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2014 Ontario General Election

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DBA said:
Hudak lacks charisma but this time around so does the Liberal leader.

As does the NDP leader..................this election is like picking a prize from the bottom shelf at a midway carnival game.
Question today is whether a trend of fewer and fewer voters turning out to vote will be set?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
As does the NDP leader..................this election is like picking a prize from the bottom shelf at a midway carnival game.

Thats one thing we can agree on. Hudak had a great platform, just doesn't have the people skills to really sell it.

Then again, there will always be the GTA folks voting Liberal regardless of how many wasted billions they run through.
George Wallace said:
Well.  Hopefully the voters will not elect a corrupt lying...........

I don't have that hope.  My cousin posted this on FB "Ok, so the Liberals have mucked up in the past... what's done is done" and many other people I know share that sentiment (and yes all in the GTA).  I called her (and others) out that there is a reason that many HR Depts use behaviour based interviewing and follow the maxim "past performance and behaviour is the best predictor of future performance and behaviour".  They follow it because it's pretty accurate most of the time.  Ironically even the OPP (like most police services), use that principle when hiring recruits. 

Needless to say, my list of FB friends is shrinking as I call them out on their poor decision making abilities.
George Wallace said:
Question today is whether a trend of fewer and fewer voters turning out to vote will be set?

Possible. the number of people voting in the advance polls is down from the 2011 election.
Retired AF Guy said:
Possible. the number of people voting in the advance polls is down from the 2011 election.
But 2011 had 11 advance polling days, and this year had 7 - some reports say there were more per day this time.
In the "it's far too early" department, the Conservative candidate is leading in Dalton McGuinty's old riding of Ottawa South.

Looks like Hudak is toast - with the Liberals leading/elected in 52 seats (per CBC as of this posting) that makes two elections that were his to lose, and he did so.
dapaterson said:
In the "it's far too early" department, the Conservative candidate is leading in Dalton McGuinty's old riding of Ottawa South.

Looks like Hudak is toast - with the Liberals leading/elected in 52 seats (per CBC as of this posting) that makes two elections that were his to lose, and he did so.

Not anymore...

And this is looking like majority territory.
Well.  Ontario deserves everything it has coming to it in the next few years.
Tories look to have dropped 5% of the popular vote since last time (still early, I know).  I hope the Tories will learn to avoid extremism; I fear they'll double down on intellects even less impressive than Hudak's.

Only the NDP and Greens seem to be showing an increase in their share of the popular vote.

I'm interested to see how Hudak will react - a promise to hold on as leader, or an acknowledgement that maybe, just maybe, he's not cut out to be leader...
I don't want to live here anymore. I have fears for the sanity of my neighbours.
Ontario, what is wrong with you? What was Wynne's platform? Did she have a platform besides the scare tactic "Tories will take away nurses and teachers, tories will cost jobs, tories will eat your children, etc"

Why? WHY? I am seriously disappointed with my province, we have our head up our backends and we are too blinded by emotional rants to think logically.

Didn't they notice the HUGE amounts of money wasted by these clowns?

Rant done, I am going to jump off a bridge or make another xtra normal video about this lunacy.
Time to change my posting preferences. I think I need a break from Ontario until the GTA smartens the @#$@#%$@ up and realizes what the Lieberals are doing to us.
I'm stuck here at ground zero, Toronto, with no immediate possibility of escape in any way. Oh the horror.

Maybe I should just say "eff it" reapply for the regular force and move to mosquitoville, it can't be worse. Sad thing is, I'm only about 1/3 joking.
Marchog said:
Maybe I should just say "eff it" reapply for the regular force and move to mosquitoville, it can't be worse. Sad thing is, I'm only about 1/3 joking.

Yep that's my plan, can't stand the liberals and Onterrible anymore....
As an old friend of mine said long ago, " Never underestimate the stupidity of the Canadian Voter."  In this case insert Ontario.

Now excuse me as I have more beer to drink as I drown in my sorrows.
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