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  1. plattypuss

    Some of my modern builds

    Deductive scaling...elementary my dear Watson, elementary  ;) Thx. Fascinating stuff to be sure.
  2. plattypuss

    Some of my modern builds

    tiking Nice stuff, the picture of the queen mary - brought back some good memories.  Just out of curiosity, when designing from scratch - do you go from some kind of plans (either purchased or hand made) or do go from pictures (and I know there are all sorts of detailed pictures avail). ...
  3. plattypuss


    Running with music definitely helps with the boredom of running, I believe it also helps me move a little faster.  When I run I always try and exhale on a certain step ie when my right foot hits the ground every 3 or 4 steps, this allows me (if I start getting cramped up) to change it up and...
  4. plattypuss

    Why Shoe's make normal gait impossible

    I have heard many positive comments about Nike Free's although I personally have never tried them.  They are supposed to be comparable to running in barefeet (which means there is an adjustment period when you start wearing them) and beneficial to returning your running back to its natural...
  5. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Just a quick link to a beginner's program which was posted on the CrossFit site a long time ago.  It incorporates a schedule more like what I do today (ie I do not follow the Workout of the Day concept). As I may do weights/crossfit one day and the run the next.  It incorporates the basic...
  6. plattypuss


    Munx a useful quote to reinforce your comments: "You’ve got to drive the body to the last inch of energy then go on! You gain nothing by just going up to where your body says you’re tired. The body will build and grow only to fit the demands the mind makes upon the lazy body. If all you do is...
  7. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Thanks Black - I suppose we would be taking it off track if we continued but I have to, I just do!  My only rebuttal is to your comment on power (and I admit not all weeks are like this) is that if you review the last couple days of CrossFit you get: 1. Today - Deadlift 225 lbs, Handstand...
  8. plattypuss


    In addition to interval training as suggested by Munxcub, try Fartlek training which sort of incorporates the same ideas.  On your regular route try throwing in some sprints at irregular intervals along the way, after completing the sprint keep running but slow down into a recovery pace then...
  9. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Blackthorne - I think there are two statements which are correct in paracowboy's statement.  The first and most important is that CrossFit is a tool in the toolbox - albeit I think it could be the one you reach for all the time and that the only way to prepare to hump a ruck is to hump a ruck...
  10. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Had a look at simplefit, as mentioned earlier it does seem a lot like a "light" version of Crossfit - has a whole lot of the same ideas post your workouts, community, etc. It even has crossfit as a link or friend.  You can also get a scaled workout at crossfitkids.com which you can go to...
  11. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Jeesh haven't posted on this site for a while and look at the fun I am missing!  I don't think it is wrong to be emotional about the topic of physical fitness or even CrossFit and I think it's great that the debate continues to rage as we should never become complacent with our fitness level...
  12. plattypuss

    Ranger Course

    Not to damper the enthusiasm for the Ranger course (there is a certain look cool factor associated with it) but you can look at lot closer to home for a similar course.  The former Parachute Centre (now the CF Land Advanced Warfare Centre) has the Patrol Pathfinders Course in which they do some...
  13. plattypuss

    41 pounds less and counting :D

    Mysteriousmind Nice job - you should do what my wife did when she lost a lot of weight.  Buy some new clothes, you may still feel fat despite the great loss that you have experienced because you're still wearing the same clothes.  If you associate your old clothes as your "fat" clothes, then if...
  14. plattypuss

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    Chappyk Running in cold weather will slow you down slightly - as it should if you are wearing more layers etc.  But after only at two day lay off, your performance should not have been affected as it was.  I would suggest that either psychologically you "shut down" in the cold or maybe you just...
  15. plattypuss

    Standing Contingency Task Force: A Canadian Marine Unit?

    One other small fly in the ointment is that the numbers of bodies we have available to fill the SCF posns.  If we are having difficulty manning the existing LAV and light Bns for rotation overseas then the SCF concept may have to slow down a bit - its a great idea but we need bodies to fill the...
  16. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    I have to agree with Signals guy, Coach Glassman (the founder of CrossFit) is an avid biker (like cult bicyclist - he admits it) and says that he definitely notices the differences on the hills between himself and the crossfitters - crossfitters have more gas left in the tank during the climbs. ...
  17. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    Al, Thanks I only look that good because I didn't want my make-up to smear and I was worried somebody was looking at my purse which I had left in the corner.  I think by the time that video was shot I had already given everything I had to give the two days prior and was merely looking to...
  18. plattypuss

    Crossfit & the CF

    One of the hiccups that they alluded too at the seminar in the adoption of Crossfit within other armies was the fact that the leadership especially in certain American units was afraid to do such a "rigorous" form of PT in front of their troops. They could not stop praising the fact that on our...
  19. plattypuss

    Civilian Instructors used in Combat arms

    The American Army has been using civilian instructors for years to teach D&M classes.  With respect to the reasons behind using civilians, there are many - but it isn't necessarily to free NCO's up for tours.  The tempo of training at the Schools is high so by freeing up some of the instructors...
  20. plattypuss

    MGS/MMEV dead yet?

    Hot off the presses apparently both the MGS and MMEV projects have had requests for cancellation signed off by the CLS IOT to seek cabinet approval.  Links to follow: MGS http://vcds.mil.ca/cls/dmcs/FilesO/DMCS-36199.tif MMEV http://vcds.mil.ca/cls/dmcs/FilesO/DMCS-36200.tif Haven't read the...