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  1. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    You guys all rock!  Thank you so much!  The help and advice I received from you all is what helped me through. You know who you are! Thank you! Oh, and I think I'm going to love my course!  Hope to meet you all sometime! Maybe even during my stay in Borden?? :)
  2. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Hello everyone, I thought I would just drop by as the originator of this post to give a small update.  I completed basic training this summer in CFB Borden.  A great place, in my mind, for BMQ.  (you see the light of day OFTEN).  I did find some aspects of it VERY challenging, but was pleased...
  3. tfly

    BMQ changed to 10 weeks ?

    And if I wasn't enjoying too much wine (because I can...now that I'm home) I would have said...."IT" makes a difference....  Oooops... But 89SHAP....this is true!
  4. tfly

    BMQ changed to 10 weeks ?

    Hmmm, I wonder if that was my platoon that started on Jan 17th??  If it was, we were definately 14 weeks.  And we got our rifles on week 4.  But trust me...many times I wished I was on the so-called 10 weeks BMQ.  Not that it matters, I left platoon with an injury 2 days shy of getting my 4's. ...
  5. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Thank you for all your great advice.  I leave next week, so I hope what I have done to date will be enough.  I doubt it though, I suffer with cardio myself.  But all I can do is the best I can do, so that's what I will do. :)))) Perhaps I'll see you around the Mega.  :salute:
  6. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Ah yes...I should know that.  As a reservist right now at an air maintenance squadron, I, along with the civilian workers, where the only ones there of 300+ people.  All others on LEAVE.  :)
  7. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Why did you leave?
  8. tfly


    That's too bad, I was looking forward to Borden. I'll have to make the most of St. Jean I guess.  :)
  9. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Thanks, I'll do just that.  :)  Are you there now?  What week?  If so, see you in a few weeks, perhaps.  :-\
  10. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    It will be really nice seeing you again too!!  It would have been nice to have you on my platoon!  But maybe something will happen and we will be on the same one.  But if not, we'll at least get to see each other. So instead of running tonight, I'm going Christmas shopping.  :-o  I better get...
  11. tfly

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Wow...it's been a long time since I started this thread and a lot has happend to me since then.  Thought I would pipe in and give a little update... Currently, I am working as an Air Reservist as an RMS clerk.  I was sworn in in September and have been working (Class A) ever since.  I work in...
  12. tfly


    I was switched to St. Jeans as well.  Anyone know why?  I was looking forward to Borden, but have heard a few good things about St. Jean. 
  13. tfly

    FULL Time Or Reserve

    I know...very cool eh??  ;D
  14. tfly


    Does that mean we have some GREAT stuff (or staff) to look forward too??
  15. tfly

    FULL Time Or Reserve

    On that note,  I have recently opted for Reserves and chose the element of Air.  Not only because it's a very cool element, but because all training done within the Air Forces IS the Reg. force training.  Therefore, if I decide to component transfer after all my training is done, I won't have to...
  16. tfly

    Word association (just for fun)

    session  :whistle: :piper:
  17. tfly

    Word association (just for fun)

  18. tfly


    In that case... Name: Pte Fraser Young (Terri-Lynn) Date: Jan 17th Location: Borden Trade: RMS Hope to meet some of you there.  :)  :warstory:
  19. tfly

    Word association (just for fun)

  20. tfly

    Word association (just for fun)
