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Search results

  1. M

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    However... back on subject (sorry to divert) The big thing is, is that you need to get those calories in to put on some  body mass. It's not going to start lean, but you can fix that with diet later. A lot of guys have this immage of being this big, monsterous ripped guy and what they don't...
  2. M

    Question about Stretch marks

    :) I have some weight lifting buddies that still claim stretch marks are "badges of honor"  you earned every one of them! Then I slowly put my head down and remind them of what a fatass i used to be... I earned them alright... at MacDonalds!  :)
  3. M

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    So, the search function is broken and I'd like some advice. Apologies if you've answered tattoo questions till you're blue in the face... The docs saw all my tattoos and didn't really make a big fuss about them because they weren't offenssive in any way. I got "Hey, that's one's nice" from one...
  4. M

    Question about Stretch marks

    There are just WAY too many of us who have stories like this. Stretchmarks are nothing. Yeah, they're ugly, but who cares? i'm not qualified to tell you what the CF docs might say... but I'd find it pretty tough to think you'd be excluded cuz of a bunch of red lines on your body. Hell, i'm...
  5. M

    Medical Standards - Weight

    For one reason or another, there are a TON of people in the CF that don't "look" like they could cross the street without breaking a sweat... however, like it's been said already, looks can be deceiving. Don't worry about anyone else but yourself. If you feel you are good to go... then go...
  6. M

    Living in "The Shacks"

    Will do.. thanks!
  7. M

    Living in "The Shacks"

    I know I'll be heading to B.C. for training... but as for whether or not I'll stay there... I've been told I have a choice and I've also been told I have a choice of going where I'm told. I'm happy with either. I'm in... I don't give a damn about anything else. All I gotta do now is stay in. :)
  8. M

    Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

    I live in Ottawa and the area i live in has a TON of CF members who walk down to the local bus station and hop on for a 20 minute ride to and from DND down town. (if you're single) Try the Lincolnfields area. 1000sqft apartments for about $1250 and it's by 2 malls 4 grocery stores and the big...
  9. M

    Living in "The Shacks"

    Seems simple enough... Thanks!
  10. M

    Living in "The Shacks"

    Apologies if this isn't the correct place to post this. I did a search on "Living in the Shacks" and living and didn't see what I needed. I was speaking to my recruiter (man, i've been so lucky to get a patient and informative guy) and we were speaking about relocation, living on ships, living...
  11. M

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Yeah... I know NOW that they are safer  lol  M1T was FAR more dangerous than some of the cocktails I was on. I am always SO thankful that I never got hit with any M1T side effects... *shivers* And what I meant by that is that when I was young, I thought all I had to do was take them and work...
  12. M

    "girl pushups"

    Well, as someone who has gone through some low-cash spurts, I can tell you, the gym isn't all it's cracked up to be. And I used to be a trainer! Get yourself a skipping rope... it's pretty much the only tool you need to get started. Skip for 3 minutes, then do 10-20 pushups, 10-20 situps, and...
  13. M

    How to lose weight in a healthy way (merged)

    There are SO many threads about this so I won't get into datail about it cuz I'll probably get yelled at :P don't think of it as losing weight... think of it as losing body fat. There's a huge difference. If you look in the mirror (the mirror is your friend!) and you see copious amounts of...
  14. M

    So You Want to be Charles Atlas

    Some really good advice here mate... But take that BMI chart and throw it in the trash where it belongs! I'm 6' 220lbs which is WAY aver where I should be according to that chart. It says i should be 190lbs... no thanks. Everyone is different. It's great to use charts, graphs, and workout...
  15. M

    My journey so far

    Well, first of all... congratulations on finally making it. Reading through your whole story shows that you're exactly the type "I" think the CF needs. Never give up! Your story does point out one HUGE thing when it comes to setting a goal and striving to achieve it: I am a Boxer. I have been...
  16. M

    So, I think I may have screwed up!

    All the information given to you is excellent. However, the one thing that concerns me is when you said that if you miss a day or so of training, you go right back to where you started... Now, I have more fitness certifications and nutrition certs than a normal person should (I really get into...
  17. M

    LCIS - something wrong here?

    That's just what the Captain told me during my interview. As of Jan 19th/10 there were 180 spots left in a trade he thought was one of the best out there when it comes to training and getting a civilian job later. I can't tell you if that's good or bad cuz I don't know squat... 180 just seems...
  18. M

    For the older guys...

    Now, I've done a search and really couldn't find a topic like this, so, if there is one already out there, my apologies for this repost. This doesn't neccessarily have to be in the Navy area, but since that's where I'm hoping to go, I thought I'd get a better response from the right people...
  19. M

    LCIS - something wrong here?

    Personally, I think  it's whether or not you are teachable.. earning your High school diploma or GED or whatever says you have the ability to learn and retain. My roommate is applying for MARS and she failed the math test... This woman has a university degree in psychology and is admittedly a...
  20. M

    LCIS - something wrong here?

    As far as I can remember, grade 10 math whether it was general or advanced was basically the same with the exception of how fast your learned it and how difficult the level of testing was. Grade 12 general math would still outshine grade 10 advanced math because you are learning more difficult...