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20 meter Beep Test -Merged

For PER purposes the BFT is considered an "exempt," but has to be done annually as a fitness test. Here is the trick, though when it comes to doing either or both (BFT and/or EXPRES). Make sure you do the BFT first and then exempt the EXPRES, as PeopleSoft will record only the last test done. Ie, if you get exempt on the EXPRES, then do the BFT, your EMAA will show only the one year fitness category.
Moggie said:
bigrigg, here's a link to a download of the beep test track: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U8C2MLX0

edited to add:  I've checked it, and it matches up with the one that gets used in the gym classes at my school.  It should be what you're looking for.

This beep test starts at level 0, is this how the one used by the CF is?
Merrick said:
This beep test starts at level 0, is this how the one used by the CF is?

No, we are so good was start at level 10!!!  ;)  Just kidding.
It is probably no different then the version I got to do, during my Police Foundations course in College.

the 48th regulator said:

I have changed the file location for the beep test I had posted previously.



This will save my life in the future. Thank you oh-so-very much!

Time to get my... TRAINING FACE on!  :threat:
Oh man running is not my thing...im a bigger girl..not fat, but not small...i just don't wanna be the slowest one and that all i can think of, but im working hard at it. Thankfully im not a smoker, that would make things worse i assume.
i have never done a beep or bleep test before but from where i stand i'm not to worried i'm a long distance runner and have been for years.  My current pace is 4:36 mile and a 9:45 for 3 km 5 km is just under 20min and the 10km  is just under 41min

bradlupa said:
i have never done a beep or bleep test before but from where i stand i'm not to worried i'm a long distance runner and have been for years.  My current pace is 4:36 mile and a 9:45 for 3 km 5 km is just under 20min and the 10km  is just under 41min
You are not to worry at all with that beep test if you do run at this pace.  That is more than excellent it is outstanding!! I have run 3 to 4 times a week for almost 8 months and had difficulty to get my 4 km under 16minutes easily.  And my 5 k was turning around 21 always and always. 

I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me you've reached level 13 maybe 14 at beep test.
Big Burn;

There are a lot of people that would be pretty happy to do 5km in 21 minutes.
However, it sort of sounds like you would like to improve that time.

Check out Daniel's Running Formula by Jack Daniels. (There are lots of other books as well as a lot of great web sites as well .) His main idea is that you need to vary your running training in order to see big improvements.  Going out and running more or less the same distance at the same speed will not give you as good of results as a more detailed program that includes some long slow runs, and some shorter faster ones and some interval training.  In a way it is a lot like the idea behind cross-fit.  Muscles adapt and respond the most when challenged and confused.

I was pretty surprised by how much my running improved when I changed my training.  Good luck to you.

thanks rod i'll try that.. but yes a lot of ppl would like to do so but still i have run for almost 8 months on a regular base so if anyone would do it i bet he would be able to do the same.  I just don't know how to get it one level higher.  i've recently tried to run long distance and then coming back with a short 4k or 5k gets easier.
Check out Daniel's Running Formula by Jack Daniels. (There are lots of other books as well as a lot of great web sites as well .) His main idea is that you need to vary your running training in order to see big improvements.  Going out and running more or less the same distance at the same speed will not give you as good of results as a more detailed program that includes some long slow runs, and some shorter faster ones and some interval training.  In a way it is a lot like the idea behind cross-fit. Muscles adapt and respond the most when challenged and confused.

I used http://crossfitendurance.com/ as the inspiration behind my training plan for last week's CFB Petawawa Cross base challenge. I basically did two interval days, two tempo days, and an endurance day per week - alternating running and the biking. I did this for 3 weeks leading up to the race and put my regular crossfit WODs on hold.

To put the above in context, the Cross Base challenge is a duathalon: 10km Run -> 20km Bike -> 5km Run, which I managed to scrape out in 2:12:20. I completed the first 10km in 48 Mins.  On my last tempo run leading up to the race I did a 5km in 22mins.

My next goal is to do a half marathon this summer through training by the crossfitendurance website as perscribed: Crossfit mainsite WODs 5 or 6 times a week plus crossfit endurance 3 times a week.
Hello everyone,
I am starting my BMQ in about a month and have recently started running again(About 2-3 weeks ago). Last Friday I got a copy of a 20m beep test and ran it, and achieved a level 6.5 without any motivating factor(people telling me to continue).
I know I will complete the physical tests during the first week but am concerned that this might not be enough for the other physical aspects of the BMQ.
I am 18 years old and realize that a 6.5 is not the best for my age.

Thank you,
If I'm not mistaken, I think it's a Level 5 minimum. And also if I'm not mistaken, I believe the levels are in equivalent in miles per hour. For instance, if you were to run the 20 meter shuttle run, and every lap you do is a .1 onto the level you're at. For instance 0.1, then 0.2 etc etc.

So getting to about 5mph pace is ideal for the 20 meter shuttle run. Tips to keep in mind, is of course breathing, warm up which would include stretching. Furthest I've gone is level 13. So If i'm not mistaken again it's about 13 mph. Keep in mind to those who've never ran a beep test before, it's one thing to start running at 10 mph versus starting from the beginning of the tape. Because, it will wear you down no matter how good you are. Unless you're an avid soccer player of course :P

Tips on getting ready for a beep test... Go for a jog, nothing heavy roughly 20 minutes a day, keep the pace and don't walk. This will also hopefully build endurance for you during this shuttle run and will keep you positive!
Ahh Thank you, for posting that. I thought those were the requirements to be exempt from the express test?
yup that would be the first link
the second is the minium requirments of the CF
haha ok good, that makes me feel a lot better about my first score. Considering that 10 would be if you were in peak condition, which I will admit I am far from peak condition.

Thank you very much Bradlupa, I appreciate this,
so to start it's:
Shuttle Run...
Push ups.
sit ups
Chin ups

Is that everything?