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  1. S

    The New Defence Agenda: Transforming National Defence Administration Conference

    OMG NOOOOOO its all the way in ottawa..i cant take time off school to go :(
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    Where is the Queen's Own Rifles BMQ?

    they actually have a training ground in moss park armoury...???
  3. S

    Reserves: Open House / Job Fairs [Merged]

    will there be one at Moss Park armoury anytime soon?? closes armoury to me.
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    If the US would deploy a large naval battle group to help defend taiwan they would most likely never see their homes again. If china deploys and uses their newly SS-N-22 Moskit cruise missile bought from the russians they US navy would be devestated. If these missles are used the US would only...
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    Reserves: Open House / Job Fairs [Merged]

    NOOO OMG I MISSED IT!!...i had to read this post late
  6. S

    Defence: $12.7-billion infusion ;D

    Arnt they still waiting for the defence review before they start deciding what to spend the cash on?
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    Defence: $12.7-billion infusion ;D

    Sounds like this budget just focuses on the army. but the army is not everything you know it would be good to see some new battleships sailing on our coastlines and new planes flying overhead.
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    QOR's Recruiting center

    ya but i wanted to ask the recruiter things about the Queens Own, like how is BMQ weekends established there is it every other weekend or every weekend etc etc
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    QOR's Recruiting center

    K thx guys, i just wanted to phone to see if they available for me to go down and ask some questions that i ahve and such like brochures, videos and stuff. My friend dad was gonna help me out with this but he recently moved so he is busy.
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    CADPAT Weapon Camo. (Or How to Disappear in Plain Sight!!! )

    Skullboy you part of ASC??? pretty sure i remember seeing those on their site just wondering is it the same person.
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    QOR's Recruiting center

    if anyone knows the number can you plz respond to the post i need to know ASAP thank you
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    QOR's Recruiting center

    ya that phone number does not work.
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    QOR's Recruiting center

    Hey guys, I tried phoneing the QOR's recruiting center today but the phone number was out of service? did they change their number? if so what is it so I can phone them again Thx.
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    Started Reserve BMQ (Weekends)

    How long is the BMQ training for reserves??? and do you have to do yur SQ right after BMQ or can you take a rest?
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    Truth, Duty, Valour - Season 2 starting January 5th

    Just like to say that it is a great show, and can't wait until i see the one about Exercise Stalwart Guardian i've read so much about it and been wanting to see some real footages.
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    My Christmas Dinner

    I thought that the federal government was running some sort of campaign to "win back the public". I think i read this somewhere on the DnD news page unsure when though.
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    Truth, Duty, Valour - Season 2 starting January 5th

    It is also on every weekday at ummm 8a.m est. I watch it then go to school haha i have a great schedule.  :P
  18. S

    Must Know How To Swim To Be In The Reserves?

    Well thanks guys for the information you guys provided. It was a big help I feel better now. But like most of you said it is better to take lessons anyways so i'll just take some lessons before I sign up. Thx alot guys
  19. S

    Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

    Well i have a bit of asthma, i've had it for many years but never has been severe. My asthma usually only happens when i'm doing alot of activity like extensive running, will i still beable to apply for the infantry reserves?
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    Must Know How To Swim To Be In The Reserves?

    Hey guys, I am planning to join reserves in the near future and just wondering do I have to kno how to swim?? because i dont... :(