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  1. M

    PERs : All issues questions...2018-current

    If it makes any difference, it was a tour PER for a 7 month tour. I only received one PDR half-way through the tour with only a single point to improve on. The part that ticks me off the most was that the person who wrote it is not even deployed anymore so I can't discuss it with them. They...
  2. M

    PERs : All issues questions...2018-current

    Is it normal for a PER to be significantly worse than the last one? My last year's PER was an immediate with 11 Mastered / 5 Exceeded Standard. The one I just got was a ready with most circles on skilled. Does the person writing the PER need to justify why they are severely lowering my scores?
  3. M

    Forced to move locally

  4. M

    Forced to move locally

    I found this in the QR&Os, so I think I found my answer. Chapter 208 - Relocation Benefits 208.996 – Local Move of Household Goods and Effects An officer or non-commissioned member who is not being released and who moves household goods and effects at their place of duty as a result of being...
  5. M

    Forced to move locally

    No, not yet.
  6. M

    Forced to move locally

    I, and many others in my unit, are being forced to move out of our current building by both our COC & barrack warden because our current building is scheduled to be demolished this summer. Are we entitled to any movement benefits for being forced to move locally? I'm just curious, as I will now...
  7. M

    Course/Qualification Codes

    Sweet. Thanks guys.
  8. M

    Course/Qualification Codes

    Thanks for the reply. However, I can't seem to find a link to DGMP from the CMP website. I'm assuming CMP stands for chief military personnel...
  9. M

    Course/Qualification Codes

    Unfortunately, these quals don't show up on my MPRR. They were granted via a PLAR as I was joining, and I just noticed now that they're not on there. I was just really curious what these mystery quals were before I brought it up to my COC.
  10. M

    Course/Qualification Codes

    Is there somewhere where I can get a list of all the course/qualification codes? I found out that there are four qualifications that I've been granted, but I was given qual codes only. I have no idea what some of these are. I tried looking on the Canadian Forces Equivalencies Database at...
  11. M

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    When I first joined just over a year ago I did a PLAR. It took months, but it was eventually successful and they wrote off my DP 1.1 ACISS IST course. This means I was trade qualified right off the bat. From what I can understand, if you are trade qualified on joining, you may be entitled to a...
  12. M

    Accept Sig Op Position, Or Wait For Comm Rsch?

    While I do think I would enjoy the Sig Op trade, the Comm Rsch trade is far more interesting to me. Ouch.
  13. M

    Accept Sig Op Position, Or Wait For Comm Rsch?

    I was offered a position as a Signal Operator today. Unfortunately the trade I wanted to join as the most was a Communicator Research Operator. At this point I'm not sure what I should do. I can either decline their offer and hope to get accepted as a Communicator Research Operator later, or...
  14. M

    Military Career Advise

    Thanks. By the way, you should have used the word 'affect' instead of 'effect'. I can correct posts too.  ;D
  15. M

    Military Career Advise

    Alright. Thanks for the information.
  16. M

    Military Career Advise

    Are there any option available where the Canadian Forces will subsidize the remainder of my education? Does time spent in training count towards this?
  17. M

    Military Career Advise

    I am a soon-to-be 25 year old that is thinking about signing up with the Canadian Forces. First, some basic info about my me: I have a two-year college diploma in software development. In addition to programming and web design, the program included courses on computer hardware, repair and...