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20 meter Beep Test -Merged

FYI, further to my last, my Yahoo account is being a pain in the arse and will not let me send out files greater than 10 meg any more.  As the cadance is 13+ meg, I am hooped.  Sorry. 
You can upload the file to http://www.yousendit.com and post the address back here if you want. Files upto 100mb.
If that fails, I have an FTP server I can walk you thru uploading to, and I have enough bandwidth to give out a few dozen copies.

Plus I could use one.  ;D

Then I'll get to work on putting it on top of some music....
Klc said:
If that fails, I have an FTP server I can walk you thru uploading to, and I have enough bandwidth to give out a few dozen copies.

Plus I could use one.  ;D

Then I'll get to work on putting it on top of some music....

PM me with the steps and I will try.  I also tried using that sending site for one of the members, but I haven't heard back yet if he got it or not. 
Or I could just convert the file to a lower bitrate, or ogg vorbis file - But that will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

I have my enrollment to worry about till then.
Okay, further to my last, perhaps this link may work.  If it does, then you should be reaping cadance file glory.  Good luck, and I think I have exhausted my avenues to distribute this thing.  I have no idea how long the link will be good for:


I just tried it and it works.  Have at 'er!  Remember to speak to your doctor before starting any new fitness program. 
The link expired.  It owould be better if it was hosted at the ftp site that was mentioned earlier.  Then it would have any limits on downloads on it or an expiry date.

I've tried a lot of things, and many have not worked.  Put up another link to whatever source you think will provide a reliable archive for this thing and I will try to get it there.  Failing that "tawk amongst yeh selves"
Bonne Chance


Done and done. Meant to do this before, but I've been busy since my enrollment.  ;D

File is about 3.5 mb now, still sounds fine to me. This host should be good for a good while.

If anyone has problems iPodding the converted track, let me know.
I have heard there is no more beep test it is just the BFT now instead, but if you fail the BFT then you must do the beep test. So it is still around, but not in the traditional sense of everyone having to do it.

zipperhead_cop said:
I've tried a lot of things, and many have not worked.  Put up another link to whatever source you think will provide a reliable archive for this thing and I will try to get it there.  Failing that "tawk amongst yeh selves"
Bonne Chance

Zipperheadcop's version is correct and fit on my IPOD as anyother song.I got a 30 gig IPOD(I think),it doesnt take up that much room.
westie048 said:
I have heard there is no more beep test it is just the BFT now instead, but if you fail the BFT then you must do the beep test. So it is still around, but not in the traditional sense of everyone having to do it.
13 Km ruck march, + carry + trench dig are now the standard
fail once, you do it a 2nd time
fail twice, you go see the doc for his okiedokie ..... and then it is back to the Gym for 20 M shuttle run express test...

BUT,... once you pass the shuttle run.... will they make you do the 13 Km again? >:D
13 Km ruck march, + carry + trench dig are now the standard

And just what standard is that?  You should really Include all information when answering questions.  The LFAA/LFCA/LFWA "ARMY" standard is a BFT, which is exactly what you described.  1CAD (Air Force Wings) mostly rely on the CF Express test as the standard.  I just completed mine last month.  When it comes right down to it, the universality of service is the "standard", it's just that different commands have a different way of achieving that standard.  I have spent 14 years on Army bases, and i've done both BFT and 20 MSR.  I've spent 3 years on an Air Force Wing, and i've only ever done the 20 MSR.  We are not even equipped to do the BFT.  Sorry for rambling there - fitness testing is a sore spot with me at the moment!!
You understood what 13km+carry+trench dig=BFT,so does everyone else.It's usually the first abbreviation soldiers learn in the recruiting center when their course is outline for them.Geo spelled it out what the standard was.
Ease up.Why is fitness a sore spot with you?As you didn't add all the information.
RCAC easy....
BR55 did bring up a valid point... that the 13K++ is the basic fitness test that the army has chosen to apply to all personnel working within`"green" places - regardless of the colour of your uniform BUT, the AIR and SEA branches have not necessarily chosen to follow suit AND, green personnel will have to follow their lead.
You are exactly right Geo.  I never meant to come across so abrupt (my "tone" in most of my emails at work seems to be a liiiiitle problem, but i'm working on it...) but Geo nailed my point correctly.  When I hear the word "standard" it means to me that everyone across the board must be able to meet this level.  There are some in my trade (we are purple) who have never actually seen a BFT let alone completed one.  I have a guy with me now who has 19 years in the service and this year was the first time he's even SEEN a C-7!!!  My brother-in-law is beginning his basic as of yesterday in Gagetown, and the "standard" is the 20 MSR.

Thanks Geo for helping me clarify a seemingly rude post.  My bad!!  ;)
54/102 CEF said:
MP3`s here - http://www.defence.gov.au/ARMY/artc/fitness.html#richmedia

Hi i'm new to this forum.....does the link above refer to like a regular gym size that one would run a shuttle test in? 
Hi i'm new to this forum.....does the link above refer to like a regular gym size that one would run a shuttle test in? 

The shuttle run is 20 meters.......back and forth.......on the beeps...doesnt matter what size gym you do it in
Thank you ....this means a lote as i came super close to hitting my target but died....i really want to practice and didnt want to practice the wrong thing.....so you're absolutely sure that it's 20 metres acroos all three military components no matter what?

I dont mean to be petulant....just percise  ;)

Thank you again!
EX_RCAC_011 said:
You understood what 13km+carry+trench dig=BFT,so does everyone else.It's usually the first abbreviation soldiers learn in the recruiting center when their course is outline for them.Geo spelled it out what the standard was.
Ease up.Why is fitness a sore spot with you?As you didn't add all the information.

Whoah there yourself.
I can assure you that Binrat55 is well aware of what a BFT is. I can also assure you that BFT standards (heck we've got army folks who don't know about the trench dig for crying out loud!!) are not common knowledge amongst the Air Force or the Navy. The only place I ever did them was in the Army (and in Cornwallis) and I've served with all 3 enviornments. I'll also take this time to assure you 'fitness' is not a sore spot nor a neglected spot with Binrat. You'll have to take my word for it. I know him and have been on those marchs and in the gym beside him.