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  1. Weapon tech

    BMQ Nov 2010

    Good luck Guys and Girls :yellow:
  2. Weapon tech

    BMQ and Release

    you can do a VR when you are on AWT or WFT platoon or you are at your week 5, the process can be very long 2 weeks and more. but Right now Christmas coming so they try to put out everyone before Christmas. Some case have a red tag on the file, means its urgent to go back home. Depending your...
  3. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    Well in couple days im gonna leave for the bmq... Who is taking a flight sunday october 4th?? And when are you showing up to the base, I will be there around 3h00pm 3h30pm Good luck everyone!!!
  4. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    Salut tout le monde, si vous aller au BMQ pour le 5 Octobre, nous avons un froupe sur facebook. Ceci est pour le "platoon" peloton francais!!! J'espere de vous voir dans notre groupe. Voici le lien: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=121582572054
  5. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    yep , c en plein ce que je vais faire pour weapon tech
  6. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    Hi everyboday!! we start to see more and more people joining the french platoon its so great! I create a group on facebook for us, if you want to see other people in the french platoon add the group: BMQ R0289F 5 Octobre My  facebook: Stephanie Beaton Hoping see you soon on facbook!!
  7. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    moi je vais jurer le 15 septembre, et jai recu mes papiers, dedans il mon donner une feuille me donnant les reglement du secteur bleu, avec mon nom quelqu'un d'autre a ca?? Je c en generale on est dans le secteur vert....
  8. Weapon tech

    First week-end off!

    so are you at the bistro using the computer ???
  9. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    Thanks to correct me PMedMoe!!!  :salute:
  10. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    ouep! I don't know exactly the date for the swearing but they told probably 2 weeks before october 5th. Im from originatly Longueuil, Qc and leave in St-Jean for couple months. But right now im in PEI. So im going back home!!! So both know where we can go for party hahahaha!!! If you have...
  11. Weapon tech

    QMB 5 Octobre , St-Jean

    Salut a vous tous, je vais commencer mon Qmb le 5 octobre, trade: weapon tech. en esperant de vous voir tous a st-Jean!!
  12. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ

    hi everyone, I will be in for october 5th my trade is weapon tech and i will be in a french platoon, hoping see you there guys and girls!!
  13. Weapon tech

    October 2009 BMQ
