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  1. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Some really strange things are going on. I called my interviewer two days ago, and they explained that the selection board didn't start yet. They said that we wouldn't be hearing anything until mid-April at the earliest. Having this said, I am from Vancouver so I'm pretty sure that it plays a...
  2. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Well, from your post, all that anyone can tell you is; your chances are better than anyone who has lower grades than you, seeing as how your "grades are good". You didn't give us enough information about your application, and even if you did, nobody would be able to tell you exactly what your...
  3. Arcany

    ROTP 2011-2012

    That is GOLDEN advice, and I just want to add that, you want to do your CFAT ASAP because you might not even qualify for the officer trade. If you find yourself in that situation, you can opt. to retake the CFAT after 3 months. So for example, if you did the CFAT in September, and fail, you can...
  4. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    That's awesome! You're still in the game then, at least you got ACSO! They said my application isn't even competitive for ACSO, it was best if I just went Aerospace Control Officer. I hope they don't take a whole month for me, I want my interview ASAP and get on the first selection board. I need...
  5. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    It's been a whole week and my air factor's still not in yet, is it normal to take this long?!
  6. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Was your interview the whole 2.5 hours shebang? Or did it take 15 mins?
  7. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Sorry to hear that Dou You, I received similar news as well. They said my application isn't very competitive, I can still go for it, but the chances that I'd make it are very slim. They said I would have a much better chance at Aerospace Control Officer. I talked it over with my parents, and the...
  8. Arcany

    CELE (Air) interview

    Is the interview really that easy? Or are you just pullin' his leg?
  9. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I thought that the CFAT wasn't so bad, it was pretty easy. The biggest problem I had with it was the vocabulary area. There were so many words I have never seen before, so if there is some way to make your vocabulary more powerful, I would definitely take it. Best of luck!
  10. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I have no reassurance for you as I am applying for this year as well, and I'm also in BC. Not to mention...my average is at 76%, your post just scared the crap out of me. I feel sick and more worried than ever. I can make up some things to make us feel better like: Maybe everyone will have...
  11. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I handed my paper work in a few days before winter break started, so that would be somewhere around December 20th. It took them a while to reply since there was the whole winter break scenario, and I got a call back last week on Tuesday. I did the CFAT and medical today, and everything went...
  12. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I am so nervous right now, I don't think I've been more nervous for anything else. I have the medical and CFAT tomorrow and it's such a make or break type of thing y'know? I know that I'll be more worried about the ACS and interview though... I wonder what your updated interview will be like...
  13. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Whats problematic with your medical stage? What do they actually do during your medicals? Anything physical like pushups and all that? Or is it just blood tests and what not?
  14. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    It's cool, I might be wrong. Here's why I believe that the medical and CFAT needed to be done by the 15th. I called the recruiting office a few days ago to ask if it was alright if I did my ACS test after the application deadline and the recruiter said that it was alright as long as I have my...
  15. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    No, you have to have your application, medical and CFAT done by the 15th, that way you're in the system.
  16. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Haha, something similar is happening to me too, except this is happening to me in physics. They're going to look at your most recent mark, so just don't update your marks. BUT, I'm not sure if that's a good thing, I just know I wont be updating my marks. 
  17. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    They look at your most recent marks from grade 10 onwards, but they all must be academic ones. The aptitude test is known as the CFAT, just go on google and type in "CFAT" in the search bar, you'll get lots of info on it. What you heard about them setting up your medic, interview and CFAT is...
  18. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Extracurricular activities will definitely raise your chances. Unfortunately, it won't carry you all the way, you still need at least a 70% to be considered for ROTP. The rest is all in the hands of other applicants (to see how competitive ROTP qualification is). Make sure you continue to do...
  19. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I just found out yesterday that I have my medical and CFAT on the 13th, man this is such a tight squeeze! I applied for pilot, air combat systems officer and air traffic control. I'll need to go for ACS, but I obviously wont get into that before the 15th. Hows this going to work? Will I have...
  20. Arcany

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Nope, no need to be worried, read my earlier post. Only thing queer about your situation is that you handed the application in on October whereas I handed it in on December. Maybe your CFRC is really busy and had to deal with the applicants before you. If they still haven't contacted you...