack in March.

In terms of their planning and execution, the recent attacks are not connected. But we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face, as terrorism breeds terrorism, and perpetrators are inspired to attack not only on the basis of carefully-constructed plots after years of planning and training – and not even as lone attackers radicalised online – but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack.

We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth.

Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone. It will not be defeated through the maintenance of a permanent, defensive counter-terrorism operation, however skilful its leaders and practitioners. It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence – and make them understand that our values – pluralistic, British values – are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate.

Second, we cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet that is precisely what the internet – and the big companies that provide internet-based services – provide. We need to work with allied, democratic governments to reach international agreements that regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorist planning. And we need to do everything we can at home to reduce the risks of extremism online.

Third, while we need to deprive the extremists of their safe spaces online, we must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world. Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But it also means taking action here at home. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.

So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out – across the public sector and across society. That will require some difficult and often embarrassing conversations, but the whole of our country needs to come together to take on this extremism – and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities but as one truly United Kingdom.

Fourth, we have a robust counter-terrorism strategy that has proved successful over many years. But as the nature of the threat we face becomes more complex, more fragmented, more hidden, especially online, the strategy needs to keep up. So in light of what we are learning about the changing threat, we need to review Britain’s counter-terrorism strategy to make sure the police and security services have all the powers they need.

And if we need to increase the length of custodial sentences for terrorism-related offences, even apparently less serious offences, that is what we will do.

Since the emergence of the threat from Islamist-inspired terrorism, our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public. But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.

As a mark of respect the 2 political parties have suspended our national campaigns for today. But violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process. So those campaigns will resume in full tomorrow. And the general election will go ahead as planned on Thursday.

As a country, our response must be as it has always been when we have been confronted by violence. We must come together, we must pull together, and united we will take on and defeat our enemies.
* - A reminder:  Theresa May was the Home Secretary - "top cop" in grossly oversimplified headline-speak, Public Safety Minister in current Canadian cabinet-position-speak - from 2010 until 2016 (when she became PM).  It also appears her time as HomeSec was as part of what we would call in Canada Tory minority governments.


And word that a Canadian has been killed, via the PMJT info-machine...
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement after last night’s terrorist attack in the United Kingdom:

“Canada strongly condemns the senseless attack that took place last night in London, United Kingdom, which killed and injured many innocent people. I am heartbroken that a Canadian is among those killed.

“We grieve with the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones, and wish all those injured a speedy and full recovery.

"Londoners and people across the United Kingdom have always displayed strength and resilience in the face of adversity. We recently witnessed this after the attacks in Manchester and in the Westminster area of London. This time will be no different.

“These hateful acts do not deter us; they only strengthen our resolve. Canadians stand united with the British people. We will continue to work together with the United Kingdom and all our allies to fight terrorism and bring perpetrators to justice.

“The Government of Canada will not comment further at this time out of respect for the family.”
I think one of the issues most people will gloss over is that PM May said they disrupted 5 "credible" attack plans since the Manchester attack.

If that is true, and each group had its own support structure, the claim that these violent beliefs reside in only a tiny (and heretical) portion of the islamic demographic becomes highly dubious.

I should add that when these guys act out specific instructions from the Qur'an (such as "strike them in the neck") it blows holes in the argument that they are the ones misinterpreting the holy books.

Bad situation.....
Perhaps the only bit of good coming from this is the Britons who responded with the "United 93" defense, including a cabbie who tried to run down one attacker, and pub goers who fought an attacker with chairs, beer bottles and beer mugs.

Something to remember when this happens here; a pack of sheepdogs is very effective against a wolf.........
If and when this starts happening in North America and specifically Canada  more frequently we won't handle it very well socially. When one soldier was shot and killed our army was essentially  ordered to hide.

The UK has considerable experience dealing with terror at home across a few generations. I don't know much about the FLQ crisis but I'd hazard a guess and say it's not comparable to the IRA.

Canadians would be too paralyzed with fear to go anywhere  if someone jacked a truck and took out 80 people at a July 1st part.  We'd be busy blaming Harper and Trudeau but wouldn't take suitable action against radical Islam.

[quote author=Cdn Blackshirt] .
violent beliefs reside in only a tiny (and heretical) portion of the islamic


I see and hear that a lot. When only 1% of a group are "bad apples" but that adds up to tens or hundreds of millions of people that's pretty dangerous.
Jarnhamar said:
If and when this starts happening in North America and specifically Canada  more frequently we won't handle it very well socially. When one soldier was shot and killed our army was essentially  ordered to hide.

The UK has considerable experience dealing with terror at home across a few generations. I don't know much about the FLQ crisis but I'd hazard a guess and say it's not comparable to the IRA.

Canadians would be too paralyzed with fear to go anywhere  if someone jacked a truck and took out 80 people at a July 1st part.  We'd be busy blaming Harper and Trudeau but wouldn't take suitable action against radical Islam.

I see and hear that a lot. When only 1% of a group are "bad apples" but that adds up to tens or hundreds of millions of people that's pretty dangerous.

Its unfortunately been a major part of British recent history. I've been raised by people that lived through the height of the IRA activity, who were raised by people who lived through the Blitz. Its a sad fact but its just my generation's 'trouble' that we will either have to crackdown on or just get on with.
Best Article Yet!

...In the aftermath of these attacks, most people seem to choose one of two camps: the “love will prevail” pep-talkers and the “wake up!” warriors. Am I alone in finding that neither resonates? I can no more fill my heart with love and talk about our unity than I can furiously denounce others for their lack of rage, declare the West’s impending doom or demand the election be postponed.

Denial or hysteria cannot be the only options. There is something in between. Of course daily life does not sail on unchanged when it’s punctuated by terrorist attacks. It carries on, but with a little more wariness and fear. And yet, nor am I convinced that Islamist terrorism, despite its horrors, poses an existential threat to our civilisation. I believe that Britain and its values are resilient and deeply rooted. I believe this not because of “love”, but because it is one of the lessons of our history.

We have certainly faced greater perils. At various points, would-be invaders or empire-building tyrants on the continent have threatened Britain’s security. We’ve had tyrants of our own, civil war and bloody religious strife. We’ve had periods of greater vigilance, such as during the threat of IRA bombs. We’ve lived with official advice, such as “how to survive an air raid”, as terrifying as the police’s latest mantra that the public ought to “run, hide, tell” during a terrorist attack....


Global, among other media outlets, have identifed the Canadian killed in the attacks as Christine (Chrissy) Archibald of B.C.
Condolences to family & friends, and hopes for a speedy recovery to all the wounded.
My condolences to all those affected by the terrorist attacks.
Aaaaannnd ....
#ISIS Includes #LondonAttacks Among Claimed Military Operations in its al-Bayan News Bulletin http://tinyurl.com/y7f7u47p [size=18pt]*
* - Links to a subscription-only article by SITE Intel Group.
With only a short time to go until  General Election, looking tough on Terrorism could help May.

Under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in NI, we could arrest and hold anyone for 4 hours on 'probable cause' for example. This was never used on the UK Mainland, but looks like it could be trotted out now. This is, of course, a double edged sword as a 'modification' of habeus corpus, accompanied by a dragnet extended across whole communities could pull in thousands of 'suspects', all of whom will be 'dark skinned' and many of whom will be under 30 and completely innocent and, thus, potentially primed for increased radicalization e.g., Operation Demetrius https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Demetrius:

Theresa May responds to London Bridge attack with anti-terror laws promise

Prime minister accused of politicising atrocity as she says there has been ‘far too much tolerance of extremism’

May is expected to introduce control orders for terror suspects. Iain Duncan Smith, a former Tory work and pensions secretary, told The World this Weekend that she would probably try to toughen up terrorism, prevention and investigation measures, known as Tpims.

These are the measures introduced by the coalition to place restrictions on people who are suspected of being terrorists but who have not been convicted of an offence.

A quick round-up by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness (which regularly shares all sorts of open-source analysis of regional, national and international developments here) - also attached if link doesn't work - with a "look back" chart:


And then there were the professionals - now in Parliament


Here is a timeline of some of the worst bomb attacks on mainland Britain by Irish dissident groups in the last 35 years.

February 1974 - Coach carrying soldiers and families in northern England is bombed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Twelve people killed, 14 hurt.

October-November 1974 - Wave of IRA bombs in British pubs kills 28 people and wounds more than 200.

July 1982 - Two IRA bomb attacks on soldiers in London's royal parks kill 11 people and wound 50.

December 1983 - IRA bomb at Harrods department store kills six.

October 1984 - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's cabinet narrowly escapes IRA bomb that kills five people at Brighton hotel during Conservative Party's annual conference.

September 1989 - Bomb at Royal Marines Music School in Deal, southeast England, kills 11 and wounds 22.

February 1990 - Explosion at Army recruitment centre in Leicester. Two wounded.

May 1990 - Seven wounded by blast at Army Educational Service headquarters in London suburb of Eltham.

May 1990 - One soldier is killed and another wounded by car bomb in Wembley.

June 1990 - Soldier is shot dead at train station in Lichfield.

February 1991 - IRA comes close to killing Prime Minister John Major and key cabinet members in a mortar attack on Downing Street. One of three mortar bombs slammed into garden behind building, exploding within 50 feet (15 metres) of the target.

April 1992 - Huge car bomb outside Baltic Exchange in London's financial district kills three people and wounds 91.

March 1993 - Bombs in two litter bins in Warrington kill two boys aged three and 12.

April 1993 - IRA truck bomb devastates Bishopsgate area of London's financial district, killing one and wounding 44.

February 1996 - Two people die when IRA paramilitaries detonate large bomb in London's Docklands area.

March 2001 - Car bomb explodes outside BBC's London headquarters. Police say the Real IRA, a republican splinter group opposed to the IRA's cease-fire, was behind the blast. One man was wounded.

May 2011 - A warning comes from Irish dissident republicans opposed to the peace process in Northern Ireland.
Chris Pook said:
And then there were the professionals - now in Parliament

On the other hand, to show how time & choosing different ways to handle things works out, BBC Ulster airs weekly comedy podcasts ("The Blame Game" and "A Perforated Ulster"), recorded in front of live audiences, that throw a few related zingers in there from time to time. 

One joke during an issue with a historic clock that stopped in Belfast, one comedian said, "If the politician complaining was Sinn Fein, there's no way he didn't know someone who knew something about timers."  Another more recent one-liner:  How can you tell Batman must be IRA?  He wears a mask and has a a second name.
[quote author=Jarnhamar] .

Any bets on if the attackers were 'known to the police' or had suspicious neighbours afraid to speak up?



Known to the police AND appeared on a documentary 'The Jihadist Next Door’  ::)
