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Search results

  1. nuclearzombies

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    I are on a punk kick today..... Bonzo Goes to Bitburg - Ramones: http://youtu.be/ZiJK5cHjYzI Beautiful, Unlike You and I - SNFU: http://youtu.be/DkkDRahRrTI We Love You Tipper Gore - FurnaceFace: http://youtu.be/JH9axUjHPuY
  2. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    it could have been as simple as stopping to take a leak, and slipping on the mud.. the banks of the river are quite steep in places, once you're in the water you are in deep shit. The North Sask is deep, cold and fast. My condolences to the family, but kudos to every person who gave up their...
  3. nuclearzombies

    Rapture Watch: Command and Control Centre

    Bunker 69 3/4 reporting.... All is quiet here in Edmonchuk. I'm disappointed, I was really looking forward to an evening of chaos, zombies, and looting. Guess we'll have to wait till the next predicted apocalypse.  :blotto:
  4. nuclearzombies

    More and more funnies.. vol: something...

    Angry Beaver??? http://ca.news.yahoo.com/angry-beaver-roams-n-w-t-town-184453296.html
  5. nuclearzombies

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    coupla mixes I made in February.... downloads are 100% free. Enjoy! :blotto: Mass Coronal Eviction:  http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_6245428 The Jupiter Effect: http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_6093120 Driving (the GT5 mix): http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_7462046
  6. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    We-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-helllllll then there, I got a doozy for you: when I was four, living at Namao I rode my tricycle up to the end of the flight line, went right through the gate and proceeded down the flight line, waving at several Hercs taking off. I made it all the way to the hangars...
  7. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Yes, you are correct. A tight line, when snapped should produce a straight line. The guy failed to apply the 3-4-5 rule to get a line square to the wall. That was problem number one. Somewhow this fella was able to produce a bent line. You'd have to sight down the line to see it, but sure as...
  8. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Ohhhhhh boy... So I'm in residential construction, my employer and I could loosely be described as the guys that sort things out when things go awry... today our homebuilder directed us to get a basement framing job sorted out. Upon arriving at said basement, a "framer" was snapping out...
  9. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    I kinda feel like a douchebag for not being able to pitch in further with the searches, but work has picked up quite a bit with the good weather :( I too am hoping for a happy ending.....
  10. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Mr Seggie gets bonus points for making me snort beer by accident, short circuiting my laughter into choking and sputtering. What were we talking about again?? *cracks fresh beer*
  11. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.  :-X
  12. nuclearzombies

    What song is stuck in your head?

    FxxK You, by Lilly Allen
  13. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    To quote Emperor Palpatine from Robot Chicken Star Wars: "Hippies. They suck in every galaxy." Sounds to me like hippy loser should stick to smoking reefer and eating pizza pops.
  14. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    I just take the bus or walk. There's no way in hell I'm forking out that kind of money... But then again, I only have me to worry about, and I don't really own many things other than books and tools...
  15. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    No result tonite folks, we covered upriver from the footbridge to the Quesnell Bridge on one bank, we were unable to cross the Quesnell due to construction (shit!).... Due to work commitments I will not have anymore time available >:( Very good to meet you Justin, thanks for coming out...
  16. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    Got a search partner, thanks Justin.... see you around 1730 hrs...  :salute:
  17. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    No partner, everybody's at work. I got the day off today. There will be searchers about, I will pair up with somebody... Got good boots, appropriate clothing with extra in the pack, decent LED flashlight, food&water, cell phone, a ref's whistle, a half decent map... My roomies and my employer...
  18. nuclearzombies

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    A similiar argument to Sapplicant's, involving our airpower..... the guy is an aquaintance, and is one of those people who thinks they know more than everyone else, cause the internet told them so.... idiot: Canada never should have gotten rid of our A-10's me: We never had any idiot: Yes we...
  19. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    I'm kinda chomping at the bit here, I have shit to do at home this morning and an appointment to get some ink at 1400... should be clear by 1530, that leaves me a little under 6 hours of daylight... I'm a little frustrated with the volunteer search, they mainly stuck to paths and easily...
  20. nuclearzombies

    Soldier Missing After Morning Run in Edmonton's River Valley

    Search continues today, volunteers are still searching the river valley parks and there's another search today down river at Fort Sask, as the river narrows and gets more shallow at the water treatment plant there. I won't be able to attend till later this afternoon, I plan to go west/ up river...