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25 pounder vs 105

Hey Pronto!

Thanks for the great chuckle ;D  The mental image of you spending the weekend pushing those friggin' paper-clips around has just 'made' what was otherwise a crappy day full of bull poop admin... Whats the first principle of administration?  SURPRISE!  There has to be a better way of transitioning from one fiscal year to another... :crybaby:

Spent the weekend bleeding brakes and charging batteries so we can get our old green machines rolling.  The ground is still so soft that moving the Deuce resulted in a half an hour of us all filling in the foot deep ruts across the side lawn.  Backing trials with the 17 pounder will have to wait another month or so!

Cheers!  Mike
Horse Gunner

Welcome to army.ca. We have crossed paths also.

Long., long  time ago we (my brother and I) dropped you off in front of your dad's after a really impressive Oktobafest. No names, no pack drill.
Horse Gunner said:
Hey Pronto!

Thanks for the great chuckle ;D   The mental image of you spending the weekend pushing those friggin' paper-clips around has just 'made' what was otherwise a crappy day full of bull poop admin... Whats the first principle of administration?   SURPRISE!   There has to be a better way of transitioning from one fiscal year to another... :crybaby:

Spent the weekend bleeding brakes and charging batteries so we can get our old green machines rolling.   The ground is still so soft that moving the Deuce resulted in a half an hour of us all filling in the foot deep ruts across the side lawn.   Backing trials with the 17 pounder will have to wait another month or so!

Cheers!   Mike

well it WAS fun, and I do thank you for the opportunity to practice my dexterity... heh heh...  O - I've got some hairy FY-end stories... I am involved in a long chain of PAYEs... Crappage! Hang in there - the feeding of the admin-machine is essential for the times when there is no admin, and we can live again to make the big booms! ;D

Ah, yes... the brothers "P"!

My mum still tells the tale!  The time it took me to crawl up the driveway get longer with each telling as does the number of head-over-heals flips down the stairs!  :o

I learned a valuable lesson that night... never accept an open beer from a man with no scruples and a big bottle of al-cool! >:D

Congrats on the promo by the way.  I'll see you at the RCA Museum conference this weekend?  More  :warstory:

Cheers!  Mike
Hi Pronto:

If you're in the Ottawa area look us up and we'll have some pushing full size paperclips around!  :salute:  Map is at www.calnan.com/swords

Cheers!  Mike
Great Question, I come from an army which still uses 25 Pounders and 105's L118/L119 so its a current debate here. The 25Pdr while having a smaller caliber than the U.S.105 had more destructive yield, this is indeed why royal ordinence developed there own 105mm he round. The fact that the L118/L119 are superior weapons to the 25Pdr is not really in any doubt (only to sentimental old farts) both guns are in actual fact simply an upgrade of the 25Pdr design which as we all know was an upgrade of the 18Pdr. The only problem with the 25Pdr was the max elevation (800mils) no good in the hills. The Brits played around with Itallian 105mm Pac Howetzers for a while and the wanted there 25Pdrs back. Then they decided to develope there own gun, Elevation more than 800mils (L118/L119 1240Mils) and a max range not less than 1500m. It had to be light and air portable. Thus the 105mm Light Gun was born. ( I left alot out but I give a great History and Development lecture on it) Where was I, oh yes, its all Artillery, Its All Good. Oh yea possibly of interest to you history boffins some of our 25Pdrs are from Canada. Good god, sometimes I even bore myself, im not a nerd, honistly. :salute: