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  1. Haggis

    The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

    I wonder who was The Architect of that fundraising initiative?
  2. Haggis

    July 2024: Protests sweep Paris

    Hopefully this unrest doesn't bleed into the Olympics.
  3. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    Trudeau to Singh: "Hold my chardonnay and watch this!"
  4. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    From the article: "One influential Montreal Liberal told me the party is almost certain to lose the seat to Craig Sauvé, a popular city councilor running for the NDP." Still a win for JT as long as the Supply and Confidence Agreement is in place.
  5. Haggis

    The "Did Minister Sajjan 'Order' Sikh's To Be Airlifted?" Merged Thread

    And if he was still in uniform as a LCol and he received a "request" from the MND, how would he have taken that? As an order, maybe?
  6. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The election is already decided by the time most western Canadians are getting off work to go vote. If you ask me, there should be a media blackout until the polls close in BC.
  7. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The last "war" Canada "started" was the Turbot War. Remember, this is the same guy that didn't want to "whip out our CF-18's" against ISIS and wanted to drop parkas instead of bombs. His government cut a huge chunk of DND/CAFs budget and omplenented some of the bizarre woke policies in place now.
  8. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The margin was slim. The riding could flip back red in the general election. The only way Trudeau could possibly do that is to drop the writ before the next house sitting in the Fall. ...or pull a Putin near an open upper story window.
  9. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The margin was slim, only 2 percentage points (590 votes). The riding could flip back red in the general election.
  10. Haggis

    The War in Ukraine

    About 15 or so years ago I attended a seminar where the topic of PTSD among UAV operators was discussed. This was what is known as an "unintended consequence" of UAV operations. In Afghanistan some UAV operators were severely affected by watching TICs develop and having no way to influence the...
  11. Haggis

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    That's a pretty insulting commentary against females CAF members, specifically Infantry soldiers. Having been born with a dick doesn't automatically make you a better soldier. Or, why not just give it to every CAF member serving on the coronation date. Oh, wait....
  12. Haggis

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    We've been down this road a couple of times before. The end reault is always the same. No domestic operations medal is needed or desired by the government.
  13. Haggis

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    When the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal came out, a USAF exchange officer working in the ADM (IM) was placed in charge of managing the automated selection process for the CAF. That was perfect as she would not be eligible to receive it.
  14. Haggis

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    I did just a few months shy of 42 years. I have never seen this happen with any commemorative medal during my time and don't expect it will happen in the future, either "because that's how it's always been done."
  15. Haggis

    What insignia does the good Commander wear on his shoulders?

    It looks like it. No aguilette is visible, though.
  16. Haggis

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Non LE cameras (not body or dashcams) can also cause or encourage a subject to escalate and try to bait the LEO into saying or doing something untoward.
  17. Haggis

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Maybe a good comparison would be: NDA/CSD equals Criminal Code. Both can send you to jail, impose fines and conditions. DAOD 5019 series equals Police Services Acts. Both can alter or end your career without sending you to jail.
  18. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    This may hurt Team Red a lot. CPC funded attack ads during the Stanley Cup finals. https://canoe.com/opinion/columnists/conservatives-target-trudeau-stanley-cup-ads/wcm/bb61de27-01c0-4d58-a3d8-2c26e859905e
  19. Haggis

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    The article produced what is, so far, my favourite JT photo.
  20. Haggis

    Current Dress Regs

    Disagree. How will HQ bound Army personnel maintain their operational focus and warrior mindset if they are required to wear "Army business casual" to the office? We will suffer immeasurable reduction in combat effectiveness. Now, where's that sarcasm emoji? My agency is supplied by Logstik...