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1 RCHA Funeral Preparations in Calgary for Capt Goddard

Michael Dorosh

Army.ca Veteran
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1 RCHA is doing things in style; they just rolled into Mewata tonight, complete with Quad Gun tractor and their special 25-pdr. Is anyone else from the Calgary garrison planning on attending the service on Friday?
"quad"?  don't you mean 3 quad?
(ever saw a quad (1/4 ton jeep) being used for towing)
geo said:
"quad"?  don't you mean 3 quad?
(ever saw a quad (1/4 ton jeep) being used for towing)

I didn't say a quarter ton, I said a Quad.  I own a jeep (1949 Willy's) and would not tow a 25 pounder and casket with it, no.

Do a google search on Quad Gun Tractor and tell me what you find.  ;)

Confucius say: Doing google search BEFORE sticking foot in mouth to take someone to task often results in change of heart...  ;D

Considering you did the same thing in the Scarlet tunic thread, I'm wondering why you're so keen to catch people out on subject matter you're not familiar with?

Here's a link that might resolve the issue in a hurry guys.
My old regiment supplied the Quad gun tractor and 25pdr/limber of Smokey Smith, the backup vehicle was a ¾ ton at the rear of the parade.
Just my lil own opinion but...maybe this should be taken to a different thread?

Just my own opinion.
Well, I didn't intend it to be a case of lecturing someone on 60 year old military equipment. I really did just want to know if anyone from Calgary was planning on going to the funeral. We had a military funeral for a non-combat death a couple of months back. Some friends of the young private who passed from the Loyal Edmonton Regiment came down in uniform to attend, I thought that was nice of them. Not sure how it might be received if reservists from here showed up to the service tomorrow; if the desire would be for all the 1 RCHA guys to mourn in private or if there will be a sizeable representation from the locals. As a Calgarian, I'd like to pay my respects but naturally would consider the Regiment's wishes over my own.
Not sure how it might be received if reservists from here showed up to the service tomorrow

When Ainsworth Dyer had his service in Toronto, everyone from the 48th, and many from every other reserve regiment showed their respect to our fallen Highlander.  I believe the PPCLI lads, that were there for their brother, were honoured that we showed our respect to him.

I am sure it will be ok Michael....


The family has indicated the funeral is open to the public.  The church has over 700 seats (includes overflow).  1 RCHA would welcome local reservists who wished to attend.  41 CBG has been (and continues to be) a great asset in assisting us with the funeral preparations.  

There will be a Memorial for Capt Goddard in the 1 RCHA Gun Park next week.  We'll have our time then.

Thanks for the response, Tess and Randy.  It's kinda funny; the guys over in Afghanistan all seem larger than life on TV, now we have a 100 man guard of Regulars from the RCHA camped out at the armoury for a couple days of practice - working Wed and  Thu nite in my little Militia clothing stores, I've had a few of them make a beeline for my office looking for bits of kit they forgot in the hurry to come out here; slip ons, CF tie, LFC badge. Pretty much what we go through every ceremonial parade, too. Guess we all put our pants on one leg at a time.
At a funeral for a service member there are no regulars or reservists - just soldiers who want to pay their respects. Military service is a brotherhood.
Michael Dorosh said:
Well, I didn't intend it to be a case of lecturing someone on 60 year old military equipment. I really did just want to know if anyone from Calgary was planning on going to the funeral. We had a military funeral for a non-combat death a couple of months back. Some friends of the young private who passed from the Loyal Edmonton Regiment came down in uniform to attend, I thought that was nice of them. Not sure how it might be received if reservists from here showed up to the service tomorrow; if the desire would be for all the 1 RCHA guys to mourn in private or if there will be a sizeable representation from the locals. As a Calgarian, I'd like to pay my respects but naturally would consider the Regiment's wishes over my own.

Michael, I know of a few military people from Ottawa who will be attending tomorrow in uniform and they are going on their own so to speak out of respect.  Since it is open to the public, I am sure that it would be alright as long as proprieties are kept.  Just my estimate of the situation.
"At a funeral for a service member there are no regulars or reservists - just soldiers who want to pay their respects. Military service is a brotherhood."
tomahawk6 said:
At a funeral for a service member there are no regulars or reservists - just soldiers who want to pay their respects. Military service is a brotherhood.

+1    :salute:
Let us all remember to have a good thought in our head and in our hearts for Capt. Goddard and her family tomorrow as we go about our day, and for all those who have fallen or been stricken in the course of their duty.  It is the least we can do while the funeral is going on, so that we can pay our respects.
I'm behind the eight ball already. ;)  I was down at the Armoureis tonight talking to Bombardier Bell, nice fella who is driving the Quad tomorrow. Very informative on 25-pdrs and vehicles and such. Easy to talk to guy, works out of the regimental museum. (Even if he has never heard of my website, my poor ego!). Nice conversation. Then, I was so comfortable, and in civvies, I decided to lean a bit.

On the 25-pdr.  :-[  Oops.  My apologies to the RCHA for not remembering why they don't have Colours.... Bombardier Bell was quite forgiving, thankfully.  What a rookie mistake :ack:
Its not that we don't have Colours, its that the Guns are our Colours.