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  1. S

    Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

    My stepson parades from that course next Wed., April 2, 2014 and he received final written confirmation today that he is definitely Trenton. Good thing too, cause his spouse said if it was Cold Lake, he was going by himself! LOL. They've been in PMQ's in Borden since Oct. 2012. He left 2RCR...
  2. S

    Gagetown - Change of Command Parade

    The reason I did not ask my question earlier is because I was told that there was one in the second week of August and that it why P&D Platoon was not granted block leave until August 16th. Apparently, the boys were pretty upset about it as the summer is pretty well done by then and it's "back...
  3. S

    Gagetown - Change of Command Parade

    Thank you. I did not want to seem like a civilian smart ass but I also thought we were going off on a tangent. To those who applied the KISS principle to my question, thanks again. I am sad that I did not post my question sooner, cause I mite have been able to attend.
  4. S

    Gagetown - Change of Command Parade

    So are you saying that if a "peeing" contest develops over multiple requests for the use of shared base facilities at the same time, there is no one person on the base where the buck stops and that person makes the final decision.  On the other hand if it helps clarify things, the people that I...
  5. S

    Gagetown - Change of Command Parade

    My understanding is that a new base commandant is taking over. I presume he will be in responsible for the overall command of all units on the base.  I believe it is Col. Rutherford.
  6. S

    Gagetown - Change of Command Parade

    I hope I'm not asking anyone to reveal a great national secret, but would it be inapropriate for someone to post the date and time of the upcoming Change of Command parade at Gagetown.  Thaks.
  7. S

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Further to my point, if he had been taken alive and the Americans would probably have been forced to use some " enhanced interrogation methods" on him to get intel and word ever got out about it, you can imagine what kind of treatment any hostages that Al-Queada took in the future might receive...
  8. S

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Taking Bin Laden alive was, IMO, the worst thing they could have done. Every Al Queda splinter group in the world would probably be trying to secure a large group of Western nation hostages in order to secure his release.
  9. S

    Question about Section 15.36 QO&R.

    The way I read Section 15.36 of the QO&R regarding notice of "Intent to Recommend Release", it seems to imply that it only deals with an NCM who has more than 10 years service. Am I misreading/misinterpreting that or is there another section that deals with someone with less than 10 years service?
  10. S

    30 Day Fast Track OT process

    My stepson in 2RCR Infantry in Gagetown is telling me that in order to shrink the numbers in the Infantry, there is now a 30 day Occupational Transfer process being put in place for those who want to OT out of Infantry. ( Apparently, usuallt takes a year.) He is thinking of applying for an ACS...
  11. S

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Apparently India is now also very concerned that Pakistan could acquire that technology. The Indo-Pakistani Kashmir issue is still simmering in the background.
  12. S

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    My comment about the secrecy of the chopper was based on reports made on CNN very early this AM. Pentagon will apparently not comment on it.
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    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Apparently that chopper may be a new top secret STEALTH technology chopper. Special blades make it very low noise as well as stealthy. You can only hear it when it's directly overhead and the noise level is substantially less than a normal chopper. Was HE worth the risk. There is now a chance...
  14. S

    Retire from CAF and entering Fed PS [Merged]

    I hope some of you aren't offended by what I'm about to say, but some departments probably shy away from hiring too many ex-CAF personel at one time because of a historical occurence from about 30 -40 years ago. At one time if was almost a given that any ex-CAF personel could walk right in and...
  15. S

    TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

    Now in my mid sixties. When we were growing up, you took reponsibility for your actions. Now we have lawyers, insurance companies and courts! Need I say more?
  16. S

    Pet Peeve. No respect for national anthems.

    I don't mind the players figeting as the National Anthem(s) approach their end. Having reffed for 20 years, even I did a bit of a foot shuffle near the end. But what gets me are the players, usually the goalies who start to skate around well before the last chords. Some OHL players need to  be...
  17. S

    Canadian corporals eligible for Afghan training mission (from Toronto Sun)

    So pardon me, but my civilian ignorance is going to show now. The Toronto Star article says that "support personel" will also go. So does that mean that Privates might be going in a support role or is is strictly Coporals and above? For example, who provides security for our personel in the...
  18. S

    Army Courses List

    I gather that for a non-CF member, getting some of the course outlines and dates is not possible on this website and the DIN is off limits to us. Could any one tell me how long the 25 mm Basic Gunnery course is and where it says "Common" on the list, does that mean it is eventually taught to all...
  19. S

    Should Leaders Ever Swear?

    Last year when my stepson was at LFCA-Tc Meaford and had to drop out of his DP1 due to a serious injury and wound up back in PAT for 9 months, I had many opportunities to pick him up after dismissal at 4:00 PM =/-. There was one WO who used the "F" word every second word. As a civilian I find it...
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    # 2 RCR Re: Pipes & Drums platoon

    Thanks, T2B