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Search results

  1. Haggis

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Non LE cameras (not body or dashcams) can also cause or encourage a subject to escalate and try to bait the LEO into saying or doing something untoward.
  2. Haggis

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Maybe a good comparison would be: NDA/CSD equals Criminal Code. Both can send you to jail, impose fines and conditions. DAOD 5019 series equals Police Services Acts. Both can alter or end your career without sending you to jail.
  3. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    This may hurt Team Red a lot. CPC funded attack ads during the Stanley Cup finals. https://canoe.com/opinion/columnists/conservatives-target-trudeau-stanley-cup-ads/wcm/bb61de27-01c0-4d58-a3d8-2c26e859905e
  4. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The article produced what is, so far, my favourite JT photo.
  5. Haggis

    Current Dress Regs

    Disagree. How will HQ bound Army personnel maintain their operational focus and warrior mindset if they are required to wear "Army business casual" to the office? We will suffer immeasurable reduction in combat effectiveness. Now, where's that sarcasm emoji? My agency is supplied by Logstik...
  6. Haggis

    80th Anniversary of D-Day 2024

    Here's the CPAC video of the signature ceremony in Moncton, NB on June 6. Be warned, it's almost 3 hours long. The performance of the 1812 Overture by the youth orchestra Sistema New Brunswick beginning at 2:39:00 is amazing.
  7. Haggis

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    This was a national event in NB. There was attendance from across Canada.
  8. Haggis

    2022 CPC Leadership Discussion: Et tu Redeux

    I just spent most of this week at a D Day commemoration. Even thought many military associated folks are right leaning PP was wildly unpopular with my dinner companions, and I never sat at the same table twice.
  9. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    No excuse. Drive to conditions or move to an area where you can take public transportation and not endanger anyone else. I've seen enough wrecks, thank you.
  10. Haggis

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Cross post to the Walts, Posers and Wannabe's thread? Why is it frequently the higher ranking folks that pull this crap?
  11. Haggis

    Marines say no more ‘death by PowerPoint’ as Corps overhauls education

    It worked for ArriveCan. My, how times have changed.
  12. Haggis

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    In my facility, the dispensers have been wall mounted and each toilet stall in both styles of washroom now has a used product receptacle. Anyone who willfully damages those will also be causing infrastructure damage. I expect, given the type of business we are in, that, at a minimum, there...
  13. Haggis

    Britain's Conservatives planning to bring back compulsary national service.

    Eight months hence: {Breathless Trudeau speech ON} "A Poliviere led Conservative government will follow in Britain's footsteps and send your children to war. And, and. let me be clear, those who um can't fight and those who stand up for True Canadian values and won't fight in Trump's oil wars...
  14. Haggis

    Britain's Conservatives planning to bring back compulsary national service.

    The CAF doesn't have the schoolhouse capacity to meet current training throughput needs in either the Reg F or P Res.. This idea, which I'm sure Team Red and Orange would vigorously oppose, would only make that situation worse. I'm all for the organized, structured and worthwhile community...
  15. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    If Trump wins Trudeau will not be able to resist comparing him to PP. I say that based on his resurgence of fear mongering over non-issue of abortion in Canada. Trump has falsely taken credit for Roe v Wade being overturned by his appointees to the USSC. And Trudeau doesn't let facts get in the...
  16. Haggis

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    I should've been clearer. They are in after-school programs.
  17. Haggis

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    That is very true. Only two members of my extended family are PS workers, me and my daughter-in-law. For me, WFH lasted only six weeks during the beginning of COVID. For her, she is still on three weekdays a week at the office and there is no consistency in which weekdays those three are due...
  18. Haggis

    2023 Canadian Armed Forces General and Flag Officer senior promotions and appointments

    Not always. My son works for a major international trucking fleet as a mechanic His benefits far outweigh what anyone in his job in the PS would get. He's treated very, very well.
  19. Haggis

    2023 Canadian Armed Forces General and Flag Officer senior promotions and appointments

    Maybe she saw what happened to the first female RCMP Commissioner and wants none of that.
  20. Haggis

    Electric Vehicles for the ADF

    Will there be enough battery life to keep the RSS warm for an entire weekend?