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Army.ca Dinosaur
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24. Yellow Pages This year will be pivotal for the global Yellow Pages industry. Much like newspapers, print Yellow Pages will continue to bleed dollars to their various digital counterparts, from Internet Yellow Pages (IYPs), to local search engines and combination search/listing services like Reach Local and Yodle Factors like an acceleration of the print 'fade rate' and the looming recession will contribute to the onslaught. One research firm predicts the falloff in usage of newspapers and print Yellow Pages could even reach 10% this year -- much higher than the 2%-3% fade rate seen in past years.

23. Classified Ads The Internet has made so many things obsolete that newspaper classified ads might sound like just another trivial item on a long list. But this is one of those harbingers of the future that could signal the end of civilization as we know it. The argument is that if newspaper classifieds are replaced by free online listings at sites like Craigslist.org and Google Base, then newspapers are not far behind them.

22. Movie Rental Stores While Netflix is looking up at the moment, Blockbuster keeps closing store locations by the hundreds. It still has about 6,000 left across the world, but those keep dwindling and the stock is down considerably in 2008, especially since the company gave up a quest of Circuit City . Movie Gallery, which owned the Hollywood Video brand, closed up shop earlier this year. Countless small video chains and mom-and-po p stores have given up th e ghost already.

21. Dial-up Internet Access Dial-up connections have fallen from 40% in 2001 to 10% in 2008. The combination of an infrastructure to accommodate affordable high speed Internet connections and the disappearing home phone have all but pounded the final nail in the coffin of dial-up Internet access.

20. Phone Landlines According to a survey from the National Center for Health Statistics, at the end of 2007, nearly one in six homes was cell-only and, of those homes that had landlines, one in eight only received calls on their cells.

19. Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs Maryland 's icon, the blue crab, has been fading away in Chesapeake Bay . Last year Maryland saw the lowest harvest (22 million pounds) since 1945. Just four decades ago the bay produced 96 million pounds. The population is down 70% since 1990, when they first did a formal count. There are only about 120 million crabs in the bay and they think they need 200 million for a sustainable population. Overfishing, pollution, invasive species and global warming get the blame.

18. VCRs For the better part of three decades, the VCR was a best-seller and staple in every American household until being completely decimated by the DVD, and now the Digital Video Recorder (DVR). In fact, the only remnants of the VHS age at your local Wal-Mart or Radio Shack are blank VHS tapes these days. Pre-recorded VHS tapes are largely gone and VHS decks are practically nowhere to be found. They served us so well.

17. Ash Trees In the late 1990s, a pretty, iridescent green species of beetle, now known as the emerald ash borer, hitched a ride to North America with ash wood products imported from eastern Asia . In less than a decade, i ts larvae have killed millions of trees in the Midwest, and continue to spread. They've killed more than 30 million ash trees in southeastern Michigan alone, with tens of millions more lost in Ohio and Indiana . More than 7.5 billion ash trees are currently at risk.

16. Ham Radio Amateur radio operators enjoy personal (and often worldwide) wireless communications with each other and are able to support their communities with emergency and disaster communications if necessary, while increasing their personal knowledge of electronics and radio theory. However, proliferation of the Internet and its popularity among youth has caused the decline of amateur radio. In the past five years alone, the number of people holding active ham radio licenses has dropped by 50,000, even though Morse Code is no longer a requirement.

15. The Swimming Hole Thanks to our litigious society, swimming holes are becoming a thing of the past. '20/20' reports that swimming hole owners, like Robert Every in High Falls, N.Y., are shutting them down out of worry that if someone gets hurt they'll sue. And that's exactly what happened in Seattle . The city of Bellingham was sued by Katie Hofstetter who was paralyzed in a fall at a popular swimming hole in Whatcom Falls Park . As injuries occur and lawsuits follow, expect more swimming holes to post 'Keep out!' signs.

14. Answering Machines The increasing disappearance of answering machines is directly tied to No 20 our list -- the decline of landlines. According to USA Today, the number of homes that only use cell phones jumped 159% between 2004 and 2007. It has been particularly bad in New York ; since 2000, landline usage has dropped 55%. It's logical that as cell phones rise, many of them replacing traditional landlines, that there will be fewer answering machines.

13 . Cameras That Use Film It doesn't require a statistician to prove the rapid disappearance of the film camera in America . Just look to companies like Nikon, the professional's choice for quality camera equipment. In 2006, it announced that it would stop making film cameras, pointing to the shrinking market -- only 3% of its sales in 2005, compared to 75% of sales from digital cameras and equipment.

12. Incandescent Bulbs Before a few years ago, the standard 60-watt (or, yikes, 100-watt) bulb was the mainstay of every U.S. home. With the green movement and all-things-sustainable-energy crowd, the Compact Fluorescent Lightbulb (CFL) is largely replacing the older, Edison-era incandescent bulb. The EPA reports that 2007 sales for Energy Star CFLs nearly doubled from 2006, and these sales accounted for approximately 20 percent of the U.S. light bulb market. And according to USA Toda y, a new energy bill plans to phase out incandescent bulbs in the next four to 12 years.

11. Stand-Alone Bowling Alleys BowlingBalls.US claims there are still 60 million Americans who bowl at least once a year, but many are not bowling in stand-alone bowling alleys. Today most new bowling alleys are part of facilities for all types or recreation including laser tag, go-karts, bumper cars, video game arcades, climbing walls and glow miniature golf. Bowling lanes also have been added to many non-traditional venues such as adult communities, hotels and resorts, and gambling casinos.

10. The Milkman According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 1950, over half of the milk delivered was to the home in quart bottles, by 1963, it was about a third and by 2001, it represented only 0 .4% percent. Nowadays most milk is sold th rough supermarkets in gallon jugs. The steady decline in home-delivered milk is blamed, of course, on the rise of the supermarket, better home refrigeration and longer-lasting milk. Although some milkmen still make the rounds in pockets of the U.S. , they are certainly a dying breed.

9 Hand-Written Letters In 2006, the Radicati Group estimated that, worldwide, 183 billion e-mails were sent each day. Two million each second. By November of 2007, an estimated 3.3 billion Earthlings owned cell phones, and 80% of the world's population had access to cell phone coverage. In 2004, half-a-trillion text messages were sent, and the number has no doubt increased exponentially since then. So where amongst this gorge of gabble is there room for the elegant, polite hand-written letter?

8. Wild Horses ; It is estimated that 100 years ago, as many as two million horses were roaming free within the United States . In 2001, National Geographic News estimated that the wild horse population had decreased to about 50,000 head. Currently, the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory board states that there are 32,000 free roaming horses in ten Western states, with half of them residing in Nevada . The Bureau of Land Management is seeking to reduce the total number of free range horses to 27,000, possibly by selective euthanasia.

7. Personal Checks According to an American Bankers Assoc. report, a net 23% of consumers plan to decrease their use of checks over the next two years, while a net 14% plan to increase their use of PIN debit. Bill payment remains the last stronghold of paper-based pa yments -- for the time being. Checks continue to be the most commonly used bill payment method, with 71% of c onsumers paying at least one recurring bill per month by writing a check. However, on a bill-by-bill basis, checks account for only 49% of consumers' recurring bill payments (down from 72% in 2001 and 60% in 2003).

6. Drive-in Theaters During the peak in 1958, there were more than 4,000 drive-in theaters in this country, but in 2007 only 405 drive-ins were still operating. Exactly zero new drive-ins have been built since 2005. Only one reopened in 2005 and five reopened in 2006, so there isn't much of a movement toward reviving the closed ones.

5 Mumps & Measles Despite what's been in the news lately, the measles and mumps actually, truly are disappearing from the United States . In 1964, 212,000 cases of mumps were reported in the U.S. By 1983, this figure had dropped to 3,000, thanks to a vigorous vaccination program. Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine, approximately half a million cases of measles were reported in the U.S. annually, resulting in 450 deaths. In 2005, only 66 cases were recorded.

4. Honey Bees Perhaps nothing on our list of disappearing America is so dire; plummeting so enormously; and so necessary to the survival of our food supply as the honey bee. Very scary. 'Colony Collapse Disorder,' or CCD, has spread throughout the U.S and Europe over the past few years, wiping out 50% to 90% of the c olonies of many beekeepers -- and along with it, their livelihood.

3. News Magazines and TV News While the TV evening newscasts haven't gone anywhere over the last several decades, their audiences have. In 1984, in a story about the diminishing returns of the evening news, the New York Times reported that all three network evening-news programs combined had only 40.9 million viewers. Fast forward to 2008, and what they have today is half that.

2. Analog TV According to the Consumer Electronics Association, 85% of homes in the U.S. get their television programming through cable or satellite providers. For the remaining 15% -- or 13 million individuals -- who are using rabbit ears or a large outdoor antenna to get their local stations, change is in the air. If you are one of these people you'l l need to get a new TV or a converter box in order to get the new stations which will only be broadcast in digital.

1. The Family Farm Since the 1930s, the number of family farms has been declining rapidly. According to the USDA, 5.3 million farms dotted the nation in 1950, but this number had declined to 2.1 million by the 2003 farm census (data from the 2007 census hasn't yet been published). Ninety-one percent of the U.S.farms are small family farms.

I really hope yellow pages and newspapers with their classifieds stay around.  As much as I love the internet, it's just not the same as physically holding the book that you read, especially when  browsing.

What's happening to honey bees is terrible. It's shocking that it could happen to an animal we actually own and cultivate, rather than some wild thing that most people live oblivious to.

Analog TV and dial up?  Good riddance. Those are just temporary stepping stones until we got the real technology. Kind of like what 8-tracks were to cassette tapes.

I had no idea there was even a single milkman in the entire continent.
Funny, my ex-wife made sure that we got milk from at least three different places, all delivered by milkmen at different times of the week. She said the service is irreplaceable and wouldn't give it up for the world. 

I'm still trying to figure out why she left me....
Bzzliteyr said:
Funny, my ex-wife made sure that we got milk from at least three different places, all delivered by milkmen at different times of the week. She said the service is irreplaceable and wouldn't give it up for the world. 

I'm still trying to figure out why she left me....

Obviously you weren't delivering like the milkmen.    ;D

Can we add to this list of what we think would be a candidate?

In connection with #1 - The Family Farm, I see there are fewer backyard gardens these days. I keep one but at times wonder why, as the produce in stores appears to be cheaper to purchase than the amount of time I and my other spend to grow them...
But looking at other peoples yards, they don't bother, except for a tomato plant in some pot.... or just pot!  ;D

Sigs Pig said:
Can we add to this list of what we think would be a candidate?

The family photo album.  As more photographs are taken and stored digitally, fewer collections of photos will survive for following generations as storage media degrade or the ready availability of the necessary technology to transfer them to modern storage devices is lost.

1. The record player (long gone anyways, except the turntable that I bought this Xmas that coverts vinyl to digital)
2. The bike/motorcycle courier
3. The button that needs to be polished
4. The kid that can take off after breakfast, cycle all overe the countryside all day and be back 'by the time the street lights come on' without anyone worrying
5. The typing pool
6. White out
Sporting goods stores - Every time I go to one people are buying clothes but not equipment. Video game stores are pretty busy though and so are drug dealers.
Garett said:
Sporting goods stores - Every time I go to one people are buying clothes but not equipment. Video game stores are pretty busy though and so are drug dealers.

I won't ask how you know your drug dealers are so busy. ;D
Nice one, shows how much of our culture has changed over the past 20-odd years

daftandbarmy said:
1. The record player (long gone anyways, except the turntable that I bought this Xmas that coverts vinyl to digital)
2. The bike/motorcycle courier
3. The button that needs to be polished
4. The kid that can take off after breakfast, cycle all overe the countryside all day and be back 'by the time the street lights come on' without anyone worrying
5. The typing pool
6. White out

1. The record player (long gone anyways, except the turntable that I bought this Xmas that coverts vinyl to digital) - I would add there there is actually a niche market for this equipment with record conniseurs who see radio tubes and turntables as better quality and 'truer' than digital recordings of older music...

Addition - Im surprised the Fax machine isnt on that list!

Record player - DJ's still use them in bars!  Check out the booth at Sweetwaters in Fredericton, they have one and when I was there we'd get weekly vinyl deliveries!!
People soon find that they need landphones when the power goes out lol. Sales jumped up at our store when there was a big power outage last year.
canadian4ever said:
People soon find that they need landphones when the power goes out lol. Sales jumped up at our store when there was a big power outage last year.

Most people that have landphones have the cordless variety which are useless during power outages.
Greymatters said:
Addition - Im surprised the Fax machine isnt on that list!

It will eventualy happen. The fax machine will join the teletype.

How about TV guide and other printed TV listings ?
George W  >:D

AM/FM Radio stations, with most cars having MP3 player (or even satellite radio) plugins, who even listens to the crappy radio anymore? 
stealthylizard said:
Most people that have landphones have the cordless variety which are useless during power outages.
I mean the corded phone not the dumbe cordless things. I always call them land phones. I hate cordless. Sales go up of CORDED when power goes out.
The future is here and we have to embrace it, whether we like it or not or be left behind. Land lines, dial-up and yellow pages are yesterdays news.

I can open my Apple I-phone and find with a few keystrokes and find a restaurant, address or phone number in a few seconds and then download driving directions on how to get there with its built in GPS.  I can buy an online subscription to most any newspaper and read it from any computer or my phone. That's the future and its here right now.

Free long distance using your computer, teleconferencing half way around the world using the internet and VoIP.

My daughter lives and works in Australia, we teleconference "Free" once a week using our computers with free open source software using VoIP. This allows us to stay in touch and best of all its free and we can talk as long as we want face to face. The only cost is a high speed internet connection.

Since the advent of the WWW, the  world has become much smaller in terms of communicating with one another.
retiredgrunt45 said:
The future is here and we have to embrace it, whether we like it or not or be left behind. Land lines, dial-up and yellow pages are yesterdays news.

I can open my Apple I-phone and find with a few keystrokes any place in Ontario, whether it be a restaurant, address or phone number in a few seconds and then download driving directions on how to get there with its built in GPS.  I can buy an online subscription to most any newspaper and read it from any computer or my phone. That's the future and its here right now.

Free long distance using your computer, teleconferencing half way around the world using the internet and VoIP.

My daughter lives and works in Australia, we teleconference "Free" once a week using our computers using free open source software using VoIP. This allows us to stay in touch and best of all its free and we can talk as long as we want face to face. The only cost is a high speed internet connection.

Since the advent of the WWW, the  world has become much smaller in terms of communicating with one another.
Oh I don't have a cell phone and don't want one. I have Mp3 player and listen to radio on the internet but I don't need a phone on my ear 24/7. I think people walking round with phone clips on their ears look stupid.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
George W  >:D

AM/FM Radio stations, with most cars having MP3 player (or even satellite radio) plugins, who even listens to the crappy radio anymore? 

I do.  I'm a Dinosaur.  Don't own an MP3 or computer for that matter.  When in the car it's CBC or talk radio usually.

If I may add to the list at least as endangered.  Bank Tellers and manned check outs.  ATMs and self check outs are making more and more inroads.  For that matter, people carrying cash on their persons.  Direct debit and credit cards are the rule nowadays.
... something as simple as the BRASS cap badge.
All the new ones are a white metal plated gold colour.... or embroidered cloth.