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Search results

  1. bishop

    Civilian LEO going MP

    I would just like to bump this thread as I don't see it necessary to start a new one. It's already been very helpful. Like the original poster, I'm a civy LEO but not Police. Without getting into a long, drawn out post about why, yet again, I'm here in this forum asking about the Military...
  2. bishop

    Shift Work and Reserve Training.

    Ah, so you can receive up to 2 weeks of paid leave, but I'm assuming any time after that will be unpaid. Thanks for the info, mariomike. I'll talk to my supervisors and see if they can provide any specifics for my unit. I'll also head down to the CFRC and chat with a recruiter. If anyone...
  3. bishop

    Shift Work and Reserve Training.

    Mariomike, Thanks for the reply. Yes, the Toronto Police work 10 hour shifts, and it appears to be a good schedule for a reservist, depending on which night their unit parades etc. As for the policy that allows training and deployments for Toronto City Workers, I'll have to look into this...
  4. bishop

    Shift Work and Reserve Training.

    Hi everyone, I've searched and searched but came up short. I've been digging for various topics all night and this one in particular has slipped past me. My apologies if this has been covered. I was wondering if anyone here completed the army reserve training (BMQ, SQ etc) even though they...
  5. bishop

    MP's to start as Private, not Corporal... ?

    Hey guys, sorry if this has been posted before. I've been hearing that MP's might be starting as Privates instead of Corporals. Could anyone confirm/deny this? Thanks
  6. bishop

    Res Infantry :Is it possible to be fully qualified for deployment in one summer?

    What kind of work would i be doing? Would i be put in with the reg force infantry? ( even if im considered a ''milidiot'' lol) I cant seem to find a definite answer, probably because there isn't one, but id like to know from your's and everyone's experience. I want to make sure I know what im...
  7. bishop

    Res Infantry :Is it possible to be fully qualified for deployment in one summer?

    thanks for the help fellas just to clarify, I need more than my BMQ, SQ and BIQ to be eligible for an overseas tour? I also need a DP2 or QL5... ??? lol
  8. bishop

    Res Infantry :Is it possible to be fully qualified for deployment in one summer?

    hey guys, im really sorry if this a repost, i tried the search feature and too much came up.. lol if its ok, id like a more direct answer I was wondering if its possible to be fully trained and qualified in one summer to do an overseas tour? And if so, what are the courses and steps (in order...
  9. bishop

    Got my physical this Monday!!

    I have my physical the same day as you, im also doing my aptitude test aswell.  Maybe ill see you there lol good luck