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  1. Thorvald

    Queen's York Rangers

    Mike, if you haven't gotten a contact yet, I'll step up. I'll fire off a PM with contact info for your needs. Cheers     Tim
  2. Thorvald

    TacOpsCav 4 - Is it on the DIN anywhere?

    Is TacOpsCav 4 available on the DIN anywhere?  Done some searching but coming up blank (even on the ALLC site).  I know it was on the ALLC CD from back in 2000 but unfortunately I didn't bring that with me out west. Has anyone come across it? Thanks
  3. Thorvald

    Visits Officer - What does the job entail?

    I've seen multiple opportunities for posting as 'Visits Officer' but I cannot find anything that gives a description of what this job/task entails. My local inquires of fellow Officers have only resulted in mild chuckling, groans and the word 'stress'.  Supposedly the motto for the role is...
  4. Thorvald

    C7 weapon drills

    :rofl: Love that line, you need to make that a signature!
  5. Thorvald

    C7 weapon drills

    Neither IA methods helped me recently... I had to use the third 'undocumented' Immediate action... "Cant the weapon and curse loudly". Recently on a PWT 3 shoot, while just starting to shoot at the 300 meter mark, the little pin which holds the buffer spring in the stock decided to attempt a...
  6. Thorvald

    New Support Weapon due to Budget Cuts

    Of course, now we all know why the QM stocks so many D Cells yet most of our flashlights use C Cells....  :P
  7. Thorvald

    New Support Weapon due to Budget Cuts

    Ok, my seven year old brought this to my attention just last night ... too funny.  Can we get a mount for the G-Wagon for this?  ;D Yes Martha, it's  a fully automatic, belt fed, tripod mounted (SF Kit lol), Nerf machine gun... 3 darts per second. It does take 6 D cell batteries... ouch. ...
  8. Thorvald

    Image of the Day

    That range is so manicured it looks like a flipping golf course!  Leave it to the yanks  ::) By the way, is that guy shooting from the mens or women's tee?  ;D Nice pic however!  Watch and shoot!  (But don't hit the carts!) Cheers
  9. Thorvald

    C-17 flew low over Barrie tonight, ours?

    Was watching the older son's soccer game when we all noticed a huge dark grey C-17 flying east to west over southern Barrie (Ontario).   I assume it was one of our CC-177's as the US ones tend to be light grey, but it was a fair distance away so I could not see detail on the markings but they...
  10. Thorvald

    CAP Gagetown

    Hahaha, are you telling me you provisioned DSL on one of the shack's phone lines while you were there?  If so, that is hilarious! Cheers
  11. Thorvald

    CAP Gagetown

    Ok, on the kit list is a few intersting items (I always love kit lists, they are usually so ancient that even the instructors don't know a third of the items on them). 1 x Laptop Computer Baselined We are to bring a Laptop from our unit that has the Baseline software installed???  Are there...
  12. Thorvald

    F.A.S.T M4 - A magazine for magazines... Different concept

    Here is something I stumbled upon recently, different take on magazine pouches... put the mags in a mag.  Videos etc on the site. I6, it's a toy for you! http://www.stractech.com/fast.html
  13. Thorvald

    PBS documentary "Carrier"

    I think the best observation by the sailors so far was that it is a giant floating "High School" with all the usual peer issues and pressures.  It's a very fresh look on how a carrier operates compared to traditional documentaries since this time were seeing what daily life is like from the...
  14. Thorvald

    Weapons Mod

    Strange looking weapon though.... looks like someone took a C7A1 and added a buttstock from a C8.  Common practice? If it's a C7A2, it's appears to be missing some items: - front Triad Rail - The evil new charging handle seems to be missing or we just can't see the other side well enough. - No...
  15. Thorvald

    Program from NCM to officer

    Found the chart again in LFCO 24-20 - EQUIVALENCIES AND QUALIFICATION REINSTATEMENT http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/Downloads/24_20_E.DOC And here is the CFAO section but portions appear to only apply to Reg Force: CFAO 11-9 -- COMMISSIONING FROM THE RANKS PLAN...
  16. Thorvald

    Program from NCM to officer

    Well looks like your following the same route I am.  It's a blast being an older NCM starting out, things are so much easier for us (as long as your fit). I went with NCM first to get a proper feel for "being in the troops" and to have a little fun for a while with the younger generation  ;D ...
  17. Thorvald

    Ghostride the MRAP

    Ok, I'll bite... what the devil is "ghost riding"? Must be something that the "kids" do right... . . . Ooops, now I guess I'm officially a member of the "Your too old" club...  ::)
  18. Thorvald

    At a crossroad, need some direction

    Jesus Tango, that was such a good post it should be part of the Faq or a stickly! Talk about summing something up in a few words! Perhaps they should add that to the Armoured Officer Recruiting site  ;D Cheers    
  19. Thorvald

    Canadian LAV III

    More pics and info on that Real Model conversion kit: http://www.armorama.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=SquawkBox&file=index&req=viewtopic&topic_id=114589&page=1 Now if only someone would make a G-Wagon kit  :P Cheers
  20. Thorvald

    Shrine of the Mall Ninja

    Good god, someone call the producers of "American Ninja", "Cable Guy" or something along those line and tell them you have an excellent idea for a script...  "Mall Security - Protecting America while you shop". I need another coffee after readying that... Cheers Edit: Wait, it gets better...